A formative part of my life was when I joined the Girl Scouts which enabled me to have an array of experiences that defined my life goals. My desire to help people aligned with the core beliefs of what it means to be a girl scout. I learned from an early age that a girl scout should leave the world a better place than when she got there. It was my goal to make sure that this happened throughout my life going forward.When I was fifteen years old, my mother was going back to school to become a nurse. She needed to practice taking vitals of the family. She checked my vitals multiple times and thought she was not getting a proper reading. The next day, my mother took me in to visit the doctor. It turned out that my heart was beating at an irregular
Everyone has their own story, that they tell us through their identity. My identity comes from all the things that i am interested in or things i've learned throughout my life so far, when i was younger i was involved with girl scouts, girl scouts has made a huge impact in my life, i learned how to do a lot of things, i learned a lot of values and morals through the girl scout law in which it states I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considering and caring,courageous and strong and responsible for what i say and do and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place and be a sister to every girl scout. This law was a major impact on my life and it helped shaped the person i am today.
I hope everyone had an amazing Troop “Boot-Camp” and Leadership weekend. I want to thank all the adults that were able to oversee and guide. Now moving away from this weekend, I am here to primarily talk about my Eagle Scout project.
From a young age, I have been fascinated by making things and learning how they work. My educational experience and community service projects have given me an appreciation for engineering from project managing and constructing my Eagle Scout project to enjoying my chemistry and physic classes. I plan on obtaining a degree in Engineering because I enjoy taking something from conception to production and I am interested in the science and math behind
Growing up I had always known I wanted to do something meaningful, something I thought was important, and change the lives of people around me. It was not until my freshman year of college I realized what I truly wanted to do. My friend had gotten pregnant and asked me to attend her ultrasound appointments with her. Once the time came I went with her to receive a check-up to see how the baby was doing. Watching her progress was one of the most fascinating things I had seen.
When children grow up, there are always people they need in there life to help them be mature. There is family members, friends, idols, and teachers. In to kill a Mockingbird, it shows racism, courage, family status. This novel is told by from a maturing girl’s perspective named scout. Her challenges of seeing racism and the side of depression in this world,which she experienced in a little town, Maycomb. There are many characters that help scout throughout her experience all of this and realizing things that go on in this world. Three main characters that help scout come of age are Atticus Finch, Jem, and friends around.
The Girls, Inc., internship site is a great place for students who are seeking to prosper in a psychology career dedicated to counseling and mentoring school-age children, the facility offers many learning opportunities for school psychologists, teachers, guidance counselors, or simply any student who has a desire to offer their services in a field that is conducive of serving as a positive role model for school-age (K-12) young girls. Girls, Inc. offered me the opportunity to collaborate with professionals from the Executive Directors, including classroom instructors that offered a wide variety of educational backgrounds, together serving as an invaluable resource in my future. The facility offers interns nothing more valuable than hands-on
The year is 2016, it is a cold and rainy Tuesday afternoon. My father, John Carey, and I are driving to Sherman, Texas. Once I reach Sherman I will go before a board of leaders in order to achieve the ranking of Eagle Scout. I am incredibly nervous, anxious, but really I am ready to get into the meeting and show them that I am trustworthy and capable of achieving such an honor. As we pull up to the church where the meeting will be held, I realize that I could possibly not be ready. I have gone over my project, which they will be asking questions about, a million times. Not to mention I am the one who orchestrated the planning and everything about the project, so I am very familiar with it. Yet, I sit and wonder what if they ask that one question
One major experience that has shaped me as a person would be the decision to join FFA my freshman year. FFA has allowed me many incredible opportunities and experiences these past four years.
Attending camp neuro would be extremely helpful for me to continue exploring the healthcare field. I have been interested in the healthcare field ever since I was young because both my aunts were nurses, so when I was little my sister and I always played doctor or nurse with them. I started exploring the medical field by volunteering at the Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis over the summer. I looked forward to volunteering every week because I spent 3 hours holding infants and playing with patients and their siblings. While I was there I was able to observe doctors, nurses and a few physician’s assistants. In addition, I just finished an internship with an Orthopedic surgeon. I valued this opportunity to shadow him for a day in his clinic
Girl Scout cookies are a time-honored tradition in America, but unfortunately they are only available once a year. To compete with Girl Scout cookies, other cookie companies, such as Keebler, have designed their own version of Girl Scout cookies. These cookies are sold year-round and are cheaper than actual Girl Scout cookies. This sounds like an exceptional deal for people and it should take business away from the Girl Scouts, however that is not the case. Despite being more expensive and only available once a year, Girl Scout cookies still remain the number one cookie choice. People still choose traditional Girl Scout cookies over the knockoff cookies because they believe that you cannot top the true Girl Scout cookies. Just like Girl
I remember seeing my pinewood derby car going down the track; it was silver, blue letters on it that said sonic and black wheels that sounded like a hot wheels car going down a track. I was only 6 years old when that happened. Now I stand in front of the board representing Boy Scouts of America, ¨Congratulations, you are officially an Eagle Scout.¨ It hits me all the sudden like a wave hitting a sea wall, an 11 year journey just ended and it’s time to see the outcome.
Perhaps the most important experience during my more formative years was my experience with YMCA camping. I was a camper,
It’s five in the morning as I rise, throw on some layers and mentally prepare myself to stand out in the freezing cold till eleven handing out water and gatorade to runners. Growing up, I always had the values of service and leadership hardwired into my brain from my parents and the Boy Scouts because of getting involved with them so early in my life. Now that I am older, I am beyond grateful for this upbringing because they are two very important values that are often overlooked or misinterpreted by many people. My biggest display of these virtues was my Eagle Scout Project and the fundraising for it that I performed in my sophomore year.
The Boy Scouts of America and the Girls Scouts of the USA are both nonprofit organizations that can be the most wonderful experiences in one’s life. Being a Boy Scout or Girl Scout can help the youth develop maturity and character, as they grow with age and enter adulthood. Through the process of volunteering and showing leadership skills, Boy Scouts of America and Girls Scouts of the USA are both life-changing organizations. One involved in any of the two organizations will create unity throughout their community and uphold a legacy. While the youth involved in one of the two organizations earn achievements and countless awards, scouting can be utilized to create an exceptional college admission resume. Although the Girls Scouts of the
Over the weekend, my son was with his fellow Scouts playing tug of war, well he managed to hurt his hand fairly bad. I need to take him to the doctor this afternoon to see how bad its injured. So I will be out of pocket starting around noon. I will make sure any heat tickets or other requests that come in prior to taking off are taken care of.