Community service has been a part of my life since I was young. I grew up working on service projects with my family. I strongly believe that everyone should be involved in at least one throughout their community. When I was 10 I started helping my mom with Meals Ministry; we would make meals for over 150 people and take them to their community. We went to individual houses to see if they would like meals: some rejected, some became emotional, some asked us to pray with them and lots of hugs went around. I worked Meals Ministry 1 or 2 Saturdays a month for about 5 years. This is one of the most heart-touching experiences I’ve ever had. Starting at such a young age, I realized the importance of giving back to others and it helped shape who I
I do many service activities for the betterment of my community and some examples are for instance in Texas for 5 years I volunteered at the Salvation Army during the holidays to pass out toys, clothes and food to families in need. I helped organize a breast cancer awareness fundraiser where we helped kids build box cars, sell raffle tickets, and barbecue to raise awareness and bring a twinkle of hope and happiness. I also regularly volunteered at the Shade Tree woman’s shelter here in Las Vegas. It gives me great joy that I can give my energy and time to those who are going through dark times with comfort and support they are yearning for.
For my community service, I have been going to Lyndon B. Johnson Head Start Program, or LBJ. At LBJ, it is my responsibility to look after children and clean up after them. The teachers there set up many activities for the kids to work on, most of the time they finger paint. The teachers also set up small field trips. For example, we once went on a field trip to a house that had set up a pumpkin patch and many other activities for the kids. The house we went to wasn’t very far from LBJ. The children had so much fun choosing a pumpkin and playing different games, and I had fun helping them and taking care of them.
With God's will, I have been allowed the opportunity to serve my community various times. Now I am not going to lie, there was some times where I dreaded waking up early on a Saturday morning to help out with whatever project I had. This took some getting used to; however, the more I volunteered, the more my perspective shifted. I took on various community service projects where I made myself realize how different people are.
From day one my mom taught me that you will get more satisfaction giving to and helping others than you ever will by just doing things for yourself. I truly believe this. Volunteering to teach swimming lessons, organizing recycled items, and visiting the nursing home are all things I have been involved in and doing each of those I have learned more and more about how important service is. Just recently my classmates and I helped an elderly woman move all of her belongings out of her home and into the 4H building for an auction. The 4H building is on the fairgrounds where I have volunteered to clean up every spring for the last 3 years. Service is very important but also very rewarding. I look toward to doing more service projects in the
Service in the school and community is an insight to your character and work ethic. I have over 20 hours of community service from many different experiences. Last summer I worked for Camp Barakel, a summer camp, in the kitchen. I assisted in serving food and cleaning. I learned discipline and teamwork through this valuable experience. Not only this I’ve worked with the Elderly in Rehabilitation centers and the patience and nurturing qualities is something that will forever be valuable in my life. Last but not least working as Big Sister or Buddy to a 4th grade girl has given me the chance to positively impact and influence her life as simply as having a friend is immense. All of these service opportunities as added to my character and prepared me for the responsibilities of
I do quite a vast amount of community service because I enjoy it. Last year I did some community service for the school bond, but also did tons of work for the North West Washington Fair, building and putting together the Small Animal Experience. The Small Animal Experience is place for families to see a variety of animals in a clean safe environment. Our goal last year was to make a better entrance and to make it more enjoyable for the visitors.
I believe that giving back to the community is one of the most important things a person must do. After I graduate with my degree in aerospace engineer, I plan to go back and help not only my community; I will help this whole nation to build next generation advanced airplanes. You see, nowadays aerospace industry are so well and lots of things are improving but still there is been some crashes and people are dying. In order to fix these kinds of problem, I would join NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Lots of improvement in the airplane comes from NASA. This way I would get the chance to serve my community and county. These are the very same people I grew up with. Who took care of me while my parents were at work by babysitting
In regard to community, I have volunteered for my clubs, DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America), BPA (Business Professionals of America), NTHS (National Technical Honor Society), Cross Country and others. From helping the club itself to representing the club through charitable acts, such as making christmas a little better for military families, or helping at assisted living centers. My parents taught me at a young age how to be a considerate
Service to the community has been important to my family for as long I can remember. My earliest recollections of community service were at 10 years of age when I would join my father in cleaning up the town pond, and my mother in feeding the homeless. With this early introduction to service, I find being a person for others natural, and have always found ways in which I can give back.
I personally love community service. One Sunday of every month, my church engages in Live the Sermon Sunday. On this Sunday, we focus on helping our neighbors in the community. The church opens a variety of stations that everyone can participate in, such as; yard work for the elderly, feeding the homeless, and even packing goodies for elementary schools. I enjoy packing cute stickers, colorful pencils, and yo-yos for students. What I enjoy most about packing goodies for students is that I’m totally anonymous to them. I don’t seek recognition, or anything in return. I care more about
Community service is very near and dear to me. I have been the recipient on many occasions and it has helped me understand the importance of giving back to your community. When in the hospital I have appreciated all the visits from the Michigan University athletes, the book mobile, Delta pilots, along with the numerous other organizations that have programs to help easy hospital stays for kids. Since, I do not usually get many visitors while I am in the hospital, since I am usually hours from home, these have been very special to me.
Winston Churchill once stated that, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." This quote suggests how one should view and understand his influence towards their community. The impact is not simply made by receiving, but it is what one is willing to give back to his community. Churchill stated this quote to get the public to serve back into their community. In regards to the quote, I have given back to my community by sharing my time and services to my church, my school, and organizations that I volunteer which has allowed me to develop as an individual.
The very first community service I had was in Theodore Payne Foundation. In 9th grade, my sister had a good opportunity to learn about this foundation at school. TPF is a non-profit organization that strives to preserve California native plants. Because our family all enjoyed planting and gardening, we decided to try volunteering there. We first thought we would only do plant/garden related jobs; however, we not only worked on weeding and planting, but also organized the shop or contributed in stapling and distributing the pamphlets. I am currently still volunteering there and I am exited to learn more about different types of native plants and skills in gardening.
I believe that being successful comes with a great responsibility of giving back to the community. I have served as the secretary of St.Vincent de paul youth society - a nonprofit organization that provides direct assistance to anyone suffering or in need. The unique experience during my service has helped me develop leadership
Since my Freshman year I have done many things that I think were good for the community and myself. For example my church has always given me opportunities to help out. I have done many things for them which has made my experience so great here. Every time I have a chance to help out i do it whether it be feeding the homeless,helping out at fundraisers, or retreats. I started to get more involved during 9th grade because that's when catechism started and it started to interest me more than it used to. I never knew how much help I could be until they showed me what I could do. I started out by going to feed the homeless with my church members and family. Overall it has been great experiences for me since then. I try to go as often as I can because there's people who rely on what they get