
Gladiator Argumentative Essay

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Gladiators were highly skilled entertainers who put themselves into harms way just to prove that they were the best. The gladiatorial spectacle was not always performed by highly trained warriors, but instead performed by slaves forced to put on a show. The wealthy organized the shows for the local community to display their power. According to Coleman, gladiators were slaves who were subjected to vigorous training, fed on a high-energy diet, and given expert medical attention (Coleman, 2011). If a gladiator was slain during an event, the sponsors of the spectacle were charged more money than if the gladiator were to survive, so it was very costly to give the audience what they wanted, fatal violence. However, sponsors who allowed their gladiators to be slain were considered very generous. This spectacle was taken over by free-born volunteers who basically were treated like slaves because of the oath they had to take. …show more content…

They put themselves into a very dangerous field of play where injury is very common. Life threating injuries occur in football, yet no one seems to be quitting because it pays the bills and fans love it too much. These athletes surrender their bodies to harm because of the money that can be made from all of it. We all love it so much that we dedicate our Sundays to watching football. Doctor Stoll has stated multiple times that the NFL owns Sunday and there is a lot of money to be made during these events (Stoll, 2018). The wealthy is showing off their power just like they did during the gladiator era. These athletes put their lives at risk to put on a good show for their sponsors. These athletes are put on display to show dominance by setting up events to prove who is the best team in the nation, such as the Super

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