
Gladitorial Games In Roman Culture

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The romans attitude towards sport was diffent than that of the anicent Greeks. For the Greeks, sport was a way for citizens to demonstrate athleticism, and prowess. For the roman empire, sport, particularly Gladitorial games was a way to deisplay power and influence within the local community. They indulged in violence and bloodlust presupposing that human life has always been regarded highly that humanitarian ideals have always been the norm.“Gladiatorial combats have always been surrounded with the miasmas of death” (Alison, Futrell 2001, 3.). This was not due to the bloodshed involved, but to the origin in the ceremonies of public funerals. The Romans adopted the custom of the human sacrifice by killing prisoners on the graves of warriors. Roman religion revolved around the …show more content…

This was done by providing a blood offering at the dead person’s funeral to appease the gods and ensure a rite of passage into the afterlife. Gladiator games shows us of how barbaric the Roman practice was and what its existence said about the roman society. The values and virtues of gladitorial combat were also important as a means of social control. During the Roman revolution, the games lost a considerable degree of religious significance and began to assume increasing social and political importance. “The arena contained the force inherent in a totalitarian system, replicating the brutality of empire in a controlled environment” 3Alison, Futrell. Blood in the arena: The spectacle of Roman power. University of Texas Press, 2001, 6. As the value of the games became more apparent, competition arose between public figures by trying to woo or impress the people through spectacles. During the Republic when gladiatorial games were held as commemorations of the dead, the sponsoring families who were spectacular enough to impress the people would be greatly benefited in the way that their social status would increase by bringing their name to the voting

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