
Glass Ceiling Sexism

Decent Essays

Women make up half of the world, but they’re never been treated as equal to men. They’ve had to work for everything they have today. Women had to fight for the right to vote as well as the right to leave their homes and become working citizens. Women have broken many barriers placed on them, but they still haven’t broken the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is the invisible barrier that women, as well as other minorities, face when it comes to equal pay. For every dollar earned by a man, a woman only makes about seventy-five cents. This is not in any way a fair. Women work the same job for the same amount of time as men, but they earn less. This is what sexism looks like and there are laws against it, but these laws are not being enforced or taken seriously. The laws against the glass ceiling and sexism in the workplace should be enforced. Before World War 1 women were seen as solely being homemakers. If a woman worked she was frowned upon. Women were expected to stay at home, cook, clean, and take care of the children. They didn’t get a say in anything concerning world matter or even community matters. Men did not see them as equals, rather a piece …show more content…

Most TV shows feature strong male leads with the women being the ditzy side kick. If these women on TV can’t stand up and be strong and independent it’s no wonder that the younger generation of girls can’t either. If they don’t have anyone to look up to and take inspiration from they’re not going to know exactly what they can do. Women are just as smart and hard working as men, and yet they’re hardly even acknowledged. The solution to this problem is to cast more women in strong roles. Women are not weak and fragile like they’re portrayed. In todays world women are in stronger roles than in the past, but it’s not enough. Women should be in leading roles, and kicking butt, it’s one way to show little girls that it’s okay to be demanding and to take what they

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