
Glg 101 Week 4 Redesigns Lessons

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According to Smith and Ragan (2008) “Instructional Design is a process in which many items of materials are developed, designed, and delivered” (Smith and Ragan 2008). Instructional design has given me information on strategies to develop effective lesson plans in which will support my students to be fully engaged with the activities provided in a classroom environment. Instructional design also supports ideas on planning lessons for students with diverse and cultural needs for all learners. The eight learning outcome supported ideas for my students to become more familiar with integrating technology in class with their peers in which supported a diverse environment. While incorporating technology into my activities strategies of …show more content…

According to Ashford University, (2014) “The Ashford University MATLT Capstone course introduces and requires students to create their knowledge and skills in the program” Ashford University, (2014). During every week of the course students are encouraged to review prior assignments in which shows the Performance Learning Outcomes. The four redesigns lessons are described on discussing how they are presented in each Performance Learning Outcome including the instructional design principles and learning theories.
Week 2
Students are encouraged to design learning opportunities in which applies technology-enhanced while providing instructional strategies supporting the need for all learners. This program focuses on Program Learning Outcome 3, where the redesign activity is enhanced with technology module (Ashford University, (2014). Young learners in a classroom environment was provided with the differentiation learning tools. Technology gave educators the materials and tools in order to achieve all levels among teaching one concept.
Week 3 (Ethical Practices of Technology Usage) Performance Learning Outcome

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