The Diversity, Citizenship, and Global Education Consensus Panel was gathered by The Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Washington and developed “Democracy and Diversity: Principles and Concepts for Educating Citizens in a Global Age” document. According to the document, four principles and ten concepts are critical for creating education programs which will guide students in becoming effective citizens of the world. The principles and concepts imply that students should learn about democracy, diversity, human rights, and interdependence from the perspectives of their local communities, nations, religion, and the world.
As stated in the document, Consensus Panel developed four principles to create a new understanding of diversity and unity in citizenship education programs. One of the principles states that, “Students should learn about the
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As the societies with a high level of diversity encounter the challenge of spreading common values, beliefs, and objectives that will refer to all the citizens, balancing unity and diversity is essential for these societies. However, this is possible with efficient citizenship education programs in multicultural nation-states. The citizenship education programs in democratic multicultural nations can aim at assisting students in gaining necessary knowledge and skills that will help them to make decisions and take actions for accomplishing to create democratic, just and peaceful societies. Consequently, the principles and concepts developed by the Consensus Panel, created as a result of research and experience, can be considered fundamental components of developing productive ways of citizenship education programs for multicultural
All around the world today, there is a lot of tension revolving around concepts of morality. In Moral Disagreement by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Appiah writes about differing values and morals around the world and within our society. He points out, “we aren’t the only people who have the concepts of right and wrong, good and bad; every society, it seems, has terms that correspond to these thin concepts” (658). However, these concepts are not always the same with each other in every society. In the same way that not everyone in our society believes in the same moral concepts. Unfortunately, it is these disagreements that often separate us as people. Forming different cultures, large and small, throughout the world. This is not a bad thing, but it does separate us as a race, leaving us to care more for one group of people rather than humanity as a whole. In Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism, by Martha Nussbaum, Nussbaum suggest that a way to fix this problem, and to become a cosmopolitan person, is to teach students in our education systems more of different cultures throughout the world. Yet not only should we learn to accept other cultures and their beliefs, but we should also educate ourselves to accept everybody we meet, giving respect to them as individuals, if we ever truly want to become a citizen of the world.
Civics and citizenship education is a vital part of the Australian curriculum, as it prepares students to become active and informed citizens in the community (ACARA, 2012). The term “civics and citizenship” covers a range of topics that relate to both the geography and history syllabuses. This includes government and democracy, citizenship, diversity and identity and laws and citizens. For students to be able to develop the necessary skills, attitudes and values to become active and informed citizens, civics and citizenship must be incorporated throughout the curriculum (ACARA, 2012). To understand the importance of civics and citizenship in primary education, both terms need to be understood and comprehended
Living in the United States has made me more aware of the necessity to know about and understand different cultural perspectives. This class is also helping me expand my mind and ideas about privilege, race, social identity and inequality. Moreover, we have studied the negative effects of inequality, making it more personal and easier to understand these big systemic concepts. Culture and privilege that group membership confers affects so many aspects of life and we can get into problems by not understanding or taking into account those differences in values, customs, and ideas and experience.
“When students see their ethnic identities represented in the curriculum, they see their cultural history is valued, which serves to promote students’ sense of political efficacy— i.e., their belief that participation in their nation’s governance may make a difference for them (Bernstein, 1986) This is an important student-learning outcome of a multicultural curriculum because, historically, people of color have not been empowered to influence political policies and institutions, which often leaves them with a sense of societal helplessness and a lack of political influence over their collective future (Ogbu, 1990).” (Thompson, 2012)
With civic engagement development being initiated nationwide, we must attempt to understand citizenship in today’s world. Citizenship is often a misunderstood concept.
The company chosen to evaluate is New Belgium Brewery Company (NBBC) headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado. NBBC was built upon core values and beliefs of environmental stewardship; social responsibility and a culture that gives back to the community, Mother Earth and their employees. As stated on the companies website, NBBC’s mission statement is “To manifest our love and talent by crafting our customers’ favorite brands and proving business can be a force for good” ("New Belgium Brewing purpose statement," 2016, para. 4). Founders, Jeff Lebesch and Kim Jordan created a high involvement culture through creativity, diversity and innovation.
Who do you think should be president? Hillary Clinton should also become president because she would be our first woman president. I think that HIllary would be an awesome president and help make our world a better and safe place for all of the kids and everyone else. Hillary Clinton should win the presidency. She should win because she would take care of us better than Donald Trump. Also she’s not rude like he is.
The United States is full of different ethnicities and races with different cultures and are accustomed to a variety of different behaviors and ways of learning. It is essential that the curriculum within the Nation’s schools, colleges, and universities are reflected to the ethnic, cultural, and racial diversity within the United States. Schools, colleges and universities are using various approaches to inspire ethnic content into the curriculum, including the contributions, additive, transformation, and social action approaches. To respond adequately to the ethnic realities with the nation and the world, the curriculum should be transformed and should help students to develop decision making and social action skills. According to the book
The United States serves as a culturally rich country who opens its arms to individuals from many different ethnicities, backgrounds, and life experiences. It seeks to be the melting pot of a blended group of people, providing opportunity and equity for all. Consequently, our educational system is the cornerstone for providing equal opportunity for all persons. Therefore, as the United States continues to be immersed with individuals from various cultures, the educational system must consistently seek to assure that educational opportunities are equally distributed to our students. In order for this task to be accomplished, developing a well-defined illustration of what multicultural education is necessary.
Race is a part of our culture that shapes who we are as a society. Race helps us make up how one sees the world around us and the different multitudes of ethnic groups. Different raciest are compassed by how we view one’s languages, values, and beliefs, “race that continues to shape the practice and politics of citizenship in ways that are often obscured in modern citizenship debates” (Collins issues”. 2014) causing for racial diversity, the “importance of making diversity evident at every level of the organization, showing respect for diversity (Luttrell.2014) groups.
Cultural diversity, or multiculturalism, is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued. The foundation of this belief is that every culture and race has made a substantial contribution to American history. However, many people remain opposed to the idea of multiculturalism, or cultural diversity awareness, while others often support it and yet have no clear idea of how it should be taught. The diversity of the United States is truly astounding, as many different ethnic and racial groups have contributed to the social,
Multicultural education is a philosophical concept built on the ideals of freedom, justice, equality, equity, and human dignity as acknowledged in various documents, such as the U.S. Declaration of Independence, constitutions of South Africa and the United States, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations. It affirms our need to prepare student for their responsibilities in an interdependent world. It recognizes the role schools can play in developing the attitudes and values
Studying alongside people from every religion, race, country, and ethnicity will unquestionably push my idea of a global citizen to a new level. By holding fast to my values and embracing opportunities to make a difference, I will recognize the diversity that Barrett offers. Furthermore, will encourage my peers to do the same. Through surrounding myself with diversity in every aspect of life, I will jump out of my comfort zone in order to truly make a difference whether it be academically, socially, or environmentally. Being a global citizen is not an idea; rather, it is a
To examine and explore what is global citizenship? This essay will look at the importance of becoming a global citizenship, the role we, as educators play in this development and how the curriculum frameworks and associated learning emphases for global education assist in the development of a global citizen.
The rapid advancement of society in recent years has greatly increased connectivity and communication capabilities across the globe, such as the development of the worldwide network known as the Internet. The increased connectedness between countries has also brought greater visibility to the substantial cultural differences around the world, from religious freedoms to accepted social behaviors. This global expansion has furthered the opportunity to promote the development of global citizenship, which Reysen and Katzarska-Miller (2013) defined as the embrace of cultural diversity through awareness, acceptance, and the promotion of social justice and responsibility. Global citizenship allows individuals from many cultural backgrounds to develop productive relationships by decreasing the tensions brought on by cultural differences, as well as promoting open sharing of contrasting views to develop better ideas as a group (Wang & Hoffman, 2016). Becoming a global citizen is essential to furthering societal development, improving cross-cultural communication, and promoting awareness and acceptance of different cultures.