
Global Education Consensus Panel

Decent Essays

The Diversity, Citizenship, and Global Education Consensus Panel was gathered by The Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Washington and developed “Democracy and Diversity: Principles and Concepts for Educating Citizens in a Global Age” document. According to the document, four principles and ten concepts are critical for creating education programs which will guide students in becoming effective citizens of the world. The principles and concepts imply that students should learn about democracy, diversity, human rights, and interdependence from the perspectives of their local communities, nations, religion, and the world.
As stated in the document, Consensus Panel developed four principles to create a new understanding of diversity and unity in citizenship education programs. One of the principles states that, “Students should learn about the …show more content…

As the societies with a high level of diversity encounter the challenge of spreading common values, beliefs, and objectives that will refer to all the citizens, balancing unity and diversity is essential for these societies. However, this is possible with efficient citizenship education programs in multicultural nation-states. The citizenship education programs in democratic multicultural nations can aim at assisting students in gaining necessary knowledge and skills that will help them to make decisions and take actions for accomplishing to create democratic, just and peaceful societies. Consequently, the principles and concepts developed by the Consensus Panel, created as a result of research and experience, can be considered fundamental components of developing productive ways of citizenship education programs for multicultural

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