Many physical phenomena in stationary condition such as electrical and magnetic potential, heat conduction, fluid flow and elastic problems in static condition can be described by elliptic partial differential equations (EPDE). The EPDE does not involve a time variable, and so describes the steady state of problems. A linear EPDE has the general form as presented in Eq. (1), where a,b,c are coefficient functions, the term f is a source (excitation) function and u is the unknown variable. All of this function can vary spatially (x,y,z).
∇(c∙∇u)+b∙∇u+au=f (1)
EPDE can be solved exactly by mathematical procedures like Fourier series [1]. However, the classical solution frequently no exists and for those problems where is possible the use of these analytical methods, many simplifications are done [2]. Consequently, several numerical methods have been developed to efficiently solve EPDE such as the finite element method (FEM), finite difference and others.
The FEM have several advantages over other methods. The main advantage is that it is particularly effective for problems with complicated geometry using unstructured meshes [2]. One way to get a suitable framework for solving EPDEs by using FEM is formulate them as variational problems also called weak solution.
The variacional formulation of an EPDE is a mathematical treating for converting the strong formulation to a weak formulation, which permits the approximation in elements or subdomains, and the EPDE
"This course is intended to highlight mathematical principles, concepts, and techniques that are often used in scientific applications and illustrate how these techniques are employed in the context of specific problems in physics, chemistry, and biology. Topics include mathematical
\KwIn{nodal value of solution $\mathbf{u} = \left(p, \mathbf{v} \right)$, volume geometric factors $\partial (rst)/ \partial (xyz)$, 1D derivative operator $D_{ij} = \partial \hat{l}_j /\partial x_i$, model parameters $\rho, c$}
by the Trapezoidal rule is Etrap = O(h2 ) and by Simpson’s rule is ESimp = O(h4 ). i) For each of these numerical integration rules, what conditions are required on the integrand f so these error estimates are valid? ii) Suppose that the error using h = 5 × 10−3 is E0 = 1.19 × 10−4 when using either the Trapezoidal rule or Simpson’s rule. For both rules, ˆ estimate the error if an interval width of h = 1 × 10−3 is used. iii) The Matlab command [z, w] = gauleg(N); calculates the N Gauss-Legendre nodes z and weights w for the interval [−1, 1]. Show how z and w can be used to numerically calculate
The model parameters are estimated from the EP and therefore the AR can be calculated within the TP (Strong, 1992). Explicitly, the AR which
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the references found on the Background Info page. Study the examples there, and the ones given below. Work out the problems, showing all the computational steps. This is particularly important for those problems for which the answers are given. On those problems, the correct procedure is the only thing that counts toward the assignment grade.
I as an electrical engineer pursuing my master in electrical and electronic engineering developed a skill to solve the problem. During my bachelors, I studied natural and physical science and basic fundamentals that are required in the engineering field and also gained vast knowledge how to identify and tackle new problem in the practical world.
2. On the problems, include ALL computations, properly labeled in the space provided. Partial credit may be given at the discretion of the instructor.
This assignment should be submitted via the Electronic TMA (eTMA) system. You should write your solutions to the questions in a single wordprocessed document, which is named using your OUCU (e.g. tst99) as follows: tst99_TMA01 Head the document with your name, the number of the TMA (as given above) and your Personal Identifier. You do not need to include any other forms with your document. Submit your document as a zip file to the eTMA system on or preferably before the cut-off date shown above. You will find details on how to create a zip archive file in the
This section explains the results obtained from two activities explained in this paper. Appropriate discussion is also given for each activity.
As to derive the functions used in this paper, I had to gather data for use in the analysis. This is
In this assignment, you examine a practical procedure used in computer-aided design and computational fluid dynamics. You will make some assessments regarding this procedure.
In this coursework I am going to investigate numerical methods of solving equations. The methods I will use are:
Each question is marked out of 25%. The technique and detail parameter was subtracted from the paper directly used as a instruction and reference.
For example: Application of engineering principles. Possible solutions. Links to codes, standards and specifications. Produce drawings.