
Global Gateways Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I decided to participate in the Global Gateway for Teachers program because I have always wanted to study abroad, but being an education major can make this experience. I transferred to Indiana University my second year of college and this program was one of the reasons I wanted to transfer here. I loved how I would be able to teach in another country and learn more about global education. Therefore, since IU offers this opportunity, I wanted to take advantage of it because I will get to experience and learn about another country and their culture, be able to grow as an individual and professional while being in another country and in a school setting, and go to a country that is known for their reading recovery.
While doing research on New …show more content…

So I wanted to participate in the program because of these perspectives. I do not know the next time I will be able to travel this far so I thought I might as well do it now when I have the chance. I have set personal and professional goals that I want to meet while participating in Global Gateways. A few of these goals include becoming more confident in myself and as a teacher, learn more about global education, and to learn and practice strategies teachers use in New …show more content…

At the very beginning of the program, we wrote professional and personal goals that we wanted to meet by the end of the program. Some goals that I wrote that would improve my personal growth are becoming more confident in myself as an individual, becoming more independent, and learn about another culture and their values and traditions.I am a firm believer in knowing yourself and what you do or do not stand for. This program will contribute to this identification because I will most likely be put in situations where I feel uncomfortable, nervous, or even excited, but I will learn from these experiences and be able to reflect back on how I reacted to

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