
Global Integrated Marketing Communications - Marks & Spencer in Uk & Uae

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Global Integrated Marketing Communications
Marks & Spencer in UK & UAE

Submitted By: Zhang Qang (MAIM FEB 2010)
Student No: 109998494

Module Leader: Dixon


An organisation needs an image, which projects itself as a responsible and trustworthy which is not only interest in making money but also places the interest of its customers as well. In this assignment we will review different aspects of Globally Integrated Marketing Strategy and our focused organisation will be Marks & Spencer. We will focus on its IMC practices and how they act as part of the organisation’s strategic framework. The study will consider M&S operations in UK and UAE for its research purposes and will elaborate how resembles as well as differs in …show more content…

This integration of marketing tools in association with the organisation’s strategic objective transmitted through a carefully chosen media, results in an effective integrated marketing communication strategy. This amalgamation of strategy, tool, message and media is called the marketing communication mix.

However, with the introduction of new technologies and advances in information technology communication has been completely revolutionised and same has impacted in organisations in there IMC strategies. “For IMC to really take hold, old assumptions must exit, assumptions about the role of advertising and sales promotion, about the organisation of advertising and public relations departments, about agencies and what they do, about the media, and most of all accountability” (Schultz et al. 1994).

In this assignment we will review different aspects of Globally Integrated Marketing Strategy and our focused organisation will be Marks & Spencer. We will focus on its IMC practices and how they act as part of the organisation’s strategic framework. The study will consider M&S operations in UK and UAE for its research purposes and will elaborate how resembles as well as differs in the two environments. Finally, with the launch of a new product line we will try to incorporate how a new product needs to integrated into the existing overall structure and marketing framework of the organisation.

Company Overview

Established in 1894 Marks &

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