Who I am as a learner And A global Citizen. These are my strengths. I am a risk taker the reason for that Is because I love doing almost doing every thing. I will get out of my comfort zone to do fun things. I eat the weirdest food to see if there are good or not. I will do every sport except baseball I believe that baseball is just boring. I will go camping without tent all i need is a sleeping bag and a fier. I love sports, outdoors, and being with my friends. This year I will work on doing homework, which I am not good at doing. I will try to get good grades so I can pass 7th grade. I will work my hardest on every thing I do. All these sentences are my struggles. I will show my teachers that I can have fun and doing my work at the same …show more content…
I will try weight lifting to build my self so I am a better rugby player. I will work on being knoligedull and being a better global citizen. I am a risk taker because I will try all of these things. These are the things I will work on to be a better global citizen. I will not use as much water in my showers and brushing my teeth. I will start recycling more cans and plastic bottles. I will give my old toys and clothes to kids that need them more then me. My I am bad at staying positive Inside of native. I will try to work on being open minded by listening to other people and teachers. I will work on being more balanced by playing rugby, and playing with my friends, and playing video games. I will work on being a better speller by practicing. I will work on helping other people. I will work on using complex sentences and using semicolons. I will work on paying attention on Spanish and Tech Ed. I will pay more attention more, In all my classes. I will work on being more of a communicator and doing presentations In class. I will work on the not going on my phone on class by keeping my phone in my pocket. I will work on being priced. I will do my work on my homework In class and try not to
I may have a few weaknesses, but also have a couple of good strengths when it comes to school. I am very organized when it comes to paper work and class. I normally have a folder for each class and divided by different sections. Being on time is a big strength for me. I do not like to be late. Being on time also makes me prepare for class calm and not anxious.
My personal strengths are that I am a keen learner and organized person because like Benjamin Franklin I believe that if I fail to plan then I am planning to fail. Above all I am confident that I have made the right choice and that I am a suitable candidate for
Based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment my top five strengths are strategic, deliberative, learner, maximize and individualization. As an individual, I rarely look into my weakness. I believe that when your too focused on your weakness, you forget about your strengths. Everything the book said is true, and we need to take the time to look at our strengths and make it perfect. It is true that in this world or the school system, we are taught to look at our weakness and correct it so that we can become stronger in our life. This book brings out the truth that I longed to hear for a long time. Invariably, I hear my professor tell their students that for them success in life, they must practice and look at our weakness. This book proves it wrong because for us to become successful, we must stay to our strengths’ path.
As humans, and particularly individuals, we all have personal strengths that we bring to our interactions with others as well as areas that perhaps need some more time and attention in order to improve upon them. In this journal, I’ll be focusing on four areas of strength I believe I have, as well as four areas the require further growth and personal change.
On Conover I think its accurate because I think it’s true what my strength an weakness are like drive strength for me I struggle working on my own with I work with someone it helps me some how I get my work done an I don’t fine it much as hard with an partner because two brains are better then one for develop I feel shy or uncomfortable an I like to be alone because ill feel ok when I near a lot of people I have bad anxiety an I break down when im in a parade I freak out but I still do it because I try to get over my an for stress management I can control it pretty well its rare when im stress out because for me im always happy an I look for the good stuff in life an for change orientation im good were my ability are at yeah I can improve but
In addition to my personal challenges my personal strengths interfer. A personal strength I have is talking , I love sharing my opinion. Another personal strength I have is giving good advice because I love helping people solve their problem or help make their lives easier. Lastly another personal strength I have is just listening because I am a good person to vent to because I don’t judge. Therefore I always spread positivity and lean a hand.
Trying to decide what your personal strengths are, is hard. For myself, I have grown in my strengths, and I’ve experienced my weaknesses. My personal strengths consist of: positivity, encouragement, laughter, and love. I pick these four because I feel that I am truly strongest in these aspects of my life. Being positive is a big factor in everything I do. I always want to be happy and joyful; not only to display Christ in me, but to make others feel the way I do. I want others to appreciate life and to feel any kind of uplift in his or her spirt. Positivity plays into encouragement. I make it my goal to make others feel better about themselves. My goal coming into college was to learn and know every person(s) name that I got the chance to meet. Just taking a few minutes out of your day to truly get to know someone, is such a blessing. It not only blesses me in new friendships, but it also blesses others because they feel that someone genuinely cares about them. Laughter is another characteristic I strive to pour out onto others. I laugh at practically everything. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. I’ve learned the importance of laughter, and I just want to make one person smile every day. Love is my last of the four attributes. Love is so important to me. I love creation (Trees, birds, squirrels), God, and I love people. I just want the love that God has given me, to pour out onto others. I want others to know that I love them. These are my personal strengths
My strengths and weaknesses as a student would honestly have to be to just stay quiet and not get many friends only have one or two the rest just keep as your acquaintance increase you would need to use them for anything else. Outside of school have as many as you would like but inside of school only have two more than that is too much and would tend to cause drama. That’s something I definitely learned the hard way and would most definitely say is my weakness, not knowing when to stop. As for a strength, it’s most likely having a creative mind and courage to keep going regardless of
I am flawed with many weaknesses but I am also equipped with many strengths as well. My strengths consist of being an organized and hardworking. Science and history are two areas I excel in. Science is one of my strengths because I can learn about a range of topics and be able to see how they all work in a sense. History is another strong point I have mostly due to the fact the past is
My strengths are my self-confidence, determination, organization, and ability to prioritize. Balancing an overloaded school schedule, upwards of 24 credits in a semester, maintaining excellent grades, raising a toddler, and volunteering are demonstrative of my greater fortes. In terms of weaknesses, public speaking has always been difficult for me, as well as networking. I have branched outside of my comfort zone, engaged in volunteer opportunities, student organizations, and clubs as an effort to improve upon this.
My five greatest strengths were futuristic, focus, achiever, restorative, and strategic. I have always utilized my futuristic strength. Being able to picture my future so vividly helps me to accomplish my goals. It helps me focus on what needs to be done in the present time. My focus strength is helpful at my current job. Being a 9-1-1 operator, I have to be able to focus on the calls I am working on. I also plan to utilize my focus strength when it comes to school. This strength can be utilized by planning and prioritizing my life and being able to focus on accomplishing those tasks. The achiever strength is one that I utilize daily, as well. I have always been one to make lists and go through with completing those tasks. The restorative strength
These are some of my main strengths and weaknesses but I know it isn’t easy to overcome difficult obstacles such as my weaknesses. I can overcome them by working on myself one day at a
The strengths I have: being efficient and organize. I have to have everything a particular manner before I write, perform, or do almost any jobs. Occasionally this can cost me lots of time. The weaknesses that I have are a perfectionist and impatient at times. I was used to working at a substantially faster rate than those around me. Sharing information and interacting with others is when I learn best. Understanding my weaknesses assists me to plan methods to conquer them when I am doing tasks and socializing with others. I must be kinder to myself and less strict about matters being merely so. I also need to be more delicate and comprehensible of others who tend not to take up my perfectionist styles. I also should be patient with people who take longer time to work. Since I have got a tendency to delay works when I do not feel like doing anything, I, therefore, need to create a regular schedule with integrated rewards and times for learning and acquiring assignments done.
The biggest strength I have is to be creative with the situation that I am given. This in not only a skill that suggest that one can synthesize material to give it a sense of authenticity, but also can adapt and accommodate in the moment. Even the best planners can have a poor classroom dynamic; the rigidity of these classes is what prevents them from engaging students in the moment. I genuinely believe in effective planning and mythology but I also believe in breaking from the script and to accommodate the needs of learners in creative ways.
I like to think I have many strengths. After review of my character/ personality test, I can see what they are. I am a task-oriented leader, which drives me to finish a project. I have a strong individual work ethic, which allows me to be responsible and not rely on others. I am good at building and leading