
Global Learner

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Who I am as a learner And A global Citizen. These are my strengths. I am a risk taker the reason for that Is because I love doing almost doing every thing. I will get out of my comfort zone to do fun things. I eat the weirdest food to see if there are good or not. I will do every sport except baseball I believe that baseball is just boring. I will go camping without tent all i need is a sleeping bag and a fier. I love sports, outdoors, and being with my friends. This year I will work on doing homework, which I am not good at doing. I will try to get good grades so I can pass 7th grade. I will work my hardest on every thing I do. All these sentences are my struggles. I will show my teachers that I can have fun and doing my work at the same …show more content…

I will try weight lifting to build my self so I am a better rugby player. I will work on being knoligedull and being a better global citizen. I am a risk taker because I will try all of these things. These are the things I will work on to be a better global citizen. I will not use as much water in my showers and brushing my teeth. I will start recycling more cans and plastic bottles. I will give my old toys and clothes to kids that need them more then me. My I am bad at staying positive Inside of native. I will try to work on being open minded by listening to other people and teachers. I will work on being more balanced by playing rugby, and playing with my friends, and playing video games. I will work on being a better speller by practicing. I will work on helping other people. I will work on using complex sentences and using semicolons. I will work on paying attention on Spanish and Tech Ed. I will pay more attention more, In all my classes. I will work on being more of a communicator and doing presentations In class. I will work on the not going on my phone on class by keeping my phone in my pocket. I will work on being priced. I will do my work on my homework In class and try not to

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