Just like every living species in this world we live in, planet Earth also has its own health measures and qualities. Over a period, the temperature of the earth has risen nearly twice the rate it was 50 years ago. Just as a human being getting affected by a high fever, the earth equally has its own impact and outcomes. Earth is naturally surrounded by a phenomenal layer called the "greenhouse gases" which preserves the planet from getting too hot or too cold. When the sun rays hit this layer, most of it is bounced back into the space to keep a natural cycle of gases. But since it has been mistreated in most cases by humans over a long period of time, this layer traps an abundant amount of harmful gases causing numerous damages to earth. We call this the "Global Warming". The best medicine and the cure to this problem can only be formed by humans and the changes we make in the future. Most of us often do not even have sufficient knowledge on this issue and it is typically underestimated. Global warming is not a prediction, it is happening right now and will continue to become an issue over time if we don't understand the causes, the consequences, and a way to address a solution to avert this problem.
Firstly, we need to look at what humans are doing to cause this issue. The basis of this cause is pointing at urbanization, us humans are consistently polluting this layer every day even without intentions. This could be as minimal as driving a car to work or having a barbeque
Outstanding post! I am in full agreement with you! I found your interpretation of all three evaluations to be enlightening and well defined. Moreover, you have offered clear evidence of fully grasping the three types evaluations presented by Grinnell, Gabor, and Unrau (2016). Thank you for sharing your insightfulness! Calvin
Recently, there has been a warmer climate change, causing earth to get warmer, as well as negatively affecting earth, animals, and humans. Since 1880, the average temperature of earth has risen about 0.8 degrees celsius, which is a drastic change, even though it may not seem like much. Also, there has recently been a large amount of greenhouse gases being released, which is a large cause of why earth is getting warmer. Many consequences come with this change in climate. The fast-changing climate on earth has caused countless consequences that could permanently affect the earth.
Almost I in every 5 in America will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime; mental illnesses are described as a wide range of mental health conditions that can range from depression to panic disorders that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. One particular mental illness known as schizophrenia affects more than 3 million people in the United States every year. The effect of schizophrenia can have a devastating effect on the lives of those who suffer from it and experience a devastating array of symptoms that can range from delusions to hallucinations.
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales, a collection of short tales in the 14th century. The compilation of stories is told by pilgrims on the journey within the narrative as part of a game proposed by the host. Each individual must tell two stories of their journey. My favorite pilgrim was the Franklin. The Franklin was a gentry landowner, member of the nobility, who had extensive holdings. He belonged to the middle-class and was a man of leisure. Chaucer described him as “White as a daisy-petal was his beard. A sanguine man, high-colored and benign” (line 342-343). The Franklin sported a white beard and carried a dagger and a white silk purse. He had a cheerful personality and was confident. His only reason to be on this pilgrimage was to enjoy himself. The Franklin was traveling with the Man of Law. According to Chaucer he “He loved a morning sop of cake in wine. He lived for pleasure and had always done” ( line 344). I think that Chaucer had a good opinion of the Franklin. The way that Chaucer describes the Franklin makes the reader think that Chaucer likes him. He says that The Franklin is calm, strong and an overall a cheerful guy. Chaucer also proves that he thinks highly of the Franklin by saying, "He was a model among landed gentry" (line 369-370). He lives to please others and has a house full of food. The Franklin, according to Chaucer, had an overall great sense of hospitality. The Franklin’s deadly sin was gluttony. He liked to overindulge himself
Global warming is an increase of Earth’s temperature throughout a period of time. Global warming is a disease that is one of the root causes of Earth’s illness. This invisible change has a lot of drastic effects on mankind, wildlife as well as nature. The reasons to these destructions are humans themselves. There are some very obvious ways to tackle the situation. Many of the extraordinary weather changes since the 1950’s are recorded in the instrumental temperature record which stretches out to the mid-19th Century while having thousands of years according to the Paleoclimate Proxy Records [IPCC Climate]. Temperature across the whole world is predicted to change throughout this century and continuing. The Earth’s ability to tackle the emission of heat-trapping gases, as well as the amount of gases released will predict the magnitude of global climate change [NASA].
In the world today, global warming is rapidly being noticed by most all living beings, especially in North America. Global warming is, according to dictionary.reference.com is ‘an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.’ (global-warming. 2015). Changes in the earth temperatures could be due to anything, but I think that global warming is very real, and it could affect our children and grandchildren. Over the past years, global warming has changed temperatures, usually making them higher than before, and is affecting sea levels while also shifting seasons. These things can be a problem because the world that we know now could alter so dramatically that the earth could very well not be able to be lived on anymore. Things such as that could cause a number of things including extinction of species, increase of fires, droughts, and floods, and even economic losses.
Second of all, global warming has caused the ozone layer to start to break. The ozone layer is a layer that absorbs the rays of the sun. There is a very big hole in the ozone layer. The breaking of the ozone layer has caused the suns rays to come down at the humans very sharp. The hole in the ozone layer lets the UV enter the atmosphere; it can cause skin cancer, general cancer in addition to many more diseases to humans. There’s a list of things humans can do to help reduce global warming including; plant a tree, carpool, take a shower instead of a bath, use less hot water, use less hot water there is a lot more to this list.
Global Warming also caused very hot weather which is bad for humanity for having too much heat, people can have heatstroke because of this. Scientists who assess the planet's health see indisputable evidence that Earth has been getting warmer, in some cases rapidly. Most believe that human activity, in particular the burning of fossil fuels and the resulting buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, have influenced this warming trend. In the past decade scientists have documented record-high average annual surface temperatures and have been observing other signs of change all over the planet: in the distribution of ice, and in the salinity, levels, and temperatures of the oceans. Most humans believe that it is their fault, which is true because humans do not take care of their
During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, is absorb and emits heat into the earth’s atmosphere, keeping the Earth warm enough to support life. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are adding large amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket around the Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm. This is called the greenhouse effect and it is natural and necessary to support life on earth. However, while greenhouse gases buildup, the climate changes and result in dangerous effects to human health and ecosystems. People have adapted to the stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warmer climate can bring changes that can affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation systems, the natural environment, and even our own health and safety. There are some climate changes that are unavoidable and nothing can be done about it. For example, carbon
According to Sharma and Atri (2010), global warming “…refers to an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in the patterns of climate globally” (p. 239 as cited in EPA, n.d.). Global warming has both natural and human influences, and research shows that human activities cause many of the most harmful effects. Not only have temperatures risen by 1.2 to 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the last one hundred years but also since the 1850’s the Earth has experienced its top eight warmest years beginning in 1998. Furthermore, 2005 was the warmest year ever recorded and many changes in climate are occurring such as patterns for rainfall, snow, ice cover, and sea levels (Sharma & Atri, 2010, p. 240). As Sharma & Atri (2010) state, “As
Global warming, or climate change, is a subject that is not going to show signs of cooling down any time soon. Why is it happening, what is causing it and how is it going to change our planet. Unfortunately, the earth is showing many signs of worldwide climate change, and based on the work of thousands of scientists in more than 130 countries, the prognosis is that humans have caused all or most of the planetary warming. Pollution, deforestation, and industrialization have significantly increased atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane; which are all greenhouse gases, and they trap heat near the earth’s surface. Humans are pouring carbon dioxide into the air faster than the planets and the ocean can absorb it. Historically, scientists studied climate and recognized that natural cycles in the earth’s orbit can alter the planets exposure to the sun, and warming and cooling cycles have occurred over hundreds and thousands of years due to these shifts. These changes occurred over several centuries and the changes that are occurring now have been measured over the past hundred years or less. This has raised a global concern for the future of our planet because many species are facing extinction from disappearing habitats, changing ecosystems and acidifying oceans.
Global warming represents a very large threat to our planet. But first off, what is global warming? It is the significant increase in the Earth’s temperature over a short period time as a result of human activity. A congruous mix of organisms, people, and environments are being harmed. Ocean levels have risen, species are becoming extinct, and the natural world is not what it used to be. Regardless of whether this is a large risk is yet indeterminate, whatever the impacts of global warming may be, it is most likely that the outcomes will be enormous, causing illnesses and financial decay. Because of global warming, many are beginning to invest in energy-efficient supplies and do a variety of other acts. For example, carbon dioxide (C02) is an important factor on earth. It is causing a warming impact on the world's surface range. Since water vapor itself is an ozone depleting substance, this causes significant additional warming. Then, the warming causes more water vapor to be vanished. The C02 level is relied upon to develop in the long haul due to keeping consuming of petroleum derivatives. Different gases, for instance, C02, Sulfur, CFCs, and Methane are additionally in charge of a dangerous atmospheric deviation. Industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation likewise are expanding the generation of these gases.
The earth is home to many animals. These animals use resources from the earth in order to survive. With earth’s temperatures rising, the air we breathe is affected and could easily harm us. “Global Warming is an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution.” (Merriam-Webster) We are so clueless to the fact that the damage of the earth is mostly caused by humans. The four main causes of pollution are water, air, land and agricultural pollution. All are different, but all cause damage to our environment. Which is why we need to be more careful with taking care of our atmosphere and planet.
The temperature of the Earth has been rising in the past century. According to an article published on NASA, these temperatures will continue to rise in years to come. Rising temperatures can cause many problems for people all around the world. In some places, higher temperatures may make it easier for droughts and heat waves to occur. This is very inconvenient for farmers that need to keep their crops
All across the world, climate change is beginning to happen. Climate change is a natural thing that happens all the time but, humans are accelerating this change at an increasing pace in a bad direction. Editor and publisher Sandra May of NASA says “Most scientists say that humans can change climate too. People drive cars. People heat and cool their houses. People cook food. All those things take energy. One way we get energy is by burning coal, oil and gas. Burning these things puts gases into the air. The gases cause the air to heat up. This can change the climate of a place. It also can change Earth's climate.” These changes can also be referred to as global warming. This heating of our climate across the globe is causing bad thing to happen already, and