
Global Poverty Video Analysis

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The video gives a broad concept of poverty and how it is spread all across the globe. It shows how the United Nations aims to eradicate poverty in the next 15 years through strategies that involve almost 200 member countries.
The most astonishing aspect of the video is that it gives a roadmap on proving that poverty can be eradicated with cooperation and resources. It will take over a decade to completely reduce poverty but it can improve the condition of humanity.
Sinding (2009) saw that argues that countries representing the last development frontier, especially those of Sub-Saharan Africa, can be advised to incorporate policies and programs to reduce high fertility in their economic development strategies.
It was surprising to know that despite the average income of the developed world is large (over $10 per day). However, the case is opposite for developing countries. The program hosts compares his life, his house and income with the Malawian living which gives the viewers a good idea about the sensitivity of the issue.
Misconceptions like the living conditions and needs of the poor nations are addressed in the video. It shows that it is possible to help them if right strategies are made. Unlike what most people think, the global poverty has been on a decline for the …show more content…

A great paradox is that there is more population in countries with less GDP while less population in the world with higher GDP. This needs to be addressed by empowering people to help each other and by making schemes for human development. Murdoch (1980) highlighted the relationship between world hunger, growing population, and increasing environmental degradation in the developing countries. It was seen that population explosion and lack of food supply are symptoms of poverty and it is hard to reduce due to internal political-economic structure of developing world and unequal ties with the rich

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