
Global Warming And Its Effects On The World

Better Essays

Currently, fossil fuels are the source of over 80% of the world’s energy consumption (“The Energy”). The possibility of an energy crisis is quickly approaching due to the fact that nations are neglecting to take advantage of renewable energy sources. Carbon dioxide is being released from the burning of fossil fuels, polluting the air, and is a speculated contribution to the current state of global warming the Earth is enduring. With the population increasing by the minute, that means that there is an increase in energy demand. This causes there to be a surge in the usage of fossil fuels which means a hike in the release of carbon dioxide, harming the planet. There has also been a recent decrease in water supply, which will have a massive impact on the entire planet considering over 90% of the world’s electricity relies on water (O’Hare). With climate change remaining one of the biggest economic problems of 2016, it is everyone’s job as a human being to help make the Earth a better planet to live on again. Unfortunately, unlike in the movie Avatar, our galaxy does not have a habitable moon containing the cure-all mineral unobtanium to solve all our energy problems. The film takes place in 2154 and humans have depleted the Earth’s natural resources. They have entered an energy crisis, which could be our future if humans do not take action now to reverse the damage that has already been done. There is a moon named Pandora that is the home of not only unobtanium, but also a

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