Global warming is defined “as an increase in the average temperature of global surface air and oceans since about 1950” (White). The global warming controversy is an ongoing dispute with two main sides; one stating that the direct cause to global warming is through people’s daily activities and the burning of fossil fuels, while other people all around the world refuse to believe that human contributions are the main cause, saying that the earth is going through a natural stage of climatic change, thereby resulting in increasing temperatures in the earth’s atmosphere. Rising temperatures and in increase in greenhouse gases shown through the carbon cycle, demonstrate how the greenhouse effect is incorporated into both views on global warming. Over the past 50 years, experts in this field world-wide have been having an unaccountable amount of disputes over global warming, favoring in either of these positions of human causation or natural climatic change. Witnessing the change of the world from a global warming standpoint, there are many indicators and facts that support human cause. Three of the main sources that expose the causes of global warming include, sediment research, tree-ring research, and ice-core analysis. For example, according to a research article on effects of global warming, “Research from looking at sediment layering shows that the water level of the ocean is 60 Ft. lower than 400,000 years ago. Contributing is tree ring research, which shows the amount of
Over 35 years ago, climatologist Wally Broecker coined the term global warming in a paper outlining the trends that he was noticing with temperature and C02 levels (Stefan). Ever since then, the debate has heated up on the controversy of global warming. Politicians have even used the issue to boost their campaigns. Some question whether the earth’s temperature is rising at an unusual rate. Scientists perform experiments from glacial ice to observe the correlation between carbon dioxide levels and temperature. Scientists have changed the debate over the years from debating whether global warming was actually happening to the current debate about what is causing global warming. Therefore, the term global warming in this paper refers to
The Global Warming theory has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Citizens of the world are being encouraged to be more environmentally conscious by others including politicians, celebrities, and world organizations. The problem with the theory lies in the fact that it has become more and more controversial as it gains publicity and attention. The basic concept behind this theory is that the earth was made with a balance of “greenhouse gasses”. These gasses are naturally occurring within the atmosphere and they essentially make the planet habitable by keeping it warm.
The importance of climate change, which is always debatable, has now become more controversial. It is believed that climate change has serveral negative impacts, thus it needs to be studied. As far as I am concerned, I strongly concur with the argument that causes and solutions need to be investigated. This article will elaborate the antropogenic impacts and potential solutions and thus lead to a logical conclusion.
The globe is being rocked by extreme weather and the hottest temperatures on record. As the average global temperature soars, there are floods, droughts, unusually cold winters, forest fires, and huge storms. Are all of these horrors being caused by human-induced global warming?
The climate change debate has been ongoing for nearly thirty years now, the debate is over the causation(s) of global warming. Temperatures on earth have increased approximately 2.0°F since the early 20th century. Levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have drastically increased within the atmosphere. Both sides within the debate surrounding global climate change can agree on these points. However; disagree on a number of other possible causations of global warming. Even though there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support each side’s argument; the side suggesting human activity to be the cause of climate change presents substantially more evidence to support their claim than their opposed party. A published
The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientists believe that there are natural causes of global climate change. While the supporters of the man-made theory of global climate change reason that the major greenhouse gas causing global warming is carbon dioxide, the advocates of natural causes
This paper will define global warming and discuss how greenhouse gases affect the Earth. While greenhouse gases are necessary for life to exist on Earth, an overabundance or shortage of greenhouse gases can be detrimental. Human activities have caused an overabundance of these gases, and it is necessary for humans to become aware of how their activities affect the Earth. It is necessary for humans to begin modifying their behaviors that cause global warming and its negative effects, such as severe weather pattern changes, rises in temperatures, effects on agriculture, as well as animal and plant extinctions.
In the past fifty years, the average temperature has accumulated at the fastest rate in recorded history (“Introduction”). Global warming is a rapid increase in the earth’s average surface temperature. Since the Industrial Revolution began in 1750, everyday human movements have contributed substantially to climate change by adding CO2 and other gases that trap heat into the atmosphere (“Causes”). The earth’s temperature has increased drastically over the past few years. One of the causes is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs when gases are released by people burning fossil fuels; this is changing the world’s atmosphere and temperature immensely. Fossil fuels contain overwhelming amounts of carbon dioxide which leads to the heating of the planet. Humans also have been cutting down trees which help turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. This helps contribute to global warming. Over the years, research has shown that climate change is caused by humans’ manipulation.
Everyone has their own thoughts about global warming, it’s not real or it’s too late for humans to fix the issue, the list goes on. The global warming debate would not be so heated if it didn 't involve politics and it just reverted back to simple science. With many people looking to blame someone or something it’s hard for politics and science not to collide. Below i will focus on how politics are lacking in effort to stop global warming between the huge oil companies having more influence over the government, to no laws being enforced.
Scientists around the world have been researching climate change since the 1970’s. One thing most agree on is that the temperature of Earth is rising at a rapid pace and that global warming has been caused mostly by human activity. Our atmosphere contains gases that act as a blanket, because it traps heat from the sun and prevents it from escaping back into space. The trapping of the sun’s heat by these gases is known as the greenhouse effect, and the gases are called greenhouse gases. The main greenhouse gases that occur in nature are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Without the greenhouse effect, earth would be too cold to support life.
Global warming is now one of the hottest debates in politics. With the recent events taking place, such as the U.S withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. It has created such a fiery showdown in debates from both sides of the political parties to express their thoughts on the issue. By all means, individuals are allowed to have opinions, but such a scientific topic needs to be addressed by facts only. In depth, the information that is presented often into global warming is greenhouse gases and the effects of it. Greenhouse gas are any gaseous compound that is capable of absorbing radiation therefore traps heat into the atmosphere. With this in mind, the effects of greenhouse gases and the result in sea level rise affect the Earth despite the claims that global warming is a natural process.
Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has been increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded. Experts say that the heating rate is only going to increase, while people who deny this say that there has been a “slow down” or “pause” in the rising global temperatures. Scientists say that unless something changes, the average U.S. temperature could increase by 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. (1) Almost 100% of the global temperature increases have been the result of increased greenhouse gas concentration like water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. One of the largest sources of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon monoxide. (2) Most scientists have agreed that the main cause of the current global warming is the expansion of the “greenhouse effect”. (3)
In the 1960s, the warming effect of carbon dioxide gas became increasingly convincing. Scientific opinion favoured the warming viewpoint ever more during the next decade. And by 1990s, improved computer models and observational work confirmed that greenhouse gases were deeply involved in most climate changes and human-caused emissions were creating evident global warming (“A Brief History of Climate Change”).
When the Earth’s atmosphere is slowly increasing in temperature due to rising levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants, it is called global warming. The Earth’s climate has begun to change ever since the spark of the industrial revolution where coal was heavily utilized to propel factories and railroads, resulting greenhouse gas emissions to be sped up. Temperatures around the globe becomes warmer and a Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius suggested the cause was the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. Around 1979-1985, international conferences on climate change were created to address problems of global warming and prevent possible man-made changes in climate and people are still trying to solve this at the present day. Therefore, global warming has a cause and effect from one area to the next hence, it is an urgent complication and needs to be resolved collaboratively by all nations.
Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has been increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded. Experts say that the heating rate is only going to increase, while people who deny this say that there has been a “slow down” or “pause” in the rising global temperatures. Scientists say that unless something changes, the average U.S. temperature could increase by 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. (1) Almost 100% of the global temperature increases have been the result of increased greenhouse gas concentration like water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. One of the largest sources of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon monoxide. (2) Most scientists have agreed that the main cause of the current global warming is the expansion of the “greenhouse effect”. (3)