
Global Warming Is A Major Problem Of The 21 Century

Satisfactory Essays

Global Warming has become a major problem of the 21 century. It affects the Earth’s habitats, oceans, and biodiversity. Over the years, scientists have begun to understand the causes and effects of global warming and have searched for solutions. Oxford defines global warming as the process of gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. There are several reasons that can explain global warming, such as human activities, natural events, and solar activity. The most important cause of global warming has to do with greenhouse gases. When more greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane are released, they trap heat rays and keep them in our atmosphere. This causes an increase in temperature. Increases in

temperature can do a lot of damage, even in small increases. In the last century the earth has warmed by 2 degrees. Today the temperature of the Earth 's climate system continues to rapidly increase. Alaska has encountered the most unfavorable impacts from global warming than anyplace else in the United States. The government has taken several precautions to ensure that we are not only informed about the issue but to also ensure that we take the necessary steps to help reduce the effects of global warming on our environment. In this essay will be analyzed the liberal and conservative views on President Obama’s climate message to Alaska.

The conservative article used for this political stance comes from the Townhall news source. This article begins by

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