The media always blows up issues to be dynamite when they are really just pop-its. The media likes to make things more dramatic than they actually are, and they will make a big deal out of a small situation, for example, global warming. The media enjoys to portray global warming like the Earth is going to blow up in a few months. Global warming is not a major issue right now because it does not affect human lives, the average temperature has not been significantly changing, and predictions about the impact of global warming have been proven wrong by professionals.
Humans behavior and bodies tend to vary with different kinds of temperatures and atmospheric conditions. Their survival depends on how long it will take them to respond to that
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From the 1880s to the 2000s, temperature has had a mean increase of only 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, the 2000s show the warmest average temperature, but decades prior show there has been fluctuations and not a constant rise in temperatures globally. “If the current rate of increase continues, the world will warm by [3.6 degrees Fahrenheit] in the next century,” (Osborn). With this information and all of the averages of temperature, we can predict that it will take at least 3 centuries before the world will heat even 10 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not significant enough to worry about at the moment. Yes, in future generations, it will be a concern, but while we are here, it is not.
Global warming projections have been proven wrong many times. The majority of predictions made by scientists were not true. Al Gore, the 45th Vice President of the United States and an environmentalist, said in 2008 that the North Pole would have no ice in the next five years. “...Arctic sea ice coverage was nearly 9,000 cubic kilometers by the end of [2013] melting season, up from about 6,000 cubic kilometers during the same time last year.” The Arctic ice has not been decreasing, but increasing. Just like Al Gore, most of the other scientist that says global warming is an important issue, are
Through looking at recorded snow fall totals, Lake Freeze overs, and agriculture impacts one is able to start seeing trends in environmental changes. By looking at record snow fall records we can get a sense of historical air temperature and see how a specific location has been warming. Lake Freeze over data also gives good indications of an average air temperature increase. But there are still many people in this world that doubt that climate change is real. Yes earth goes through different periods of time where the climate has changed drastically. Look at the Ice Age, there was a time where a huge glacier stretched all the way across Vermont and in some places that glacier was 2 miles thick. Take for example, former Texas governor Rick Perry, who is in charge of the Department of Energy stated in 2011 that, “Global warming was an unproven scientific theory.”(Sidahmed, M. (2016, December 15). To the new presidential administration the topic of climate change has been looked at as a joke or even as a false idea. What we now know with the amounts of glaciers residing and the rise in temperatures and sea levels I believe that this subject is a bigger topic than what they believe. This subject needs to be taken seriously and we as humans need to take responsibility for some of our actions that have impacted climate change. I strongly disagree with many different actions that our president has taken regarding the issue
The intent of this assignment is to develop a user-friendly tool that may be applied in the workplace to document Compensation processes and to guide a practitioner in completing the critical steps of each process. The purpose of this assignment is to assist in describing each component of a compensation management system, to develop a practitioner's guide for several of the key compensation management tasks covered in HR511 Total Rewards.
Edmund Contoski, "Global Warming, Global Myth," Liberty, vol. 22, September 2008. © Copyright 2008, Liberty Foundation. Reproduced by permission.
As a result, it is no surprise scientists have estimated that in the last two hundred years the global temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Maybe that does not sound like much, but consider this: it only took four degrees to bring us out of the last Ice Age. Experts agree that global warming is one of the greatest—if not the greatest—challenge facing all of humanity.
Climatologist Tim Ball argues this point in his article, The Science Isn’t Settles – The Limitations of Global Climate Models. Dr. Ball looks at the data of global temperatures and concludes that the earth’s atmosphere is actually cooling while in its cooling cycle, which is the complete opposite to the assumption that the atmosphere is heating up. In 1999 a petition was asked the U.S. Government to reject the environment treaty The Kyoto Protocol, which was signed by over 17,000 other scientists sharing the same views. These scientists view that there is no convincing scientific evidence around the idea of global warming and all of these conclusions are not justified. They believe that the human release of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses are not contributing to global warming and the climate change, instead the increase of CO2 is promoting plant and animal growth. Some other scientists argue that global warming is being blown way out of portion and its effects are so small we will not notice its effects. They believe this increasing in extensive publicity is an environmentalist scam for more recognition, power, and
Unlike other problems in America; abortion, gay marriage, etc. climate change has a strong scientific consensus about the need for action. One can make a good case that abortion is good or bad. But can’t argue that based on the evidence, climate change is not happening. And just because most climate scientists believe that climate change is happening, does not mean that that any certain policy is the “right”
- Some people are predicting that in the next hundred years temperature until rise by 4 degrees. That might not sound like much but according to a new report the consequences could be really serious.
Whenever someone thinks of CO2, they think of global warming. They are reminded of Al Gore and his stance on global warming and they automatically think it is true. He has a lot of evidence to back up his theory about how global warming exists and that it is the reason animals are going extinct and also why the climate is changing. Well these facts are wrong and there is evidence to prove it. Global warming is not real and the Earth might even be in a cooling period. There so many reasons to blame people for the epidemic of this false global warming. CO2, a naturally produced gas absorbed by oceans and trees could not be the reason, so what could? Well, nothing can, none of man’s efforts to control the climate will
Scientists now say global climate change is occurring much more rapidly than originally predicted, because of feedback loops, and that the polar ice caps may be entirely gone by 2020, not by 2050 as was earlier predicted. The world’s leading scientists also say that delayed action will increase the risk of adverse environmental effects and will likely increase the cost.
Over the past one hundred years, global warming and climate change has triggered a temperature increase of 0.74 degrees Celsius globally. To put that in perspective, 0.74 degrees Celsius is equal to about 1.33 degrees Fahrenheit. It is expected that over the next hundred years, the temperature will rise another 1.8 to 4 degrees Celsius, or a shocking 35 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit (Wiederholt and Post). This means that over 200 years, the global temperature will have risen by almost 50 degrees Fahrenheit; a truly shocking statistic. The immense rise in temperature has, and will continue to affect all forms of life, especially primates.
Our Earth, the single known planet that supports life in the vast universe is said to be in crisis due to a phenomena known as global warming, luckily, this is just not the case. There are many sides on this debate, some say that the Earth is indeed warming, however some contend that this is not so, furthermore others are not sure about which side they are entrusting the Earth too. My standpoint on the heavily heated and controversial issue is that Global Warming as defined by its proponents is not occurring. I affirm that the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling trends. Global Warming as defined by its supporters would be a rising in the temperature of the entire Earth due to human activity increasing the amount of greenhouse
We all live and breathe on the same planet, yet why do some of us deny the hard evidence given by scientists and scholars? In Justin Gillis article in The New York Time, Climate Change is Complex, it explains how the effects of people and our lack of initiative to restore what we’ve damaged only furthers the deterioration of the Earth. As a society, we contribute to climate change, proven by the data of scientists on temperature increase, ocean rise, and intense weather changes of our world, due to our carelessness and refusal to pick up and take responsibility of our own pollution.
One way scientists have disproven global warming is the increase in arctic ice. M. When trying to convince people of the existence of global warming, many people use the idea of arctic ice as major part of their arguments. Scientists now know the amount of arctic ice has increased by fifty percent since 2012. Some people even thought most, if not all, the arctic ice would be melted by now (John). Since the amount of ice has increased, one can no longer use it as an argument for the existence of global warming.
Global warming has been an on-going issue for many decades. Most people would argue that it is a hoax; while others argue it is true. Climate change can cause a domino effect of catastrophes throughout the world. Once it affects one group, then that affected group will affect another, and so on and so forth; like a plague. Global warming is an authentic problem and we need to find more efficient ways to eliminate it, or at least contain it.
It has shown in 2003 the Europe the rise in temperature has killed 40,000 people in six countries. In India it was around 4000 people who die due to heat waves. In Chicago it was 700 people who suffered with respiratory problems. It is estimated that if the warming is increased by two degree in Atlanta results in heat related deaths.