
Global Warming Is Wrong

Decent Essays

The media always blows up issues to be dynamite when they are really just pop-its. The media likes to make things more dramatic than they actually are, and they will make a big deal out of a small situation, for example, global warming. The media enjoys to portray global warming like the Earth is going to blow up in a few months. Global warming is not a major issue right now because it does not affect human lives, the average temperature has not been significantly changing, and predictions about the impact of global warming have been proven wrong by professionals.

Humans behavior and bodies tend to vary with different kinds of temperatures and atmospheric conditions. Their survival depends on how long it will take them to respond to that …show more content…

From the 1880s to the 2000s, temperature has had a mean increase of only 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, the 2000s show the warmest average temperature, but decades prior show there has been fluctuations and not a constant rise in temperatures globally. “If the current rate of increase continues, the world will warm by [3.6 degrees Fahrenheit] in the next century,” (Osborn). With this information and all of the averages of temperature, we can predict that it will take at least 3 centuries before the world will heat even 10 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not significant enough to worry about at the moment. Yes, in future generations, it will be a concern, but while we are here, it is not.

Global warming projections have been proven wrong many times. The majority of predictions made by scientists were not true. Al Gore, the 45th Vice President of the United States and an environmentalist, said in 2008 that the North Pole would have no ice in the next five years. “...Arctic sea ice coverage was nearly 9,000 cubic kilometers by the end of [2013] melting season, up from about 6,000 cubic kilometers during the same time last year.” The Arctic ice has not been decreasing, but increasing. Just like Al Gore, most of the other scientist that says global warming is an important issue, are

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