The sun power and warm’s are earth, as two thirds of solar-energy enter our atmosphere as visible-light, the greenhouse effect absorbs the solar-energy to keeping the earth warm and later releases one third back into outer space. Without the “natural greenhouse effect” the earth's temperature would be below 32 degrees fahrenheit (The freezing point of water). The burning of fossil fuels as an energy source releases a variety of gasses such as Methane, nitrous oxide, and CO2 adding to the greenhouse effect. Because of this heat is kept longer, warming our atmosphere and causing what we know as global warming. One of the issues with global warming, is the destruction of ice polar caps that contributes to the rise of the ocean level, and causes
The greenhouse effect is how the Earth naturally warms up. During the greenhouse effect, the sun radiates it heat into our atmosphere. From there, most of the heat gets trapped in the Earth’s surface, which is later released back into our atmosphere. At the lower atmosphere, water vapor and carbon dioxide are the gases that absorb most
The impact humans are having on mother Earth is increasing its effects with the rising of sea levels. Global warming is causing polar ice sheets to melt, which is a major cause of adding volume to our oceans. Furthermore, the troposphere thickens, due to greenhouse gases, increasing the amount of radioactive waves that causes the seawater to warm up, resulting in ocean expansion. Most climatologists are expecting a rise in oceans around the world to be between 1.5 and 5 ft by the end of this century.(Harkinson) Some members of our society feel that because climate change is not certain, they are not willing to make a difference to help. Many people are unaware of how rapidly we have impacted mother Earth. The melting of the polar ice
The world is in trouble, we were given an entire planet and we are slowly killing it; this is demonstrated to us in Sharon Olds’ “Geography”. Thanks to an increase in our carbon emissions, we have started global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, while more and more animals are joining the endangered species list. Poverty is an ever present danger; people are living in squalor on the streets. The percentage of the population that is homeless is only increasing; these people are going hungry and cannot help themselves. This can be caused by or lead to substance abuse. In order to cope with the situation they are in, whether it is homelessness or just the struggle for life, they turn to mind splitting and body numbing substances. This only creates more problems like increasing their own poverty, and causing them to do things they would not normally do. Olds uses intense imagery to show us the diseases we are suffering from; while biblical allusions show her desire for the world to be destroyed and recreated better than before.
Environmentalist stat that that cows farting produce greenhouse gas. These environmentalist are really saying that cows are a problem and are breaking down the ozone layer. It depends on the cow's diet but an average cow can fart every 40-90 seconds so it could fart 1,300 to 1,500 times a day. Thats a lot of greenhouse gases being let out just by one cow. That is enough gas to make a golf ball size hole in the ozone layer a year that contributes to global warming and the decay of the polar ice caps. In california “Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that regulates emissions from dairy cows and landfills for the first time as California broadens its efforts to fight climate change beyond carbon-based greenhouse gases.” In order to help
The oceans are growing warmer. Polar ice caps are melting. The climate is changing and at a furious pace. The world is getting warmer and could become hotter if we do not act. That is what Michael Le Page describes in his article, How much hotter is the planet going to get? The earth will continue to warm up if carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions are not reduced or controlled. This is due to our climate’s hyper sensitivity to this and other greenhouse gases. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) our climate sensitivity is approximately 1.5°C to 4.5°C (2.7°F to 8.1°F), which is what we can expect the earth to warm up if CO₂ emissions are doubled, though some 2013 studies have found our climate sensitivity to be
New research shows that the average temperatures are rising and ice caps are melting quickly as spring comes to the Artic. The melting ice is a threat to glaciers, and if they shrink, sea levels around the world could be raised.
As our planet heats up due to global climate change, many effects are surfacing. One of the most concerning is the melting of the polar ice caps. (Environmental Protection Agency) So far most humans are not affected by this, but the polar bears are experiencing a drastic change. Some of the effects include reduced access to food, a drop in body condition, lower cub survival rates, an increase in drowning and cannibalism, all resulting in a decline in their population. But what’s causing this? Greenhouse gas (GHG’S) emissions caused by an overpopulated planet. The most direct solution is the immediate reduction in production of these emissions by humans. But, another solution is just letting the polar bears adapt. If humans have caused this problem, we can fix it. But, will we because greenhouse gasses need to be reduced by a large amount?
My paper is on how polar ice caps affect climate change, and how global warming plays a huge role on global warming and disappearing of the ice caps, my chosen topic is important for everyone living on planet earth so everyone should understand why they need to help prevent global warming and the disappearing of ice
One of the main reasons that earth’s temperatures are rising are due to greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are created when humans burn fossil fuels such as coals, natural gases, and oils to produce heat or electricity. These gases are then capable of trapping infrared radiation sent by the sun. Once these
In 1968 the Earth rising photograph taken by the Apollo 8, started the modern day environmental movement. The atmosphere is considered to be the most vulnerable part of the of the earth system. The earth traps infrared radiation into the atmosphere keeping the earth liveable. The trapped infrared radiation can also negatively affect the atmosphere by thickening it, causing the earth to heat up. 40% of the earth's population relays on melting glaciers for drinking water. Through the years we have discovered that as the CO2 rises so does the temperature. More than 90% of the sun's radiation gets reflected by the ice. The ocean and wind currents redistributes energy from the equator to the north and south poles. There are major factors that cause
Because of global warming, glaciers and ice sheets have began to melt. There are also many differences in sea levels and ice sheets. When these ice sheets melt, the creatures that live on the ice sheets’ populations can decrease. Furthermore, a scientist has seen the amount of penguins lower a great amount because of global warming. Their population decreased 21,000 in 3 decades. Global warming also affects communities near the shore. When sea levels rise, they flood communities. Not only this, but the precipitation amount has changed drastically. Since recently, it has increased in some areas and decreased in others. This is because of climate change, caused by global warming. In addition, an invasive bug called the Spruce Bark Beetle
The energy from the sun heats the Earth through the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is when the atmospheric gases absorb infrared radiation and release it back to Earth’s surface, it acts almost like
It’s the 21st century and global warming is making the headlines in newspapers, radio talk shows, new outlets and even popular TV shows. The prospects of melting arctic ice caps and the consequences of climate change are primary dangers that are capturing worldwide attention however, could this just be the tip of the iceberg for something far greater? Globalization, defined as the process of integration through interaction between individuals, corporations and governments. It is essentially impossible for a community to live and sustain itself within a vacuum; interactions through trade and foreign relations allow for discourse amongst nations causing mutual influences in politics, economics and culture. Although this undertaking has exponentially increased with the increase in information technology, it has been prevalent throughout history. Amongst the world’s regions, East Asia has been exposed to this process the longest as Europe has looked to the East for external resources when early civilizations expanded their geographic and political boundaries. With the effect of globalization on the region, East Asia opened up its borders to the migration of goods, services, information and people. In the 19th century, countries such as China, Japan, and Korea that were attributed to being the “Far East” not only because they were geographic distant from Europe but also culturally exotic. However, present day they are dominant world leaders because they gained economic stability
Energy from the sun drives the earth’’s weather and climate, and heats the earth’’s surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the
Greenhouse gases are compounds in the atmosphere that can trap and hold extra heat, which increases the temperature in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases is the cause of the greenhouse effect that leads up to global warming. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun’s warmth in the lower atmosphere that is due to the visible radiation from the sun. The solar radiation reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, then the rest of the sun's energy is absorbed by the oceans and lands which result in the heating of the Earth. After that the heat from the Earth goes towards space, some of the heat is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouses gases which make the Earth warm enough to tolerate living life. The burning of fossil fuels and land clearing start to increase the number of greenhouse gases which travels into the atmosphere. The result of trapping extra heat cause the Earth’s temperature to rise. Scientist's has proven that the constant increase of heat in the atmosphere is caused by humans. The reason humans are proven guilty for the increase of global warming is because of the amount of carbon that is put into the atmosphere. Carbon is released from burning coal, oil, and gas or cutting down and burning forests. Carbon (CO2) is known as the main source of heat-trapping gas which is mainly responsible for the increase of warming over the years. The removal of trees is another cause of global