
Global Water Shortage: Article Analysis

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The poor population of the cities will become sick which will further infect our water. The polluted water supply will kill off the fish or make them unhealthy to eat. Too many people living in such close quarters will soon pass on disease to their neighbors. There will be no water to clean and sanitize to stop the spread of disease. This will kill off a fair amount of the population. The lack of water can cause wars and fighting among countries. Water will become more important than anything else when there is no more water. In the Article “ Why global water shortages pose threat of terror and war”, Susan Goldenberg wrote “At an international water conference in Abu Dhabi last year, Crown Prince General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan …show more content…

To this country, which oil used to be all important, water is the most valuable thing. Since their water supply has started to run dry, water has been the most important thing to the country. As the water supply depletes, the fighting over the water rites of rivers and lakes will increase. There is already fighting between refugees and jordanians over water. Peter Schwartzstein states “water shortages have gotten so bad, they’ve already sparked clashes between refugees and native Jordanians, and the officials charged with catering to booming demand with a shrinking supply are beginning to panic”(schwartzstein 1). The water supply is so low the government is starting to panic and the people are fighting over the water. As water becomes a more important thought to peoples lives; the idea of terrorist using the water supply increases. Terrorists will think more on containmenting the water to kill as many people as possible. Since the people will need the water so desperately it will make a bigger impact which is always the goal of terrorists. Susan Goldenberg also says “As water shortages become more acute beyond the next 10 years, water in shared basins will increasingly be used as leverage; the use of water as a weapon or to further terrorist objectives will

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