In the 21th century, globalization is gradually affecting many countries in the various area. Even so, in this fast-changing world, a majority of countries still remain their own cultures which include civil beliefs, people’s ways of life, or family values. The public mainly believed that the culture of China differs greatly from American. Comparing the two kinds of culture, this essay will discuss two principal similarities including the multi-cultures, overseas investment, and several differences in a number of ways such as eating culture, family values of the elderly and way of expression.
The first similarity of the cultures between China and America is the coexistence and tolerance of different cultures. China and America are the same multinational states due to their own historical reasons. It is clear that China is a unified multi-ethnic country, which have fifty-six
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and China differ greatly in many ways. The significant difference is the eating culture. Most people in China tend to take seats around the table and share dishes together especially for celebrating traditional festivals. On the other hand, American tend to eat food in their own plates. The second difference is the family value. According to Ren and Treiman (2014), in traditional Chinese families, approximately sixty percent of the old people living with their children and take care their grandchildren. They want to make close relations with their children. To contrast, in America, eighty to ninety percent of the elderly tend to stay in their own houses for a long time and living independently (Erody, 2012). The final difference is the way of expression. Sliwinski (2014) stated that a majority Chinese people are likely to share their feelings, identity, and view, and the Chinese culture encourages people to express frankly. However, American society usually tends to express positive feelings or positive side of things (Sliwinski,
Her perspective and personal experiences can help to drive in the point that there are two different generations of Chinese people and how one looks down on the other because of their birth place. Liu’s article is reliable because it is a personal experience of growing up Chinese American and shows the different perspective on how growing up with two different generations of Chinese shaped her life. Maria Liu is also a reliable source because she is a student and writer for the
Cultural differences are apparent from one group of people to another. Culture is based on many things that are passed on from one generation to the next. Most of the time people take for granted their language, beliefs, and values. When it comes the cultural differences of people there is no right or wrong. People should be aware of others culture and respect the differences that are between them. The United States and China are two very large countries that have cultures that are well known through out the world. There are many differences between the United States and China, but there are many contributing factors that shape the cultures of these two countries.
Similarly, Qichao chastised Chinese that they have a village mentality instead of a national mentality. Chinese people have a tendency to care for the people who are personally close, and not just to anyone who is Chinese. Whereas Americans, who Qichao noticed, prided in their country and in the government. Every American is proud of their country but Chinese people keep to themselves. Furthermore, QIchao also crticized the methods that Chinese people have when they work.
Globalization impacts every area of American life: from the products we buy to the way we do things. One of the ways globalization affects individual communities is by making those communities more diverse. Globalization makes the migration of people, as well as products and stores, more possible. There are some negative aspects of globalization. For example, globalization makes it more likely that we will see less variety of stores. The proliferation of the same stores in every neighborhood, even throughout the world, makes for a more homogenized society. I see a Starbucks everywhere, as well as McDonalds. One impact of globalization that has both pros and cons is that English has become the predominant language. English enables people from different countries to communicate, but it also means that people in the English speaking countries have an advantage.
When Chinese immigrants came to America, they brought many aspects of their culture with them. To begin, a major cultural element the Chinese brought is their food. Food is highly important in Chinese culture: “China is a country where the preparation and appreciation of food has been developed
This year is my forth year that I has been studying in the United State. I’m already used to the U.S. culture and the U.S. living style. So in general, I didn’t experience any culture shock after I got here. If I had any culture shock, it’s probably three years ago. I couldn’t remember any of them. However I do have some thoughts about the differences between the U.S. and China after four years of studying in the United States.
Our society nowadays has many traits from the Chinese society. We share many things in common from the law to the way we act as human beings. I can say that we are not far from each other in ways like the feelings we have towards others and loved ones. Greed, stupidity, dominance and cruelty are bad characteristics that age-old Chinese people expressed towards each other in some cases. They had no regard for human
It is no secret that America’s political culture, comprised of a set of common values, attitudes, and beliefs, centers mainly around ideals such as liberty, equality, democracy, and individualism. Those ideas originated from the separation of our nation from England, as well as the convictions of our founding fathers. But are the political cultures of other countries the same as America’s? China’s, for example, is very much different. When discussing the values that make up her political culture, harmony, respect, and loyalty are predominant.
Believe it or not, but American and Chinese culture do have something’s in common. They see eye-to-eye on some aspects. Like providing for their children “Parents work together for the well-being of their children” [Example from Article]. It is true that parents do the best they can to work towards a better financial life for their kids. That’s why many Chinese parents come over to the states, so that they can provide a better life, and a better education. They would also go to great lengths for their children no matter what the cause “Parents will risk their life for their children” [Example from Article]. Any parent would risk their life for their children no matter what ethnicity, or cultural aspect! There is no bond like a parent and their child.
are Christian, but there is a freedom of religion so you have the right to
The country that i hope to one day teach in is China. throughout my research on the many cities within the country it is clear that the need for a strong commitment to the development of cultural understanding within the classroom context is in high demand and necessary. Every culture has its values, morals customs and traditions and they should be respected as such. On the surface -level, cultural differences between westerners and the Chinese seem mostly visual. Food and eating habits probably being the most popular when comparing the two, with food being such an important part of our everyday life. To start, An obvious difference between the China and western countries about food is the utensils used to eat with. In China people favor the use of chopsticks, while in the west a fork and knife are preferred. the Chinese usually eat communally and share their dishes with others, while westerners typically enjoy individual servings. the most common staple foods along with their preparation techniques also differ between China and the West. In western dishes, fish dishes are served absolutely free of bones. In Chinese meals, fish are typically sold whole and removing the bones while eating is regarded as a normal part of the meal process. There is also the difference in style of dress, with China being the more conservative culture. Of course this may slightly vary within larger cities that today are more modernized, but within the history of the Chinese civilization,
The Chinese collectivism creates a society that is supportive and protective of its community while it may also create frigidity or sacrifice personal independence. The American society overall focuses more on free will and personal choice, but is not able to offer the level of interdependent support. There is a significant difference between the two cases. In those cases, I seemed socially awkward by sitting on myself, and Joseph was snubbed by the cashier.
Topic 2: to compare your native culture with Chinese culture and to draw your conclusions;
When I was on middle school, I spent my holiday vacation with my family to go to China. I went to some part of China such as Beijing, Luoyang, Shanghai and the others, but I only remembered the one in the Beijing mostly. I was really surprised that China got many cultures that I had not known before. These cultures include food, history and some local tradition. In this essay, I will tell my experience in China and some China’s culture that I have gotten in my trip.
In a world as overwhelming with differences, individuals are molded by many factors, and culture is one that follows up on each person. Diverse societies instruct different values, and what may be well mannered in the U.S. could exceptionally offend in China. As people from different cultural groups, individuals can misjudge each other; therefore, the U.S. and China can learn to collaborate across cultural lines as individuals and as a society. Becoming aware of cultural differences can enable both countries to deal with each other more