When I read this article, it was hard for me to not roll my eyes. Of course, not this is not at the fault of the author themselves. What never ceases to annoy me in the importance people put on online fame and followers. Being a star online might as well be bigger in today's day and age. I've been at both ends of the spectrum, as a person with above average popularity and below average. So, it's rather amusing to see people become obsessed with hitting that certain follower count. First and foremost, It's not hard to see who's bought followers, especially on Twitter. This is Gloria Tesch, a big phony who claimed all over the internet to be the worlds "youngest novelist" and paid people to give her garbage can of a book positive reviews. …show more content…
I wouldn't dare post the profile for fear of embarrassment, but I used to write god awful fanfiction back when I was younger. You know how many followers that account had and still has? Thousands. I cringe just at the thought. Most of the people who read my work were young tweens who liked the male protagonists in my stories, and that certainly wasn't a reflection of the quality. I also see this happen over and over again in the cosplay community thanks to the Tumblr, the breeding grounds for annoying and whiny teenagers. This cosplayer, whom I will not name as precaution that their minions don't find this, has several thousand followers on Tumblr. In case you were wondering, yes, most of the are legitimate. However, aside from the poor Photoshop job with the contacts, I could name 20 flaws with this particular cosplay. Not to be an elitist, but it happens to be a character that others can execute better with minimal work. Their high following doesn't match up with their quality either. At the same time, this cosplayer, whom does a tremendous job with both their costume and editing, has hardly surpassed 500 followers on
“My goal is around 100,000 hits on an article,” Ruoff states. According to him, Justin receives a flat rate of pay but earns more money if his articles gain more views. “If I don’t try to promote an article, but it was about a recent game, I can get around 30,000 hits. It’s because Today’s Pigskin is a verified Google news site,” he explains. Justin uses social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to increase his number of viewers. Thanks to his bachelor’s degree in computer science, Justin says he understands how to use social media algorithms to share rapidly an article with hundreds of thousands of potential viewers. “There are a few times I’ve gotten over a million
I, Helen Katz, was the youngest of eight children. I was born and raised in a religious Jewish family living in a small town in northeastern Hungary. I was always considered the "baby" of my family, I was the focus of everyone's love and affection, although my Hebrew name was Hannah, my family always called me by my nickname, Potyo, which meant "the dear little one”.
Laura Ruede is the librarian expert in the subject of dance. She works in the TCU Library on the third floor in the Music Media Center, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ms. Ruede shared during her presentation the myriad of resources available to students at the library. First off, Ms. Ruede is a wonderful resource for dance majors to consult. She is available for individual appointments and group appointments to help assist in research projects or to help students find resources related to dance.
Historians constantly discuss the establishment of communism in Eastern Europe following World War II, a major topic being the Soviet Union’s occupation of The German Democratic Republic (GDR). The governing of the GDR by the Socialist Unity Party (SED) is frequently analysed, particularly operations against any perceived resistance to the stability of a socialist state. Erica Riemann was one perceived enemy, serving over eight years as a political prisoner after drawing a bow on a picture of Josef Stalin when she was fourteen, and she provides oral testimony of her experiences nearly fifty years later (Molloy 2009). This essay argues that the main value of Riemann’s testimony is an insight into the lengths that the SED went to in order to
1.In the piece of writing by Jessica Statsky, she writes about children 's sports and how they should not be competitive. In making this claim she uses certain evidence to make her point valid. In one of her pieces of evidence she uses states that, "That a twelve-year-old trying to throw a curve ball, for example, may put abnormal strain on developing arm and shoulder muscles, sometimes resulting in lifelong injuries: (Statsky, 350). From this evidence Statsky is trying to make the claim that sports are hurting children and could put a risk on their bodies and the development of their bodies, if they put too much strain on themselves. Another piece of information Stasky uses says, "The kids get so scared. They get hit once and they don 't wont anything to do with football anymore. They 'll sit on the bench and pretend their leg hurts" (Stasky, 350). In the evidence that Stasky uses is good, but it is not very ordinary situations that occur. She also does not provide any personal experience to go along with her writing. Which in the end, would make the paper sound better and let the audience know that she has her own experiences with playing sports at a young age.
One of the two art pieces that were chosen from the McNay Art Museum is the Gloria Victis statue, a bronze statue by Antonin Mercié, size is 1879 height, 55in (139.7cm). The second is Women by Jose Clemente Orozco, an lithograph from 1935, 12 5/16 x 17 1/8" (31.2 x 43.5
At many conventions across the nation, “cosplay” is a staple piece. Cosplay, short for costume play, is a type of performance art where people outfit themselves with elaborate costumes and accessories to become their favorite characters. While the practice originated in Japan, by the early 90’s it gained traction in North America and is now present at almost every comic-convention.
In Anzia Yezierska's short story "The lost beautifulness," the protagonist Hanneh Hayyeh scrimps and saves to be able to paint her apartment white to make it look respectable for her son Ady when he comes home from fighting World War I. Hayyeh wants some kind of hope to cling to in her desperate immigrant's life. Although the dialect of the characters is Russian-Jewish and the setting is in an early 20th century urban environment, the idea of immigrant aspirations and the conflict between rich and poor is a common theme in American literature.
The author targets those who watch or at least have heard of the new rising stars. It also focuses on the public that uses the media as a source to be part of the “virtual revolution”
As prominent leaders of the digital sphere, the value of the celebrity voice as a vehicle for political endorsement is rising. It is not the idea of celebrity endorsement that is new but the platforms and the reach that they afford has expanded. Wheeler (2012) has described this shift as the ‘interlinkage between political rhetoric and behaviour’ as ‘part of a historical continuum which offsets the modernist dismay directed to the
Gloria has returned three months since the last appointment. Overall she has been stable during this time. She is trying to exercise more regularly and at time is able to walk 1km.
The New Mrs. Tesman was an assortment of diverse artistic choices made by the director, Mikell Pinkey. A known story, Hedda Gabbler, was taken and re-imagined into the show that I received the chance to see. With a new story, the next step was to find the right cast and design the right set, along with amazing costumes. I feel as if every risk Pinkney took paid off in the big picture. Director Pinkney made choices in casting, blocking, and stage pictures that were effective and worked well for this production.
I have read through five articles of celebrity gossip on blogger, Perez Hilton’s website. Some of the articles were older and I also read the up to date gossip. In my opinion, the function of celebrity gossip in today’s society is to help the fame of any celebrity. The purpose of the negative or positive information is only going to help or hurt the celebrity and in some cases, such as Janet Jackson’s breast being reviled at the Super Bowl, helped her more than it hurt her. As for blogs about celebrities helping maintain stability and order in our society, I believe that it serves no purpose and also create false perceptions of the real world. Today’s youth can easily be influenced by the celebrity gossip. The media and blogs create a distortion
Katie Mellema (Fig.22) an experienced cosplayer, shared some insight into this issue in an article on Cosplayers vs. the World: Social Issues (Volume I) by Jade Chambers (2013).
At the convention, cosplayers can show off hand made cosplays that up to several months to create. One cosplayer commented in an interview at ABC, ”Each gun took eighty hours to 3-D print, and that does not include assembling or finishing”. Cosplaying is the art of recreating a character. Cosplays are delicate works of art that without care can easily be damaged. New members of the community make the mistake of glomping other cosplayers who are portraying a character they like. Glomping is frowned upon by members of this discourse community; it is an act of aggressively hugging and unintentionally ruining a person’s cosplay. a