
Glory And Twelve Years A Slave Film Analysis

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In the class, History through film and Cinema, we watched three films. Of these three films, I have chosen two of them to debate about. The films I chose were Glory and Twelve Years a Slave. These particular movies really spoke to me, and showed me what it really was like back then. They showed me what the people had to fight for and go through to gain their freedom. History in general, is a huge part of who we all are today. Without our own people serving in this war, our lives would be completely different. Come and see how alike and different these films really are, and how they portray our own country’s history. Glory and Twelve Years a Slave truly were great films and did an excellent job at describing the Civil War to its viewers. These two films were alike in many ways. One similar aspect the two have, is that they both show the views of the war from each perspective; from the slaves point of view and from the soldiers who fought in the civil war. Another way that these two films are alike is that they both give a very accurate representation of the Civil War and how it affected people. No one can really know …show more content…

One outlying difference the two films have is that they were filmed in different perspectives. If you change the perspective of how the film was made, then you will end up with a different vibe and tone that the film gives off. Another main difference between the two films is each of the journeys and trips the slaves and the soldiers went on in order to find freedom. In the film Glory, the soldiers of the 54th Regiment had to physically (and somewhat mentally) fight their way to freedom. While Solomon from the film Twelve Years a Slave still had to fight for his freedom, he did it differently than the soldiers. Solomon had to have mental toughness in order to make it through all of the workplaces he had gone through as a slave to finally be

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