
Gmo Essay

Decent Essays

Global Challenge Chemistry
Genetically Modified Organisms
Jason Kim
St. Paul’s High School

Global Challenge
GMO stands for genetically modified organisms, which is a micro-organism, plant, animal or other organism that has been modified in a laboratory by transgenic technology. This method of cross-breeding blocks harmful virus from entering cells. The concept of cross-breeding in making genetically modified food isn’t 100% healthy. Genetically modified foods are bad for environment, and bad for human health. However, it has been shown that it is unpredictable and largely unknown. (This research is only based on why GMOs are bad)
In 1940, Genetically engineered foods was produced because of Ring Spot Virus. However, many …show more content…

Contaminated GMOs have caused economic losses growing organically. Also, it is much harder for non-GMO farmers to keep their crops clean and pure. This may result in humans with hormone disruption, birth defects and even cancer.
GM food can leave wasted material inside us, which possibly cause long-term problems (Smith, 2011, para.1). For example, contaminated genes of GM soy can transfer into the DNA and may cause bacteria living inside our body when it is consumed. This was found in pregnant women’s blood and their unborn fetuses. Once GMOs were produced in 1996, many health problems increased. The percentage of U.S. citizens with three or more chronic illness increased to 13% from 7%. Also, food allergies increased significantly since 1996 and other disorders such as digestive problems, autism, reproductive disorders are increasing as well.
Genetically Modified foods can damage human DNA (Ginger Shelby, 2013, para.1). GMOs in food does not undergo the same testing for drugs and other substances. During the digestive process, DNA from GMOs isn’t completely broken down (Jonathan Benson, 2014, para.3). Most of these large DNA fragments travel into the circulatory system. This process may be at a higher level than actual human DNA. This will pass along our bloodstreams and may interfere with our own DNA. Even in some blood samples of 1000 participants, the relative concentration of genetically modified plant DNA was

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