Books provide so much more knowledge for students and people of all ages in our society. Some books, however, can be considered harmful to readers, or too graphic for certain individuals. Many parents do not want their children reading a lot of the content in more mature books, especially in school where a lot of the reading is done out loud. Books should be banned to the extent of specific age groups and locations.
Books should be banned from locations, such as schools, if they feature very graphic or ideologically sensitive material that some parents may not be comfortable with their children reading or learning about. Many examples of this lie in the book Go Ask Alice. It focuses on the life of an unnamed 15 year old girl who begins experimenting with heavy drug use. “Challenged as a reading assignment at Hanahan Middle School in Berkeley County (SC) because of blatant, explicit language using street terms for sex, talk of worms eating body parts, and blasphemy” (Marshall University). This quote explains that one particular Middle School has challenged the book for its content, and does not want any of the students reading it due to the highly inappropriate
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“Go Ask Alice gave an insider's look at the simultaneously glamorous and frightening world of drugs” (Lauren Adams). In this quote, Adams describes how Go Ask Alice gave teenagers a firsthand look at the effects of drugs on an individual, and how the often glorified portrayal of them in movies and TV is not the reality. This is why, globally, books should stay accessible to people of all ages, as long as the consent from their guardian is involved. Although students may not be able to read them in an academic environment, if they have enough interest in the challenged or banned books, they can go out and purchase them to read in their spare
It is well known that books read by adolescents are somewhat inappropriate in certain ways such as language and the types of actions done by the characters. Some books consist of drugs, sex, and violence which obviously isn’t very appropriate nor does it consist of
Many books have been questioned and challenged. Even as far as to banning them. But what exactly is a banned book and why are they banned? A banned book is a book that has been censored by an authority, a government body, a library, or a even school system. A book that has been banned is actually removed from a library or school system. The actual contextual reasons as to banning them is use of explicit violence, gore, sexuality, explicit language, religion, or dark times in history. On the non-contextual side of the reason why they are banned books are usually because with the best intentions to protect people, frequently children, from difficult philosophies and information. Teachers, or even more common adults, often censor books from
Banning books that some people consider inappropriate could prevent the knowledge of past history, as well as intelligence and different aspects of opinions. For all these reasons, I believe that books should not be banned! Banning books is similar banning the freedom of expression. Not only can banning books prevent this, but it also prevents people from being able to learn from real issues that authors want to share with their readers.
Although it is ridiculous to ban books, it is somewhat understandable. Some books are extremely heavy on the controversial side, and include a boat load of inappropriate content. “My corduroys. My boxers. Two layers. I could feel the warmth of her cheek on my thigh. There are times when it is appropriate, even preferable, to get an erection when someone’s face is in close proximity to your penis” (Green). It is easy to see why someone with a closed mind would take offense to this kind of content being in a book for young
Due to the drug usage, profanity, underage, premarital sex, Go Ask Alice has been banned one the most banned books for the past few years. Censorship is the banning of words, images, or ideas that are offensive. “Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups…” (“What is Censorship?”). For example, Some Girls by Courtney Summers is banned at West Ashley High School in Charleston because of complaints of its
Books hold ideologies, diverse ideals, and come from facts as well as the imagination. Books are the ultimate freedom of expression for the author and the reader. One of the most valued rights, in America, is the freedom of expression. This freedom is granted by the bill of rights which is the first amendment to the U.S. constitution. Book banning violates this right; therefore book banning should be illegal in America. There are many reasons people want certain books banned. There are many examples of banned books. The Supreme Court case, Board of Education V. Pico was about book banning and upheld this right.
Supporters of banning say profanity can negatively influence the actions and thoughts of readers, especially younger readers that may not have heard or read many corrupt words. Huckleberry Finn, a book commonly inveighed for its use of contentious racial language, is commonly challenged for that reason. For USA Today, Martha Moore wrote, “When the younger reader is staring at that word five times on a given page and the instructor is saying, 'Mark Twain didn't mean this and you have to read it with an appreciation of irony,' you're asking a lot of a younger reader”. Granted, foul vocabulary is a challenge that academies need to address, but not through barring novels. Besides, if the reader is sufficiently mature for the book, they can still learn from it. For instance, some racial characterizations do not intentionally persecute people, but show the contrasting tensions between them, conforming to the time period. Again, the article “Huck Finn Navigating Choppy Waters Again” revealed, “The word is there for a reason… The word is terrible, it's hurtful, but it's there for a reason” (Moore). The racial epithets used in that book convey the attitude of Missouri in the 1840s when friction between African Americans and white people was rising. Additionally, banning a book due to concerns about the language is not beneficial to pupils because it prevents them from learning from other components of the book. “Often the organizations or schools that ban these books fail to see the book as a whole; they often center on the one page, the one scene or even the one word containing the offensive language or meaning and judge the whole book based on that one aspect,” according to an article by Adriana Lopez. She makes a sound point. A book contains a whole plot with themes that
It is understood why somebody may think that books should not be banned at schools because by doing this parents are hurting their children by restrain their knowledge. When a quality book is banned, the children lose the opportunity to learn from that book. It is better supported that, some books should be banned from schools because they can introduce students to unacceptable topics and teach them bad or useless
One counterpoint of the argument of the topic is that banning books hinders students from discovering new things and obtaining knowledge. According to the article, “Banning Books: An Overview”, Michael Aliprandini and Carolyn Sprague state, “The core arguments against the banning of books have been based on protecting the rights of individuals to free speech as well as to promote intellectual freedom – the rights protected by the First Amendment.” They are basically explaining how arguments of book banning connect to the idea of intellectual freedom and protecting individual rights, which are implied in the First Amendment. Censorship of books can be expressed as violating the rights and freedom of the individuals. Boyd and Bailey support this idea of intellectual freedom by presenting how banning books in schools with the quote from their journal, “Censors evoke barriers to free thought and speech when they block knowledge acquisition, intellectual development, as well as creative and critical thinking…” (Boyd and Bailey, 655). In other words, students will not be able to develop the academic skills they need in order to succeed in school if books are banned for them. Previously, there have been books banned from the school curriculum because of the
School boards and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students and covering age appropriate material. However, does this responsibility cover the extreme act of banning books from school classrooms? Does not the teacher have a duty to introduce to their students world issues in order to better the students ability to cope with problems in the world? How does a school decide which books should be banned from the classroom, and should it be left up to the teacher to decide what is decided in his/her classroom. By banning books from the classroom, we prevent our students from learning about controversial topics in a safe environment, and we also encroach upon the student’s freedom of reading what they want in
I absolutely disagree with banning books. Banning books is not good policy for any educational setting but especally in schools. Books help the students better understand the cultural changes and the different point of view in their beliefs.
Many people think that some books that are considered as "inappropriate" should be banned in public places, like schools. A lot of high schools have already banned certain books, such as" Of Mice and Men" because of many different reasons, but these books should not be banned in public places like schools. Books like Of Mice and Men should not be banned because students need to learn the background and history behind the books, students need to be prepared for books they will read in high school and college, and lastly because the more mature content will get them ready for their teen and early adult years.
School boards, principals, and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students by covering grade and age appropriate material in the classroom. However, does this given responsibility cover the act of banning books from their classrooms? As an advocate for each student, does the teacher not have a duty to introduce the students to a these words issues in order to help the student cope with the different problems in the world? How does a school decide which books should be banned and how much say does the teacher have what should be left up to the teacher? Some say that banning books from the classroom, we prevent them from learning about different controversial topics in a safe and secure environment. In this paper I reflect on my research question: Why do schools ban books in the classroom?
Next off, books shouldn’t be banned because it allows kids and adults to be able to escape reality. Some kids might now have a great life at home and books can be a way to be able to forget about the negative things for a while. This can also apply to school; let’s take someone that doesn’t have many friends for example. These kids are able to really get into a book and feel as if they are a part of something bigger than what’s going on around them. Another example is literature art, its they way authors express themselves. When you take that from a writer, it’s like taking away their ability to
The subject of censorship is a very controversial one, especially the banning of books. Many people believe they must protect themselves and others from the "evils" of many classic books and works of art because they can be deemed "indecent" in one way or another. Many believe that this is absurd and censorship in its current form is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Personally, I align myself with the latter, however I do feel there are occasions where censorship is justifiable.