
Goal Of Corrections Essay

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With our prison being for criminals that would normally get the death penalty but it is not legal in the respected state that our prison is in we have different goals than a normal prison. Since our prisoners are not expected to return back to society there will be little work done to rehabilitate them. The main goal of corrections is, “to carry out the criminal sentence.” (Clear, Cole, & Resisig, 2016.). Our prisons goal is the same only because our prisoners aren’t expected to leave, every goal of ours branches off of that idea. The focus will be on keeping them contained and make sure there are no riots that would cause problems in the prison. With the main goal being security at our prison we have to implement certain things that your normal correction facility wouldn’t have. To reach this goal we will have underwater guards that will be armed with underwater weapons such as the, “M1 underwater defense gun” or the “APS underwater assault rifle.” (The Canberra, p. 6). These weapons are able to be fired underwater and are more effective then harpoon guns. The APS assault rifle also has the capability of being fired out of water to make it effective in the prison if needed also. According to The Canberra, “Instead of stubby bullets, these fire darts. Their length reduces …show more content…

Some but not all the prisoners will have windows in their room so they can look out into the water. The number of inmates in our prison would be lower than a normal prison because of the number of life sentences versus sentences where the prisoner will be freed. With this being said, “the combination of overcrowding and the rapid expansion of prison systems across the country adversely affected living conditions in many prisons…” (Haney, 2001). In our prison this wouldn’t be a problem since no inmate would be

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