Tom Landry once said, “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” I have always had goals and dream in my life since I was little. Then I learned every goal has a plan, a path you have to follow to achieve the goal. Same with my career path. A lifetime goal of mine is to be successful in life and have fun, to become one of the best neurosurgeon in the United States.
Education has big role in my goal. Four years of medical school, and three to ten years of training or residency. So many things I have to prepare for. To achieve my goal, I have to make choices in my life, educationally, and mentally. What will help me fulfill my goal? Picking the right college
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I chose this school to attend not only because they’re a great school, but because they will help me prepare for my career ahead of me. They teach communication skills, cpr, the basics about certain health diseases. protocol for emergency situations, and the careers in the subject I have chosen. My high school has a plan to achieve their goal. To make the kids at West Career and Technical Academy prepare to schive their goal. They are preparing us for the basics of college. The freshmen learn the basics of the subject their taking, the sophomores are more advanced, and in depth of the basics, the juniors learn more about people skills and what to do in emergency situations, and the seniors learn the basics of college, CPR, and much …show more content…
Not just educationally but to prepare me mentally for the big step ahead. To advance education in the medicine program, and to prepare me for the future. Push me to my boundary to become a successful person. Challenge me to become better than I am. Learn to work with a diverse of people and work successfully. to meet new friends, who accept my unique personality, who have the same goals and hobbies as me. The skills I learned in high school I will take to college, to perform the best I can . The sooner achieve my goal, the sooner I can begin a new one. I have many goals I want to achieve in my
With America growing at the rate it is, it is very important to grow with it. College is the best way to prepare someone to be out in the workforce and survive. Going to college is not essential for success, but it will give someone the extra skills that will help them in their career and in life. College helps people get a good job, prepares them for adult life, and will help them make more money.
I plan to graduate in 2018. After high school, I want to be a doctor so I can prove myself in the community and to my parents.
College can be very helpful in more ways than just giving people more head knowledge. I do not disagree that people will benefit from learning a trade skill. In my personal opinion I think we should teach the basics of some trade skills in high school, and let the student decide if a college education is something they want to pursue. After coming to a college I do see that people should come even if it is for two years. The debt is always in issue when coming to school, but there are plans you can make to pay them off. Coming to college can do a lot to help anyone, but for the students that are coming right out of high school, college can be a safe place for them to experience the real world. In some cases it can give them some much needed
At the moment allot of people not only in the united states but in the world are indecisive about going to college. Some of them are scared of the hardwork and dedication that they would have to commit to but the money that they would have to pay. There are alot of people that didn't go to college and are very successful. Although teachers make it seem like its a requirement to go to college, it’s not, it’s the students decision. It is not gonna help the teachers out when people go to college.
Coming to college is a monumental thing for me and having the opportunity to go to the College of Design is equally as big and frightening. I am excited and ready to start the school year and to learn all that I can during my studio classes but I am worried about the time commitment it entails. I see this as a challenge though. A challenge I’m willing to go through. I would say this is my biggest concern about the College of Design but not my only one. I have seen examples of older student’s work and seen how they have improved tremendously and although that fills me with awe and ease, I still feel a sense of worry because it takes me a small amount of time to pick up new methods of learning.
My long-range goals are to have additional medical schooling. Additional schooling will help my career start. Training to be a doctor is a main goal because you can’t be a doctor without knowing how to do it! Also an internship at a hospital I work at in the future is a goal I hope to finish and succeed in. Graduating from medical school is another goal for me because if I graduate from a really good medical school where I get a lot of education, I can start my
My goal is to live a purposeful life, one that has meaning not only to me, but to society. I aspire to go into medicine to become an anesthesiologist. Going into pre-med and beyond will be rigorous and challenging requiring a minimum eight years of college.
Attending a four year University College is a major goal of mine, no one in my family has ever attended a four year University College before and I would be honored to become the first person in my family to receive a degree in the Medical Field. Since I attended Oakwood Elementary School to the present at Amos Alonzo Stagg High I have been working very hard to find a job that I will really enjoy and hope to succeed in finding a job in
College is awesome in many different ways. When you are in college, you have the independence and freedom to do anything that you would like to do. Another good thing about college is the variety of courses that different colleges offer, and also chance to focus on what you really want to do as a career. Although all colleges are different, they all have to same goal. To help and to see students become successful.
For me going to college was a thoughtful process nevertheless here I am writing this essay in college.
Without dreams and goals, success is hard to achieve. In grade school, I decided to become something in the medical field because I wished to help people
The desire to attend medical school should be one that is carefully planned out to ensure it is truly the right path; I believe this since medical school is something that requires many extra years of dedication and determination to complete. If one does not fully understand what they are embarking on might find out too late that becoming a physician was the wrong path for them. To ensure that applying to medical school was the right choice for me, I took the long road while developing a strong work ethic along the way.
In sixth grade, I discovered that I wanted to become a neurosurgeon. I haven’t changed my goal since then, and I don’t see myself wavering in the future.
Many people are already thinking about what they want their life to be like in the future. My future begins in college. I’ve been waiting to go to college since middle school. I’m interested in taking anything in the medical field such as nursing, pharmacist, medical technician, etc. I believe this will benefit me, my family, and other people because I want to take care of my family, other patients, and also myself by learning more about health science. To me, successful is happiness, and happiness is not necessarily being wealthy. My happiness is having to help people and also having a family who cares and supports me.
I want many things in life but the thing I want the most is to be a doctor. I want to be useful to this world. I want to make god happy for creating me. I want to be a doctor because there are many people who are in desperate need of medical attention, but either can’t afford it or there is no medical services near. I want to travel to poor countries with poor medical attention and offer free medical services. I also want to major in surgery and therapy because the there are many diseases that require surgery and some people had been through many bad events and need help getting over them. Many people don’t want to go to therapy because they thing that therapy is for crazy people. I want to educate people with low resources on important things that are beneficial to their wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of others. I also want to teach young teens about