Goals and Objectives of Security Organization
Judy M. Galarza
University of Phoenix
SEC / 310
September 19, 2010
Goals and Objectives of Security Organization
Security plays a major role in both the business and government worlds. We will discuss the legal aspects of organizational security management. Discuss both the positive and negative influences regarding organizational security. We will also be discussing what consequences will both business and government operations have to overcome if they fail to achieve security goals and objectives. The value private security management brings to businesses will also be discussed.
Legal aspects. When thinking of
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Positive and negative influences. The root causes of most incidents result from lack of attention or from counterproductive attitudes and behaviors or awareness, attitudes and behaviors of other people. It can develop a sense of false security regarding their ability to control or protect themselves as well as the employer as they carry out their work. Ensuring all employees are properly trained will keep the negative influences to a minimum. Companies must keep in mind that even though there business is number one priority, its not just about the numbers at the end of the day. Security plays a vital part to ensure those numbers are at expected levels if they want to continue to stay in business for long. It is a matter of balancing all management key influences to run a profitable and reliable business.
Consequences of failing. The goals set the vision, and the objectives are the specific results that must be obtained to achieve success. Regardless of what the business assets that are to be secured, information or technical assets, physical plant, personnel, the organization must have a security strategy that can be implemented, measured, and revised as the business climate and operational environment change ( Caralli, 2004). Failing to ensure the safety of secured information can have devastating consequences. One great example, on September 16, 2010 one of the most prestigious hospitals in the
Opposite to what some might believe, according to BOA’s Smith, “senior management is not the biggest hindrance to better security. Rather, the middle management might represent one of the largest challenges because they impact the organization daily.” Many organizations find it difficult to stay in compliance with different government laws and regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley Act and HIPAA in addition to Payment card industry Data security Standards. It does not help the fact that there is a scarcity in security professionals who have the technical and engineering skills that know how to explain the risks/rewards and the trade-off and can sell solutions within the organization.
Security in America has evolved from the time of the first settlers to today’s well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant growth of private security from pre-Civil War to post World War II consisted of a lack of public police and large monetary loss by private industry. Today, security is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology crimes. It must maintain a high level of professionalism and maintain technological innovation remain a respected industry.
This report identifies the key management issues for governors, senior managers and heads of securityservices in developing and reviewing security services, to ensure that they are effective and provide value formoney. Important security matters relating to students and staff are also identified. Each year, an estimated
In order to fully understand all concepts and strategies in starting a private security service, our paper will touch on some of the basic points to
All workers of this organization oversee ensuring that data is secured appropriately. Senior administration oversees issuing and embracing this Security Policy. They perceive the delicate idea of the data that the association stores and forms, and the genuine potential mischief that could be caused by security occurrences influencing this data. They will along these lines give the most astounding need to data security. This will imply that security matters will be considered as a high need in settling on any organization choices. This will help Campbell Computer Consulting and Technology Company to assign adequate human specialized and budgetary assets to data security administration and to make a proper move considering all infringement of Security
Regulation workings on civil procedures and constitutional limitations on technology innovations as well as information access are slow. One main issue remains by the time the government can agree on the written law regulating cybersecurity regulations nationally it will be outdated due to the ever changes in cyber-attacks, viruses, and computer processing power (Maitra, 2015). Furthermore, the government’s regulations and controls are incapable of protecting their networks. The federal government alone had 65 cyber security breaches (Neal & Ilsever, 2016). Because of the government failing to protect its networks, the private sector cannot rely on the government and needs to be responsible for determining the business organizational standards for the private sector. Developing management practices and a company culture to deter cybercrime, protect company information, and develop cybersecurity requirements to protect all legal rights. Developing internal cybersecurity will not only set company standards, but will develop strategies to protect new legal territory since innovations in technology governs current practices when dealing with civil rights, employment, environmental, and labor laws (Neal & Ilsever, 2016).
The general capabilities required by the Joint Force in 2025 will be a global surveillance and strike (GSS) network, increased naval and air investments and ensuring cyber technology outpaces adversaries. Based on the current U.S. strategic direction and global security environment these capabilities are necessary. Satellites and cyber technology will be part of the design of the GSS system. The U.S. military will be able to strike quickly and remain engaged for increased periods while additional forces move to the area of concern using the GSS system. Increased Navy and Air investments in submarines, ships, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV’s) is critical. The Navy and Air Force allows us to project power to areas of the world far from our base of operations. Air power also enables us to provide support for ground forces while providing deterrence and denial of enemy forces. Cyber investments and security are critical because cyber technology will increasingly be the engine that runs our future military and allows us to attack adversary’s cyber networks and infrastructure. The U.S. Army will see a reduction in tactical armor units while the U.S. Marine Corps remains at the current level of equipment and personnel. After each capability are associated Risk.
Speaking of life’s experiences, there was one night on Security 8 that became something that would haunt me the rest of my life. Security 8 was an entry control point to the Elephant Cage area. The Elephant Cage measured about 850 feet wide by 100 feet high and contained a circular arrangement of antennas. The antennas could locate signals thousands of miles away with an accuracy of three degrees or better. The 6922 Electronic Security Squadron operated the elephant cage, which was used to gather intelligence during the Cold War. Just in case you wondered, there were no elephants housed there while I was at Clark.
The main ingredient in the security policy established by Secured Inc. is its adherence to organizational strategy according to business needs; the policy must be an enabler to business process, not a hindrance (Gaw, 2003). Moreover, its enforceability and the top-down and comprehensive
tionally excellent companies take few risks, product leaders encourage new ventures and a steady stream of new products. Although they take security seriously, good-enough security is a guiding principle; innovation—not process—is the key to avoiding or preventing security problems. As a result, security takes a back seat to performance, is less centralized, and is not the key determinant of a product’s success. The third market discipline, customer intimacy, emphasizes customer needs and requests and excels at meeting them. Security is important for customer-intimate companies when customers express security needs. Thus, the security organizations of customer-intimate companies are less topdown than those of operationally excellent companies, and their centralized procedures involve significant customer interaction. As a result, security is built into products and services only when the customer demands security.
While all of these technologies have enabled exciting changes and opportunities for businesses, they have also created a unique set of challenges for business managers. Chief among all concerns about technology is the issue of information security. It seems to be almost a weekly occurrence to see a news article about yet another breach of security and loss of sensitive data. Many people will remember high profile data breaches from companies such as T.J Maxx, Boston Market, Sports Authority, and OfficeMax. In the case of T.J. Maxx, a data breach resulted in the loss of more than 45 million credit and debit card numbers. In many of these incidents, the root cause is a lack of adequate security practices within the company. The same technologies that enable managers can also be used against them. Because of this, businesses must take appropriate steps to ensure their data remains secure and their communications remain
The Strategic Solution is committed to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all physical and electronic information assets of the company to ensure that regulatory, operational and contractual requirements are fulfilled. The overall goals for information security at The Strategic Solution are the following:
If outsourcing is a strategy organizations want to pursue, security should not be taken lightly. The consequences of a security breach could be disastrous in terms of losing
To understand the role(s) of a Security Manager, a person must know what security is and what it means to an organization. According to Ortmeier, “security may be defined as a public or private service-related activity that provides personnel, equipment, and creates policies and procedures designed to prevent or reduce losses. These losses, caused by criminal action as well as by noncriminal events resulting from human error, emergencies, man-made and natural disasters, and business intelligence collection by competitors”. (2009).
This paper will discuss the role security plays in protecting an organization 's assets in reference to Papa John’s, International, based on David Rydeen’s interview; the national director of safety and security at Papa John’s,