
God Is Not A Fish Inspector Analytical Essay

Decent Essays

When the world we live in is viewed from an anonymous, unbiased standpoint the individuality of ‘I’ has a tendency to diminish away and be replaced by a society of eyes. Who view one’s identity differently then what the individual can see. Life moves on whether we like it or not and how individuals view themselves verses how others perceive them can leave a lasting impression. Everyone has a unique identity and perspective of the world they live in. The way individuals see themselves may appear to be different than what others see in them because of different values, morals and characteristics that shape’s ones identity.
In “God Is Not A Fish Inspector” we see that Emma only sees reality in her egocentric view that religion is valuable and so is power. Emma’s believes that every aspect of her life and those she surrounds she must be in control. She does this by using religion to justify her actions. She feels like the actions she takes can be justified by her religion. When Emma decides to “Call the fish inspector” She believes that she has done the right thing because she thinks that her dad in incompatible of taking care of himself. She thinks that she is coming off to be a good person that is helping others and trying to care for everyone by intervening in their life choices. But in reality …show more content…

Fusi’s character is very old and he is just trying to live his days as he was young. But Emma views him as old and irresponsible because she believes that her dad should be in the retirement home so that she can have the house. Fusi justifies being old doesn’t mean he is useless by saying “That’s more than your husband can do and he’s just 50.” He’s not going to fall into the stereotypical view that the old cannot still be active and engaged in what goes on in his life. But the obstacles he is facing his own daughter and her perspective of him and old

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