
God's Undertaker Summary

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John Lennox in his book, God’s Undertaker, attempts to make sense of the misconception that science and religion conflict with each other. Lennox makes the argument that science and theism are compatible. He believes that science is best explained on a biological and rational level by theism. Science itself can only describe materials and processes in the natural world, not why the world was created. This leads Lennox to what he believes is the actual debate between theism and naturalism. Science indicates an intelligent creator who created the universe and thus to theism. Science and religion are not at odds but in fact, complement each other. Lennox first clarifies who the intellectual opponents are. The battle is not between science and religion, but between theism and naturalism. Science is best explained logically and biologically by theism. Lennox defines naturalism as the belief that the cosmos is the sum of reality and is all that there is, was, and ever will be. Many prominent scientists hold to a naturalistic worldview, contending that to …show more content…

This is apparent in their misapplication of micro and macro evolution. Microevolution is observable quantitative variation in pre-existing organs and structures while macroevolution is the inception of new genetic material in increasingly complex organisms. Microevolution is an observable process that Charles Darwin observed in the finches on the Galapagos Islands. Naturalists took the concept of microevolution and applied it to the entire genesis of life itself with unobserved macroevolution. Furthermore, it does not make rational sense for non-living matter to spontaneously create DNA and life from within itself. Naturalists cannot determine an observable way that life came into existence and so instead place the theory of evolution into the gap of their

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