
Going Big Is Not Always The Right Thing

Decent Essays

Going big is not always the right thing The main highway in New Jersey is known as the New Jersey Turnpike. This highway runs from the top of New Jersey to the bottom of New Jersey. This long stretch of highway is lined on either side with fast food restaurants. Mcdonalds, Burger King, Sonic Wendy’s, and everything a person 's could ever want in one stretch of road. Zinczenko argues that obesity in America is the responsibility of the government to regulate how American eat. However in America the main cause of obesity in America is the growing convenience of fast food and then growing business of American lives. With the growing business of American lives home cooked meals have become a thing in the past. High Schoolers often go from sporting events to music practice to music practice, often times kids don 't even have time for a home cooked meal and they find things that they can eat that will be cheaper and more importantly fast. What better place to get food when you 're in a rush them McDonalds? According to the Wikipedia article on McDonalds, Mcdonalds can be found in 118 countries and territories around the world and serve about 68 million people per day. However, just because McDonalds is convenient doesn 't make it anywhere near as healthy. Zencienko claims when he was out on his own the only thing that he could afford was Subway, Taco Bell and other fast food establishments. He blames the fast food establishments for his getting fat and thinks that the

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