First, The very first time i went to church i knew that was the place for me, knew that’s the track i wanted to set my life on. Learning about jesus and everything he has done for me, my family, and everyone on this earth is amazing, breath taking. Going to church is the path i’d like to take my life down, i know it’s the best thing for me and everyone around. Helps each individual be a better person. To continue, Every sunday I try to take a new friend or stranger to church and let them learn about jesus, try to help them get there life on the right path. At the end of church and i hear how good my friends and family talk about how good the lesson that we learned in church was one of the best things they have heard. I try to promise everyone new that i take to church that i will help them get them back on there feet and be able to live their life on their own without anyone having to watch over them, without any doubt in the world. People need a place or resource that they can go to without any worries. …show more content…
God said in Psalm 37:23-24 “The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.” Therefore Jesus will always be on your side, never let you fail. Putting your life in jesus's hands you can never go
This is what happened today: A lot of familiars arrived to see Mia but Adam has still not arrived. Kim a friend of Mia arrive with his mother who never let her to drive long distances, Kim’s mother is very emotional, they are Jewish, at summers Kim goes to a summer camp this summer camp is very boring and she calls that camp as Torah Whore.
As a survivor of a residential school, Theodore Fontaine withstood the ultimate extent of the human condition. In his book, Broken Circle: The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools (Fontaine, 2010), Theodore narrates the horrific abusive exploitation he encountered at the residential school; his dark emotional plight for freedom; and his spiritual journey into light (Fontaine, 2010).
There was one man I talked to in particular that sticks out in my mind. And we didn’t even deliver to him. When we first got to IU Medical Center, we had to wait about 30 minutes for the food to be brought to us. While we waited, a man about 75 years old started talking to us. He told us about how his wife had died eleven years ago and after she died, he started volunteering at Meals on Wheels every day for the past ten years. He explained that his wife had a disease that got so severe that she was put in an assisted living home. The particular assisted living home she was in had meals for her, but were expensive. So her husband found Meals on Wheels. The couple got themselves each two meals a day and had lunch and dinner together every day. After the man’s wife died, he started delivering the meals to people who are not healthy and able to get out and go shopping for meals. This man was such a sweet man. This man is doing something that Jesus would have done. Even at his old age, he still takes time every day to help somebody else out besides himself, someone less fortunate and unable. This man sacrifices at least three hours a day delivering meals to people that he would not have known otherwise. This man made an impact on my life. He showed me that even when we think we are
The process by which Scripture has been preserved and compiled is one whose history is worth noting. The early church had many opportunities to share the Good News of Christ via word of mouth, but from the time of Christ’s resurrection until the mid-second century, there had not been a single culmination of writings considered to be essential for the purposes of
On December 5, 2017 at approximately 0223 hours, I was dispatched to 288 Church Lane for a report of First aid Call for a 43 years old unresponsive male possibly overdose. The dispatch advised that CPR was in progress.
I am the minority of the usual church; typically I am one of four white people who attend the 8am service. I first went with a friend’s family after she had pass away. I was never nervous about going to a predominantly African American church. Everyone welcomed me. The family I went with had me stand up when they called for new people to the church. It then took me 30 extra minutes to get out of the church because everyone gave me a hug. Going into part two of this project I was actually very nervous about going to the Korean church. I think being by myself had a lot to do with it along with not know the language. I was very nervous about not understanding anything that was going on. Additionally I was worried they would not want me there.
In my experience at first progressive Baptist Church I was very much out of my comfort zone because not only did I not feel as welcomed but it was a little awkward because of all the looks I was receiving. I felt I was not dressed as they were and felt as if I didn't fit in and right away I just didn't feel appropriate with my attire. While I was there I actually had people wanting to shake hands and asking me questions about me coming and there was one man who just stared at me and so it was uncomfortable and didn't know how to react. While I was there I started to notice that there is a little difference from the church I go to and the music was way different as well, everyone will talk back with amen or thank you Jesus. The difference
It is my safety zone and place to go in the good and bad times of my life. When my parents got divorced, I felt alone and did not know what to do. My parents no longer took me to church and that really bothered me. It was a beautiful Sunday in April, when I decided to go to church with my friend. I was tired of being alone and knew I was missing something in my life. I discovered that what was missing was Jesus, on that very day I gave my life to Christ. From that day forward, I have had peace knowing that I am not alone even when I feel like I do not belong at home. It was the best feeling in the world, I was forgiven and my heart felt whole. He has never left my side, even when I turned from him. I am here to serve him and spread his love so others can have the comfort and peace that only he can
No matter what church we went to, I was always heavily involved. Newspring was a breath of fresh air, because there were so many people, I could just do what i was gifted in. One day, I showed up to clean after a baptism sunday. They had already finished as I was just arriving. I asked if i could help with anything else and they gave me some care cards to enter in. I became an intern. Then I got an opportunity to come on staff and assist several men, and now
Environment. I made observations of a church service. I enter through the strong, dark red, oak doors with golden handles. The room where the service was held was about 100 by 130 feet and seemed to be rectangular in shape. They were a variety of colors. The walls scale ten feet high until they slant to create the point that forms the ceiling of the chapel. The ceiling was a creamy, white color with natural-colored beams. The walls are comprised of brick ranging in colors of murky brown, black, crimson red. There were no windows in the church. There were twenty lights and each light had five light bulbs each. The floor in the church was covered with a light brown tightly woven carpet. The temperature was a perfect 67 degrees. The only decorations in the church were four or five sets of flowers consisting of only yellow roses in the front of the church. The audience sat in red, cushioned chairs that were right next to each other. There were two groups, one on
As I approach the end of my high school career, I start thinking if I am prepared and ready to face the next step in my life. College is known to test a man’s responsibility in order to prepare him to face the world alone. Jesuit High School has changed my life throughout the years I have attended the school. Jesuit has prepared me for college and taught me how to become a more responsible man. When I was thinking of where I should apply to high school, Jesuit was not my first option; however, coming from a family of Jesuit alumni, I knew it was the only school for me. Throughout my earlier years at Jesuit, I struggled and was miserable due to the overwhelming work and rules I was required to follow. However, I soon realized what the school was about in its mission in turning its students into men for others. I have found that Jesuit High School has transformed me educationally, has made me a more responsible man, and has taught me to be a man for others.
Jesus wants us to follow in his footsteps by assisting people we might have never even talked to, and creating a chain reaction of good deeds. People on the fringe of society are never seen for who they really are and they have so much potential for this life if people listened and accepted
When I first became a Christian, my church encouraged me and others to go knocking on doors and passing out tracts on Saturdays. Unfortunately, I was sent out on my own and really was not equipped to have a conversation with someone about Jesus. I did not know the Bible very well and could not provide much in the way of arguments with people that questioned God. On the other end of the scale
In the religious project I choose to attend a church of a different domination. While I grew up Baptist and the Baptist culture are very familiar to me. the church I decide to attend was Holy Ghost Catholic Church. The reason I choose a Catholic church was because I have always been curious of their worship service. Right away, I noticed the pulpit and as in the Baptist culture this too seemed to be sacred. As only the priest and his helpers were allowed in it. The next thing that stood out to me was the church pews. That I thought all had foot rest. I soon realized that it was for their knees for praying. My experience was very eye opening as I went there not knowing what to expect. I didn’t find the music or choir selection as fun or energetic as in the Baptist
I decided to go to a Baptist Church here in Miami. The reason that I chose Coral Park Baptist Church was because most Baptist Churches that I called here in Miami had the service in Spanish but Coral Park Baptist had an English service as well. I went to the eleven o’clock service on Sunday. The whole church itself was pretty big. There is the main temple that has the regular service in Spanish and then there is a whole other building that has separate classrooms where the English service is held and other Sunday school type classes are held.