Going to college is very important to because it extends my education giving me a better chance of achieving my goal, of getting my computer science degree.Well for the most part I believe that college will open up many doors and provide opportunities that I wouldn't be able to get with a high school education. Lately it has become increasingly hard to obtain a well paid job without a college degree. Why is this? Well employers are more likely to choose a college graduate for the job instead of the high school graduate, because of their more extensive learning experience. More than likely people that don't continue to college end up working in ether in a fast food joint or outside in a back breaking job. Both jobs which I wouldn't like to
My passion for education has taken me far, but I want to continue learning after high school. A degree will not only increase job opportunities, as a college education can also improve your interpersonal skills and will allow you to network with a wide range of students, professors, and alumni. College is not solely important to me because of the statistics that prove how much more job security college graduates will have and how much more they will earn, as gaining a better understanding of important subjects taught in colleges is critical. College is important to
College can be very helpful in more ways than just giving people more head knowledge. I do not disagree that people will benefit from learning a trade skill. In my personal opinion I think we should teach the basics of some trade skills in high school, and let the student decide if a college education is something they want to pursue. After coming to a college I do see that people should come even if it is for two years. The debt is always in issue when coming to school, but there are plans you can make to pay them off. Coming to college can do a lot to help anyone, but for the students that are coming right out of high school, college can be a safe place for them to experience the real world. In some cases it can give them some much needed
As a 30-something going back to (or already back in) school you may be in one of the following situations:
Coming to college has shown me information and knowledge I never thought I was capable of learning and it will be knowledge I will use for the rest of my life. I came to college last year for my own personal growth and to expand my horizons. I thought about what I wanted to do after high school and continuing my education was number one on my list. I’m here simply to better my future, expand my knowledge, increase my potential, and learn more about myself. I want to make my family and myself proud by completing college and getting a degree. Bettering my future and making sure I have the information to be able to do my future career is my top priority because it’s the only thing I have continually been working for since the 9th grade. Expanding my knowledge in these courses that will soon get me to the school I need to be at is a compelling reason for me to stay motivated enough to wake up in the morning and push myself to come to school. I hope to increase my potential and develop into
A college student is either a teen, straight out of high school who attends an institution of higher learning or the non-traditional student who is anyone else. In order to survive the pressures facing both the traditional and non-traditional student, they all need to be a combination of a rugged workhorse and a happy-go-lucky fun-seeker. Whether traditional or non-traditional, a large percentage of college students are pursuing a full time course load and are trying to get an education so that they can get into a good profession and/or a good paying job. Many are working full time and are pursuing an education part-time, and many are working part-time while in school full time. Walk into any food market, electronics, department or drug
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” This quote from Nelson Mandela always clicked with me, because while many things can change the world, education is always at the root of it. The Ottawa County Early College program is an opportunity for me to practice with this essential tool. I feel that I am a good fit for the program because I have passion for my studies, am proactive in them, and I flourish under challenge. This amazing program excites me because it will help me to achieve my overall goal for my education; to positively impact the world. While I have many different ideas with what I want to do with my education, Early College will allow me to explore many different paths within a budget I
Thinking about going to college? Great! One thing you have to plan is how you are going to afford it. There are many different ways to pay for tuition WITHOUT taking out student loans. Tuition has increased tremendously during the last 20 years. You may be able to receive scholarships or grants, FASFA, and much more! A scholarship is a form of financial aid that does not need to be repaid. You can be awarded scholarships for academic or athletic achievement. Student loans are what you should plan to stay away from. No debt is good. You will graduate college and still be paying for your student loans ten years later. Statistics show that 70% of college students graduate with debt, do not let that be you! Grants are another form of financial
Growing up, college has always been drilled into my head as not only an option but rather a requirement that must be fulfilled in order to achieve a sufficient lifestyle, or even better, a successful life filled with many accomplishments. As I grew up, the idea of attending college grew on me as I worked hard in my classes, striving for As but knowing that it was okay to make mistakes sometimes. Attending a college preparatory middle school made my dream of attending college a most viable option. As I learned more about the hundreds of colleges around the world, many caught my attention, but I knew that I would have to set the bar high for myself in a world full of colleges dominated by predominantly white scholars and low expectations for students of color.
I feel that UA early college would benefit me greatly as I head into my college career. Getting a college course under my belt before getting to college would provide numerous benefits. One of the benefits would be getting the feel for what a college course is like. As many people know, college provides a substantial change in life for the upcoming freshman. Getting some experience before actually getting there is like a football tem watching film, it provides a good amount of background knowledge of what they are about to get into. A different benefit, which is certainly one of the more obvious ones, is the hours that I would get out of the way. Getting a class out of the way would give me more time to do extra-curricular activities. As of
My attitude towards attending college is positive and energetic because it is a must for me to attend college, to prove not only to my low-income family and community but also to myself, since most people in my family and community did not attend a college and dropped out. In addition to being energetic, I also feel scared because I would not have my family with me by my side to help me solve situations, I would be solving most situations on my own since I will be an adult.
Many argue whether going to college or the military first is important, and it is.
From the start, I knew that going to college was essential. Constantly, my parents would express to me the importance of getting a college education along with asking me what I wanted to do with my future or what it was I wanted to major in. At first, these questions frightened me. I had no idea what type of school or career I wanted to go into. All the different paths they would suggest to me never sparked my interest. All I knew is that I was interested in fashion. I loved the industry and felt like I could use this passion I have in a career. However, I was still unclear about what I could do with this or what type of path I wanted to take. With this confusion, I knew it was important for me to start exploring more about myself.
College is the start of a new life, when people live on their own, mature, and take on new responsibilities. I have decided that I am going to college. College is very difficult to get into nowadays so I’m going to make sure that I take challenging courses in high school and participate in local youth leadership organizations. Determination, hard work and good study habits throughout high school will help me earn good grades and reach my goal of attending college. Finally, I would like to balance my academics and youth organization participation with sports activities.
Is a college education still important? People with more formal education do, in fact, earn more money. It’s not that simple, however. More and more jobs are becoming available that don’t require having to spend years going and getting a college degree. The hardest decision for teenagers graduating high school is whether they want to pursue a higher education or not. The idea of having student loans and debt burdening students after college is very intimidating. These costs sometimes frighten people out of pursuing a higher degree of education. Although some people think that pursuing a higher education and attending college is a waste of time, a college education is very beneficial because it opens up more job opportunities, improves social skills, and college graduates ideally make more money.
For me, the reason that why I go to the college is everyone in my senior high school does it.Most of students in Taiwan who have graduated from high school, they go to college rather than find a job. There are two reasons why I follow most of people’s footsteps to enter into college. First, I don’t truly realize what I pursue. Instead of thinking what I desire, I just has been taught to learn the knowledge of textbooks during schooldays. Second, I still have no ideas what kind of occupation is suitable for me. I consider that if I go to college, maybe I can get some ideas during four years. Therefore, I choose to continue with studying in order to figure out what I want to do in the future. In conclusion, I choose to follow most of people’s