BIOL 152-35
Professor Weller
14 February 2012
Effects of Temperature on Goldfish Respiration
This experiment was designed to identify the effect of cold-water temperatures on the respiration rate of goldfish. The respiration rates helped to identify the goldfish as being ectotherms or endotherms. Organisms exchange gases with their environment through a process called respiration or breathing. Aerobic respiration, also known as aerobic metabolism, occurs when oxygen is taken into the body and sent to all its cells; the oxygen is then used to break down food for energy (White and Campo 2008). Respiration can be experienced through several structures such as the lungs, tracheae, gills, and integument in order to obtain
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Once the experiment was concluded, aged water was slowly added to the temperature- stressed fish in order to raise the temperature of its water. This helped to return its environment back to normal conditions.
The respiration rate for the control goldfish ranged from 123 to 140 breaths per minute, which was not a significant change. On average, the cold-water treatments caused a significant decrease in breaths per minute by the end of the experiment. The average the breathing rates of goldfish subjected to temperatures less than 22°C decreased from a rate of 96 breaths per minute at the start of the experiment, to 56 breaths per minute at the end (Figure 1). The experimental fish in Group #1 ranged from 115 to 50 breaths per minute. Overall, the control fish’s breath rates generally remained constant, and the temperature-stressed goldfish had rates that decreased rapidly from start to finish.
Figure 1. The effect of decreasing water temperature on the breathing rates of goldfish.
At the conclusion of the experiment, the two hypotheses were reviewed. Because the water temperature did affect the normal respiration patterns of the goldfish, the null hypothesis was disregarded and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. From the results of this experiment, it was concluded that although other environmental factors could play
The purpose of this experiment was to test the effect of the water temperature on a fish’s respiration rate. My hypothesis was: if the water temperature decreases, then the respiration rate will decrease because there is more dissolved oxygen in cooler water, thus, a fish would have a surplus of oxygen. I then did the experiment to prove this hypothesis. According to my group’s data table, when the fish was placed into warmer water, its respiration rate was 12 gill beats per 20 seconds. However, when the water temperature was lowered, the respiration rate also slowed down to 6 gill beats per 20 seconds. When looking at the class data table, the average respiration rate for fish placed in warmer water was 20 gill beats per 20 seconds, whereas
An investigation into the effects of varying seawater concentrations on two marine invertebrates’ osmoregulatory abilities; Carcinus maenas and Arenicola marina.
In general, the rate of physiological processes increase as the temperature and oxygen concentration increase (Buentello et al., 2000). The main controlling factor for fish or shrimp feeding, metabolism, and growth is temperature. The growth rate is reduced if the energy demand of increased metabolic rate exceeds the gain from increased food consumption (Brett, 1979). When the food supply is not limiting, the specific growth rate of most aquatic species increases with rising temperature (Talbot,
contributed to a lower than expected temperature change in the water. This was undoubtedly, the
The average results seem to reinforce this hypothesis, although a few results went against it (e.g., the fish in tank 13), which might have been due to some limitations of the experiment. The heater on the left side of the tank might have interfered with the response from the left fish as it consists in a physical object and might have reduced the attention of the fish especially during the first part of the experiment. This means that there might have
The purpose of the experiment was to understand aerobic respiration. The experiment consisted in finding if the respiration rate remains the same, decreases or increases at different temperatures. For this experiment in particular, germinated peas were used. The peas were put under water with different temperatures. The temperatures were 10°C, 20°C, 30°C and 40°C. After finishing the experiment the results showed that the higher the temperature of the water, the more parts per million of oxygen the peas consumed. In conclusion, it was found that when there is a lower temperature than the optimal, the part per million of oxygen is less because the enzymes work slower when colder temperatures. If the temperatures are higher than optimal, the
Oxygen is important for all aerobic organisms, especially for fish who live in the aquatic environment with routinely low dissolved oxygen (Wang et al., 2017b). Under aquaculture conditions, hypoxia can be caused by natural phenomena (e.g., weather, temperature, or water flow rate), water pollution and eutrophication, high stocking density, and improper use of aeration (Green et al., 2016; Wu, 2002; Zhang et al., 2010). In spite of the strong tolerance of catfish to low oxygen, hypoxia can still lead to huge economic losses. In channel catfish, hypoxia stress may affect the growth and yield (Burggren and Cameron, 1980; Welker et al., 2007). In addition, exposure to hypoxia can also cause depression of the immune system and increased susceptibility
The growth of the Nile tilapia at 28°C was almost double the growth at 24 and 32°C. The optimal water temperature for growth is about 29 to 31°C. Growth at this optimal temperature is typically three times greater than at 22 °C. Fish are unable to survive at temperatures below 10° C, and growth is poor below 20 °C. There is no significant difference of fish performance at 24 and 32°C (El-sayid 2006).
De-Boeck et al. (2000) reported that salt exposure reduced food intake by 70 % in common carp, Cyprinus carpio and had adverse effects on growth and survival. Although food consumption decreased and growth was seriously affected, routine oxygen consumption of the exposed fish did not drop, indicating a reallocation of energy expenditure from growth toward other processes.
Temperature significantly affects the metabolic rate of animals. One can determine the metabolic rate of an animal by the rate of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) it produces or how much oxygen (O2) it consumes (Nespolo et al. 2003). In this lab, one is able to get real life experience of how low and high temperature affect one’s metabolism; in this lab specially the experiment was based on the effects of crickets when placed in cold and room temperature. Metabolism is a process where energy and materials are changed in an organism and it exchanges the organism and its environment. Endotherms use metabolic energy in order to sustain a constant body temperature. In cold atmosphere, endotherms usually make more heat by increasing their metabolic rate. On
Channel catfish, blue catfish, and hybrid catfish were able to absorb their yolk, and had 100% survival up to 4 days post-hatch in 0 ppt (Figs. 1, 2). At 3 ppt, channel catfish and hybrid catfish started dying on the second day. Survival among the genetic groups was different (P = 0.01) by day 3 with 70.0, 96.7 and 83.3% survival for channel catfish, blue catfish and hybrid catfish, and these differences still existed at day 4. By day 2 at 6 ppt, channel catfish (80% survival) and hybrid catfish (70% survival) started dying, and differences (P < 0.05) in survival had emerged. On day 3 blue catfish experienced heavy mortality and by day 4, they had experienced 100% mortality, while 60% of channel catfish and 30% of hybrid catfish were still alive. All three genetic types experienced total mortality within 24 hours at 9 ppt. Days, and genetic group all affected survival (P < 0.0001). Additionally, days × salinity, days × genetic group and days × salinity × genetic group
The specific question being asked in this experiment is how does the respiratory system respond under different circumstances, for example do certain circumstances increase rates or lower them? The answer to this question is important because it helps with the understanding of the respiratory system, how it functions, and what are some ideal conditions for the respiratory system to function most efficiently.
Various physiological processes in fish regulate internal pH levels to compensate for acidifying environmental conditions, such as active bicarbonate accumulation (Fabry et al. 2008). These buffering processes can impact metabolic rates, growth rates, or fecundity in adult fish or become overwhelmed in early life-stage fish, causing mortality (Murray et al. 2014; Fabry et al. 2008). Responses are highly species-specific, and there is evidence that some estuarine fish can tolerate greater decreases in pH than pelagic species because they are often preadapted to daily fluctuations of pH (Murray et al. 2014). Early studies on the effects of acidified conditions on marine finfish used unrealistically low pH levels in order to identify the physiological responses (Fabry et al. 2008). Some recent studies have constrained pH levels in their experiments to those predicted in the coming century (Murray et al. 2014; Ishimatsu et al.
Low levels of oxygen, that is, oxygen levels that are below the recommended levels mean that the fish puts more energy into respiration. The fish therefore has to breathe faster than the optimum level and this can cause chronic stress in the fish. Very low levels can lead to severe short-term stress and eventually death. Uneaten feed, faeces etc in the water or fish tanks all lead to biological oxygen demand (Ugwemorubong and Ojo, 2011). In addition to oxygen, other gases can build up and cause problems for the fish. Hydro dams, improperly sealed pipes, oxygenating water under high pressure; can all lead to super-saturation which can stress fish in a number of ways.
Two crab species, Plagusia and Cyclograpsus, were collected from a local estuary in the littoral and deep water zone for osmoregulation studies. To examine differences in osmoregulatory mechanisms among the species, haemolymph of the specimens was extracted once they were acclimated to varying concentrations of seawater. Using the comparative melting-point, capillary tubes were filled with small samples of seawater and blood then frozen and melted in a -15˚C ethanol bath. The melting time of each was observed thereafter. Subject’s time range fell over 17 minutes of which the majority of the most salinated samples melted