Gold is my primary color with blue coming in at a close second. I can relate to a lot of the positive qualities you stated, compassion, honesty, teamwork, but I can also relate to some of the same areas that need work. You stated “I always tend to other people and their problems before I tend to myself and mine”. Likewise, I tend to put others needs before my own, and while this could be viewed as a positive quality in nursing, it really is more of a negative one. Without taking care of ourselves first, how can we fully take care of others?
In this poem, Frost explains that nothing, especially that which is perfect and beautiful, can last forever. He gives several examples of this: The first green of spring is her hardest hue to hold. So Eden sank to grief. The novel tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider. Ponyboy and his two brothers, Darrel (Darry), who is 20, and Sodapop, who is 16 ... have recently lost their parents in an automobile accident.
Most important, I treat my patients, families, and coworkers the way I want to be treated. Throughout my nursing career I have been recognized as a compassionate nurse by my co-workers, patients and physicians. I use my critical thinking to provide excellent care to my patients. Professionally, I maintain a very high level of autonomy and responsibility. I have taken additional roles beyond staff nurse and I have stepped up to take on higher-level duties and responsibilities. For example, am currently a member of the falls committee, and preceptor for BSN nursing students. I have served on the unit based council and conducts peer reviews. I received the Daisy Awarded which is given to This reminds me that the simplest kind actions may seem small to others but to patients can make a big
Four professional traits that can be seen in Americas Nursing Association Code of Ethics are: Leadership, communicative, knowledgeable, and compassionate. Leadership is an important trait as a nurse. A nurse should be able to delegate tasks and make decisions. Also, need to be able to communicate between the patient, staff, and family to provide continuity of care. Being knowledgeable is important to be able to provide the
It is incredibly satisfying for me to work with others to effect positive change in the community. Some of the strengths I believe I can offer is my joy of working with a team, honesty and integrity, compassion and friendly personality, desire for excellence, flexibility, organizational skills and delight in serving my community while providing excellence customer service to my patients. My clinical experiences and time at Northwest have helped me to become even more convinced that nursing is my passion and is the profession that I want to devote my time and energy to.
Among the numerous professional attributes the primary nurse uses, such as superior communicator and an effective listener, empathy is of most importance. If the nurse is able to understand and feel what others are going through, he or she will be well suited to provide care to the dying patient (Altshuler, 2013). Also the professional nurse must be able to separate his or her career from their daily life, being able to decompress and leave work behind is an important attribute in this type of nursing care.
In the song "Stay Gold" by Stevie Wonder, it describes how everything that you see will pass away some time. For instance, there is one of the lyrics that illustrates the perspective of this song: "You thought that all would last forever, but like the weather, nothing can ever... be in time to stay gold."
All That Glitters Is Gold John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader ”(Brainy Quotes). This quote really represents a Gold because Gold’s have a sophisticated approach to life with high ideals and standards and they also know exactly what is right and what is wrong and endeavour to follow right. Gold’s actions inspire people to learn more, and their actions inspire people to become more active and do more in their life and strive to succeed or even become more (improve themselves). Being a leader is a characteristic that Golds are also really known for. That’s the 1st thing that would pop to mind if anyone were to think of a Gold because there willing desire to succeed makes others around them have that desire to succeed also.
Behavioral attributes that I practice that identify me as a professional in nursing are accountability, altruism, and compassion. I practice accountability by accepting the responsibility for the diverse roles, obligations, and actions of a nurse through self-regulation and other behaviors that positively influence patient outcomes. I practice altruism by placing the needs and interest of the patients before my interests and providing the patients services that go beyond expected standards of practice. I use compassion in my practice to identify with my patients experience to understand their perspective.
With my career goal is to become a nurse; just not ole any nurse, a great one. My strengths are very important to have. Faith is needed to help get through tough days and to also spiritually help your patients. I feel like whenever you do a task it should be done with integrity. Being a nurse, you have to be strong-minded and also able to heal and comfort mentally, emotionally, and physically, all great signs of a leader. You always have to remember that you can’t always do everything alone. Teamwork is very important in the healthcare field. Each job is important and is connected to one another. Communication is the key to many careers and very important to nursing because you have to build positive relationships with the people and patients around you.
Some other traits include having good communication skills, being emotionally stable, good physical endurance, and diligence. Since nursing consists of talking a lot, ones communication skills should be very well. They must be able to understand what patients are saying, what orders are given by the doctors, and how to successfully chart ones activity. An important trait is being able to be emotionally stable. It is crucial in order to survive all the ups and downs of emotions nurses must experience. For instance, if one has become good friends with a patient and they pass away. It would be hard, but they would need to pull through and put their job first. For nurses to succeed, they should have good physical endurance. Nurses have very few breaks and they are on their feet all day. Being a nurse means having diligence and a positive work ethic. One needs to have a constant and earnest effort to accomplish what
An ideal candidate for your nursing program would bring diversity, medical experience, and strong academics. These are qualities that I have, but these qualities alone do not automatically make me the perfect candidate. I understand that becoming a nurse is a lifetime commitment of learning and selfless altruism. Being strong academically will help me do well on a test, being exposed and educated about different cultures comforts me in the company of diversity. The medical knowledge and experience I have will bring confidence in my clinical abilities and rapport with patients and other clinicians, but if I was not an open-minded person, able to learn and apply new ways and new theories, then I would not be an ideal candidate.
My vision for myself as a nurse is that I will continue to grow and learn ways to be empathic. My desire is to always put my patient well being above my own. To live out my philosophy of nursing, every day I must remember that when I go to work it is not about me. It doesn’t matter what I am going through or what I am dealing with, when I step onto the
The role of a nurse is viewed as stressful, so nurses need to be emotionally ready and be physically fit to participate in delivering care. Acts of kindness, trustworthiness, promoting privacy, ensuring dignity, being engrossed into the artistry of caring and engaging in anti-discriminatory practice (Baughan & Smith 2008) by respecting everyone, irrespective of age, culture, gender, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and the condition from which they are afflicted, are caring indicators of a nurse.
My approaches to caring include compassion, grace, service, presence, love, empowerment, partnership, justice and advocacy. I believe that an effective nurse thinks critically, communicates effectively, feels deeply, interacts meaningfully, assumes responsibility, acts morally, approaches clients within a partnering framework, understands that people’s needs vary with developmental stage and cultural background, and views people holistically, recognizing that health encompasses both wellness and illness. I believe that I believe the nature of nursing is rooted in commitment to public service and the undeniable desire to help those in need. Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality patient care that is individualized to
Other attributes of a professional nurse would include genuine compassion and caring for patients. This helps to instill feelings of hope in times of turmoil, while