
Gonadotropin Simulation

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Gonadotropins are a group of hormones that are secreted by the pituitary gland that starts the production of the gonads. The reason gonadotropins are used in fertility is because it has FSH and LH hormone that aids in producing eggs in order for a woman to ovulate. So in other words, if a women does not have enough hormone to start ovulation she will be given a rFSH for about 12 days to help the eggs mature and then a dose of gonadotropin to start the ovulation process.
In the female reproductive system a hormone known as estrogen is controlled by gonadotropin which is controlled by negative feedback. During negative feedback from the estrogen prevent the anterior pituitary gland …show more content…

Also the release of FSH and LH and will stop the body to release the egg to get fertilize. Because estrogen and progesterone controls the hormone levels in a female in return will stop estrogen from increasing during the cycle. If progesterone remains high this will stop FSH and LH from releasing this will cause the egg from maturing and will stop the ovulation process.
Estrogen and progesterone are involved because it aids in the stopping of a woman period. It allows the fluid in the virgina to become thick and the uterus lining so the fertilized egg cannot attach.
Pregnancy is similar to birth control because when you are taking birth control a large amount of progesterone is released and maintained so it can prevent the release of FSH and LH in the body to stop ovulation so you will not get pregnant and the uterus lining will shed due to no fertilized egg and you will have a period. However, if the egg is fertilized ones the egg is planted on the uterus wall and the hormone corteum luteum will produce progesterone so the egg that is implanted can grow. This will also stop the release of the FSH and the LH hormone so that ovulation cannot take

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