
Gonorrhea Infection Case Study

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For male active duty U.S. Army personnel, the cumulative rate for repeat gonorrhea infection was 13.71%. This estimate was higher compared with that reported in a systematic review conducted by Fung et al. (2006), who, after reviewing the PubMed literature published between January 2000 and August 2006, reported that the median percentage of repeat infection among men was 7.0%, and ranged from 0% to 30.8%. The variation in study designs included in this systematic review, the different years of evaluation, and the fact that most studies were conducted in high-risk populations (e.g., STI clinic attendees), all limit the comparison of the results to other populations. In a subsequent report by Kissinger et al. (2009), sexual re-exposure to an untreated partner was associated with the high rate of gonorrhea reinfection (16%) among 921 men who attended a public STI clinic in New Orleans, Louisina, and who had had sexual intercourse with a female in the last two months, and who were diagnosed with urethritis during 2001-2004. Having sex with an untreated partner was also reported as the strongest risk factor associated with reinfection among men by Fung et al. …show more content…

The possibility that the origin of re-infection with gonorrhea in the U.S. military is sexual re-exposure̶-that is, reinfection either by a new infected partner or by the same untreated partner, and not due to resistance to ciprofloxacin, should be

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