Epidemiology is the branch of medicine dealing with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations and with the detection of the source and cause of epidemics of infectious disease. The requirement for intimate contact to permit transmission makes gonorrhea a classic sexually transmitted infection. Sexual transmission of gonorrhea via vaginal, cervical, urethral, rectal, conjunctiva or pharyngeal contact accounts for the majority of cases, and also by non-sexual transmission from mother to child during birth. N. gonorrhoeae is a survivor in spite of being too fragile to be transmitted by food, water, air, or fomites; it continued to be a very common infection in most parts of the world in the preantibiotic era despite active efforts to control it. The introduction of antibiotics led to control of gonococcal infections in some populations, but despite the natural susceptibility of the N. gonorrhoea to low concentrations of a wide variety of antimicrobials, 75 years after the discovery of penicillin gonorrhoea remains a common infection in many parts of the world. Infection with N. gonorrhoeae has been associated with increased infectiousness of and susceptibility to the sexually transmitted human immunodeficiency virus (Vinod K.Sharma et al., …show more content…
These factors include increased HIV viral load in the urethra, semen, cervical and vaginal fluids due to the high degree of inflammation, as well as increased HIV replication due to the influx of PMNs during gonococcal infections. Gonorrheal infections make the person more susceptible to HIV because it damages the columnar epithelial barriers and increases the infiltration of
Resolved: NCAA student athletes ought to be recognized as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
My article if from the Washington Post titled “Gonorrhea Is More Dangerous Than Ever As Resistance To Antibiotics Grows,” written by Lena Sun. According to the article, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is a drug-resistant diplococcal (coffee bean-shaped) bacteria, which causes gonorrhea and is the second most common infectious disease in the United States. This bacteria is only found after sexual contact with an infected person after the bacteria attach to the nonciliated epithelial cells of the fallopian tube, they are surrounded by the microvilli that draw them to the surface of the mucosal cell. The types of sexual or direct contact that it can be transmitted by include oral, anal and vaginal sex.
This journal evaluates the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases disparities of African-American in the united states in comparison to white communities. This study focuses on disparities for African American because of the massive diseases of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis that the African American communities face. Most of the US population is either white or African American. This journal focuses on African American communities instead of African Americans because of the many diversities in the US African American population. Studies took from the Northeast, South, West and Midwest
Like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea can also infect the genitals and throat (Friedman & Skancke, 2009). This sexually transmitted infection affects more than 800,000 women and men every year in the United States (Shoquist & Stafford, 2004). Although symptoms are uncommon, the symptoms often experienced include vomiting, pain in the genital area, unusually thick discharge, and the urge to urinate more than usual (Sutton, 2006). Gonorrhea can lead to infertility in both men and women, and during pregnancy can lead to premature labor and stillbirth (Shoquist & Stafford,
Gonorrhea is a STD found in the genitals, rectum or throat. Gonorrhea is commonly called the clap. The clap is commonly found in boys and girls around the age 15-24. The clap in men have the symptoms of; swollen testicles, hurts to pee, and discolored discharge. For females is; hurts to urinate, bleeding between periods, and increased discharge during periods. If you have it in the rectum, it hurts to poop. Gonorrhea can only be passed on through sex, but can also be passed on through mother to child. Gonorrhea can be cured within 7
Branding is about establishing an image of how you would like to be seen and thought of by others. In business, for instance, those people are usually consumers. In other words, companies want clients to think of them in a positive light so they purchase their products.
The possibility that the origin of re-infection with gonorrhea in the U.S. military is sexual re-exposure̶-that is, reinfection either by a new infected partner or by the same untreated partner, and not due to resistance to ciprofloxacin, should be
In conclusion, discussion of the three sexual transmitted infections, it often makes you wonder, how this disease where ever formed from biblical times until the present
In the USA, an estimated 820,000 new Neisseria Gonorrhea infections occur each year. Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported communicable disease in the USA. Less than half of them reported to the CDC. CDC stands for Center for Disease Control. CDC is one of the major operating components of the department of health and human services. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria “Neisseria Gonorrhoeae”. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Is spread during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae is a bacteria that can grow and multiply easily in mucus membranes of the body. Can also grow in the warm moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix (opening of the womb), uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in women, and in the urethra
40% of syphilis (all stages), 3% of gonorrhea, and more than 1% of chlamydia cases where either previously documented as HIV co-infected or were concurrently diagnosed
The basic reproductive rate (Ro) of infection is the average number of secondary infections produced by a typical infection that can be used to measure the transmission of a disease in a susceptible population. For instance, if the Ro of chlamydia in a population is 2, it means that each new cases of chlamydia would produce 2 new secondary cases. The equation of Ro = βcD means that Ro is affected by three factors, which are the transmissibility or probability of infection being transmitted per sexual partnership (β), rate of acquiring partners (c), and duration of infection (D) (Adler, 2004; Thomas & Tucker, 1996).
Gonorrhea is similar to chlamydia in that it does not usually have symptoms, and the ones that are displayed are similar to those of chlamydia. The symptoms in men are more obvious than those seen in women, who may not show symptoms until the bacteria has spread to cause infections in other reproductive organs. In both men and women, there is a chance of the bacteria reaching the bloodstream and causing heart inflammation and many another diseases. To treat gonorrhea, only cephalosporin drugs (a type of antibiotic) can be used because of gonorrhea’s developed resistance to penicillin, along with most other antibiotics. The case becomes different when patients have both chlamydia and gonorrhea and a different treatment plan has to be
Bacteria are living, they are not plants nor are they animals but they are a third species all together. Bacteria a prokaryotes, this is an individual cell that doesn’t contain a nucleus. A single bacteria is about the size of a single cell although most of the time there are million of them together as they multiply very quickly. Unlike Bacteria Viruses are non living and hide themselves in cells of living organisms to replicate themselves. Most kinds of viruses are far too small to be seen under a light microscope. Viruses can infect all types of living organisms (plants, animals, etc.). Fungi are very close to plants, compared to viruses and bacteria fungi is a Eukaryote. Fungi, like plants, is a multicellular organism but the key difference
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the obligate human pathogen that causes the sexually transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhea. This Gram-negative diplococci/gonococci does not infect other animals or experimental animals and does not survive freely in the environment. The gonococcal infection occurs in the upper or lower tract, pharynx, ophthalmic area, rectum, and bloodstream. During the 1980’s gonorrhea was also referred to as “the clap” when public awareness was quite minimal. This was one of the venereal diseases prostitutes hoped to contract since it resulted in infertility by pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). As documentation, diagnostic testing, and public awareness improved, there has been a decline
The advertisement industry plays an important role on consumers’ perceptions about the world. Because of this, advertisements often portray dishonest or semi truthful concepts in their advertising. It is understandable why advertisers would conceal the truth; the truth must be revealed carefully as it can often reduce the number of consumers who purchase their goods, whether or not the company has control over the controversial issue. However, hiding these issues can prevent consumers from understanding issues we have in our society and not address them. For example, South Sea Seafood Restaurant’s advertisement portrays a clean ocean with abundant, healthy marine life with a chef easily containing a crab. Many issues regarding crab