Like the current days of the world, good and evil are very big things compared to the world we live in. Good and evil are displayed throughout the book through the three different situations. The three situations are the society as a whole during WWII, the eight people in hiding, and the character of Anne. As a Jew, Anne suffered lots of evil like her family being taken away from her, torture, and many other acts. In WWII times, the society was dead and the world around Germany was also.
First of all, the society as a whole during WWII was both good and evil because there was a growth in the economy due to the mass production of war material. During this time, the president ended segregation giving many different races great new benefits. Also, the United States became a world power. Plus the atomic bomb gave other nations a different thought of how the United States operated. The society as a whole during WWII was both good and bad. Many people of this time believed that everything was bad during this time including the many Jews that were killed in the Holocaust.
Second, of all, the eight people in hiding were both good and bad because they were blessed to have one survivor, Otto Frank, but were also compromised. Otto survived Auschwitz and got Anne’s diary published,
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The three situations are the society as a whole during WWII, the eight people in hiding, and the character of Anne. The society was a big example of the evil in the times of WWII. While the eight people hiding in the Annex was a benefit to the Franks, it also was a benefit to the Nazis because they found 8 people in one spot without a problem. This was also a problem to Anne because she really wanted privacy. When multiple people joined in the Secret Annex, she could not have much to herself. Good and evil are both the big problems of the United States today, as it was in the war
During WWII, two families were in hiding. The Frank family and the Van Daan family were hiding together. Both families are Jews and they went into hiding because Jews were being killed by the Nazis. A family member of the Frank family named Anne Frank wrote in a diary. She wrote down information that happened in the Annex. In the next three paragraphs I will talk about courage, compassion, and sacrifice.
In the popular book and story of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl there are many themes present throughout her journal. It’s a touching piece of literature that puts things into perspective about family, warfare, loneliness, and selfishness. Her diary gives insight about people who are actually living in those circumstances from Anne’s point of view, resulting in a more factual story than fictional novels loosely based on true events. Anne goes through a lot during her time in the Annex, including tense arguments with her family, bombings, thieves, Peter, and Dussel moving in. The events may not seem like that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but to a young girl, it’s a huge change of events. It shows a lot from her in the way she acts, Anne’s selfishness proving that stress and war can change people to be more selfish.
The holocaust was a horrible time in people's lives and it killed six million people. Even though this happened to so many people Anne Frank was someone that so many people look up to because of her diary that she wrote during this time. Anne Frank, her family, and the Van Danns all spent 25 months in the secret annex. Dussel was someone that came in later so it was very tight for 8 people to be living under certain circumstances for that long. They hoped to stay hidden until they were liberated but they were caught and sadly the only one that lived through the concentration camps was Mr.Frank. Many historical events took place in Anne Frank. Even though most of these things occurred while they were in hiding, it still changed the characters mood and relationships.
You mostly see good vs. evil in fairy tales and in fiction books. Have you ever witnessed good vs. evil in the real world? One of the themes displayed in The Diary of Anne Frank is “Good vs. Evil”. The good vs. evil is displayed in three different levels, level on is the society as a whole during WWII. The second level is the eight people hiding in the Annex, and the last level is the character of Anne. These show how people were affected during WWII and how others treated others.
War, destruction, grief, hunger, hate, peace, love, wealth. WW2 brought many mixed feelings and emotions, it brought billions of dollars of destruction, but as bad as it was could we say the war also had positive effects. It wasn't until early December of 1942 until the second great world war had begun. Japan dropped bombs on the naval base in Hawaii which caused the US to declare war changing America forever. WWII impacts were like nothing else, the way Americans lived on the home front, the roles of women as well as gender and race relations, and the US economy was affected greatly. This war altered the way Americans lived forever, it brought the people together with one goal, and it was to defeat the axis power.
In a small rebel held town in Idlib province, the Syrian government used chemical weapons and killed dozens of civilians and injured hundreds more, including children. On April 6th United States President Donald J. Trump sent fifty-nine cruise missiles to an airbase responsible for the attack to protect the people of Syria. In this situation Donald Trump wanted to help the innocent civilians, but also made the United States a target and put the citizens of U.S. at risk. This is a perfect example of good versus evil. Literature writing also uses the theme of good versus evil. In the books The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Night by Elie Wiesel the themes of good and evil are developed by showing selfishness and loss.
WWII had a major impact on America both positive and negative. The war affected many aspects of American life and had lasting impacts even after the war ended. The war required a huge production effort to provide the materials the soldiers needed to fight. The United States produced weapons for the war and became “an arsenal of democracy.” The United States experienced a change in economic and social patterns and this provided a template for years after the war. On the positive side, WWII brought about many changes to world. It brought us into the modern age, revolutionized warfare, established America and Russia as the supreme powers of the world, laid the political geography for the next century, was the origin of the Cold War, introduced nuclear weapons to the world, revolutionized large-scale warfare, showed what an evil regime is capable of (Holocaust, Japanese POW camps), introduced or started new, and it brought war to a completely new destructive scale.
Many, many people suffered during the Holocaust war. The Jews in particular were in grave danger. The drama ‘Anne Frank’ outlines so many ways that this historical event caused a shift in the mood of the characters and their relationships. Before the Holocaust, Anne Frank was just an ordinary Jewish girl living in Germany. A German leader named Adolf Hitler developed a plan to destroy the Jews and to rule over the specific places where they lived. What Hitler did to these poor Jews, and the sheer terror they endured at the hands of this Nazi leader is purely unfathomable.
Good versus evil, the allies versus the axis, world war II was raging throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia. Neither winning nor losing was guaranteed to either side, so each wanted an ace up their sleeve. In fear of Germany acquiring a nuclear bomb, the United States set up their own program, the Manhattan project, in order to make one before the Nazis could. With the help of British and refugee scientists, and a blank check of two billion dollars, now $32.5 billion, the Manhattan project was born in 1942, and only three years later in 1945, the first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico. Ironically, by this time Germany had stopped trying to make a nuclear bomb. Although the war was reaching its final hour, Japan showed no intention to surrender, so in order to avoid a costly invasion, the United States pulled out its ace and dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima and 3 days later, Fat Man on Nagasaki . With the war having ended and the world having seen the grand awe of a nuclear weapon, the enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality of the United States’ and Soviet Union’s alliance was no more, and the two superpowers were thrust into the Cold War. Although the cold war caused death and despair, the arms race between the United States and Soviet union had positive effects, therefore the cold war had a positive effect on the world.
Many Americans considered WWII to be the good war for several reasons. Unlike many conflicts that the US has been in since WWII, such as the Korean and Vietnam wars, there was no moral ambiguity. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were extremely cruel and started the war. Another major factor during WWII was that the entire country supported the war efforts, especially because the US only entered the war after it was directly attacked. However, since WWII, America’s home front has not expressed complete support in their involvement in wars.
World War two is remembered as the Good War, but like most wars, mobilization of the patriotic public opinion is necessary . Advertisers came up with a series of mottos to help sell World War Two to the people: One of the major words being “freedom” . The war was supposed to protect Americans freedom, use honorable means, and bring freedom to foreign nations but that’s not exactly what it did. When people think of WW2 as the Good War, many memories of the war are being left out. World War Two was not a Good War in the least bit.
“It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” (Anne Frank) Anne Frank was one of the many children who fell victim to the Holocaust during the World War II. Anne’s story is nothing short of a tragedy; she died at the early age of fifteen from Typhus while being held by the Nazi Regime, in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Before dying, Anne and her family went into hiding and lived secretly in her father's office building in the Netherlands. While living in the “Annex,” a secret hiding place, she developed many interests such as reading and writing. Anne is famous because she is one of the best-known victims of the Holocaust, her story has been shared with millions in a publication of her diary, and through her writing’s she introduces many people to the massacre and its horror.
World War 2 was known as the good war. The fight for democracy was a big deal to president Franklin and it was a very well fought war. America throughout the war learns to overcome things and start to become more accepting. The war helps unite both blacks and whites to a fight for the same goal. We get our revenge of the bombing at Pearl Harbor, we work with a very brutal dictator, and we tried to stay neutral for as long as we could. For example in doc 1 the president is advised to stay out of the war that it wasn’t worth it. The president ignores and goes on because he sees how the bombing of Pearl Harbor affects Americans. He explains how this is a fight for democracy and America will always have something to do with this. In doc 2 the president says he will be on your side as long as you have the same goal, to fight for democracy. This fight focuses on the fight for democracy while putting other things such as race aside.
When people think about World War II, they normally associate it with Hitler, genocide, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and other negative things; however, there were some positive impacts it had on the United States. Economically, the United States and other countries around the world were devastated by the crashing of the stock market. Unemployment rate was at a high point, Hitler was gaining control of Europe, and we were trying to remain isolationists. Once we intervened in the war, we were pulled out of the depression by the increase of jobs, the women’s rights movement began and established legal equality, the baby boom and suburban boom began, and the United States went from
Many people were hurt by Adolf Hitler's plans and one thing he achieved was killing six million Jewish people including children. Anne Frank and her family were one of them. They lived in a secret and tiny annex where Otto used to work. They started off just going to stay there for a few months till the Allied Forces could invade Holland but that didn’t work out. In the drama wrote by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett eight people crowded into annex for 2 long years not being able to go outside. Many historical events were impacted in the drama Anne Frank. Even though these problems took place outside of the secret annex it changed the mood and relationships of the character.