
Good And Evil In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

Decent Essays

Another powerful symbol used to portray the theme of evil is the staff. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses this symbol in a clear way to represent evil in a form mainly about temptation. The devil is first shown as the traveler with the staff: “But the only thing about him that could be fixed upon as remarkable was his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black snake” (Hawthorne, 454). Goodman Brown was mesmerized by the snake, which is relatable to Eve’s excitement for Tree of Good and Evil. The staff is shown as a symbol of a serpent, which is usually a strong symbol of evil and slyness. The serpent is normally painted with such negative nouns because of the infamous personality it holds—according to Wynne “perhaps most common is the portrayal of the …show more content…

“well acquainted with your family as with ever a one among the Puritans”(Hawthorne, 456). Goodman Brown then succumbs to the temptation. Hawthorne then adds the symbolic moment before he ventures out which is when he finds his wife’s ribbon and he begins to cry out that he has loss of his Faith. Hawthorne adds this particular detail to it at first to explain the loss of Goodman Brown’s wife then he connects a deeper meaning to it to show that Goodman Brown recognizes that he is losing his faith. He then speaks of it in the actual text that he has fallen into sin and there is nothing for him to do because he has been tempted. Goodman Brown has accepted his fallen state. “There is no good on earth, and sin is but a name. Come, devil! for to thee is this world given”(Hawthorne, 456) Hawthorne then connects this to the biblical story when the snake tempted Eve and the snake was the form of the devil. Hawthorne uses different metaphors to explain the questionable actions of the snake and how it is a strong symbol of the development of the

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