
Good As New Summary

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Review of Good as New
The short story I chose is Good as New, by Shane Rhinewald. I thoroughly enjoyed this story not only for the impact it had but also for the twist when the metaphorical content became clear to me. I enjoy being surprised and when this story revealed itself as something it did not at first seem I was impressed.
1. What is the title of the text and what is the text about?
The short story I chose is entitled Good as New, it is a story about a single father, Martin, who is faced with his daughter, Lauren, returning from middle school with bleeding wounds.
2. What is the author’s view? How do I know?
I believe the author uses images of physical violence as a metaphor for the emotional wounds caused by bullying. For example …show more content…

After some time Lauren starts turning down her father’s attempts to fix her wounds allowing them to bleed. Finally the bullying causes Lauren to harm herself, ““These?” She said, gesturing over her torso. “These I made myself.”” (Rhinewald, 2012).
4. Is the evidence valid? How do I know?
The wounds of being bullied are not easily visible, yet have a strong affect on the victims and their self-confidence. Expressing the wounds suffered as physical has a strong impact, the image of a middle school student having to return to school where her classmates are repeatedly stabbing her makes us question the actions of her father who; “Watches her bleed on her bed, knowing he could do nothing but love her.” (Rhinewald, 2012).
5. Is the evidence relevant? How do I know?
Everyday children have to face the cruelty of school bullying and carry the scars into their adult life. On the other hand, others are not able to bear the pain and decide to take their own lives. Questioning the actions of bullies and confronting the pain of victims is very relevant in today’s world where electronic bullying follows its victims

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