Review of Good as New
The short story I chose is Good as New, by Shane Rhinewald. I thoroughly enjoyed this story not only for the impact it had but also for the twist when the metaphorical content became clear to me. I enjoy being surprised and when this story revealed itself as something it did not at first seem I was impressed.
1. What is the title of the text and what is the text about?
The short story I chose is entitled Good as New, it is a story about a single father, Martin, who is faced with his daughter, Lauren, returning from middle school with bleeding wounds.
2. What is the author’s view? How do I know?
I believe the author uses images of physical violence as a metaphor for the emotional wounds caused by bullying. For example
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After some time Lauren starts turning down her father’s attempts to fix her wounds allowing them to bleed. Finally the bullying causes Lauren to harm herself, ““These?” She said, gesturing over her torso. “These I made myself.”” (Rhinewald, 2012).
4. Is the evidence valid? How do I know?
The wounds of being bullied are not easily visible, yet have a strong affect on the victims and their self-confidence. Expressing the wounds suffered as physical has a strong impact, the image of a middle school student having to return to school where her classmates are repeatedly stabbing her makes us question the actions of her father who; “Watches her bleed on her bed, knowing he could do nothing but love her.” (Rhinewald, 2012).
5. Is the evidence relevant? How do I know?
Everyday children have to face the cruelty of school bullying and carry the scars into their adult life. On the other hand, others are not able to bear the pain and decide to take their own lives. Questioning the actions of bullies and confronting the pain of victims is very relevant in today’s world where electronic bullying follows its victims
In “Phoebe Prince: Should School Bullying Be a Crime?”, an article written by journalist Jessica Bennet addresses school bullying, the outcomes and the consequences that bullies deserve or not. Above all, this article aims the spotlight on bullying, a 15-year-old who took her own life due to harassment, torment, rumors, physical threats all leading it to being bullied by well-known good students. In any case, the process of being bullied has never been taken into consideration nor importance in the school system or by society in general. “It’s even gotten better over the past decade says Dan Olweus, a leading bullying expert”. However, bullying just does not disappear, it is still an issue that humankind does not have any diligence to the cause
Have you ever been a target of an individual’s cruelty and hatred? It does not necessarily have to be physical, but more like being verbally degraded or publicly humiliated. The effects bullying can have on its victims is something that may last throughout their lives, or something that may end their life(Braithwaite, Hyde, Pope, 2010).We all are well aware of childhood bullying but as evidence shows bullying does not stop on the
Over three million students are victims of bullying every year. Bullies deal a lot of pain to their victims. There are multiple kinds of bullying and there are also different effects. Between the two stories, “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury and “The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson bullying is shown in different forms while also having different consequences. In Jackson’s story, the bullying has a much greater impact because it hurts a whole community unlike Bradbury’s story which is targeted to one character.
Document B in the DBQ “Should Schools Be Allowed to Limit Students’ Online Speech, ?” they surveyed British School Teachers about their experience and effects of bullying. Only 15.1% of teachers admitted to being cyber bullied over mobile, phone, and email. They then expressed who the person responsible for the misdeed was. The highest percentage was 44.2%, which was under the category of their pupils. Like most people bullying of all sorts would affect them in some way. About 38.6% of teachers said that the bullying had no effect on them. Another 38.6% of them said that the bullying reduced their confidence and self-esteem. This shows that not only students are the ones being bullied but so are teachers. This should help make sure that everybody and everything is kept under
I really like some of the points you made from the reading. One such point was that Westwood Publishing had never laid anyone off, in its entire sixteen-year existence. While on the one hand, this shows that leadership is dedicated to their employees. This comes despite necessary changes that were neglected along the way, and that is why they are in such disarray now (Borromeo, 2014). It is important for leadership to understand that their ultimate goal is create profits for their shareholders, the bottom line. How they treat employees obviously has a say in that, however sometimes hard decisions have to be made for the good of the company. Jim Collins points out in Good to Great, that one of the fundamental factors that leads to organizational success is “first who” (Collin, 2001). This is a double-edged sword in that the most important facet of an organization is not only ensuring that the right people are put into the right leadership positions, but also that those who aren’t meeting expectations are removed from their positions before negatively affecting the company.
How many of you know someone that has been a victim of bullying? or have been victims of a bully? Statistically schools students have a one in seven chance of being on the receiving end of a bullies rage (NBNBD). In the United States, there is an estimated 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students (NEA), but what are the contributing factors in school violence? What and why do bullies to want to inflict pain on someone? We need to find the many sociological factors in a bully that causes them to do harm to others and contribute to violence in schools.
The author supports her points by inserting numbers and reliable sources to the article. Researching and citing made this article more credible and more pleasant to read. Also, the author separated each section by putting a tittle, and by doing that it helps readers to comprehend more what she wants to explain or show to the reader. Putting references helped facilitate to the reader more information that helped support the authors objective about “bullying.”.
I am writing this essay as I have been extremely moved by the recent suicide of a teenage girl in Ireland. Erin Gallagher a 13 year old girl from Donegal took her own life because of vicious online bullying. Her recent suicide adds to the growing number of teenage suicides not just in Ireland but worldwide that have been caused by bullying and cyber bullying or a combination of both. The issue of cyber bullying is something that needs to be addressed immediately both in the home and in schools. UNICEF carried out a study on bullying in Ireland and the results were staggering to say the least. 55% of children questioned admitted to being bullied in one form or another (Changing the Future, 2010). This
There are various types of bullying that students are face with such as; physical bullying, this type of bullying involves hitting, shoving, pushing, tripping and any other kind of force. Verbal bullying involves the use of hurtful comments such as, name-calling and teasing. Social bullying involves using relationship to hurt someone, it involves excluding or ostracizing someone from a friend group, spreading rumors or the silent treatment. Cyber bullying happens over cell phone and the internet. School bullying is not subject to any particular gender both boys and girls are guilt of or victims of some form of bullying. However; bullying is likely to be missed by teachers, 129 states “while teachers view bullying as a major problem, it is low on the list reported by students.” This quote explain that it is almost impossible to know whether a child is being bullied or the type of bullying that they experience. Therefore, in this essay I will claim that violence has increased in school as a result of bullying, and because of bullying student bringing weapons to school as a means of
Ambition a passion that never fails you and will never let you fail it, and this is why it will ultimately cause the downfall of the individual. In the novel Frankenstein and in the Play Macbeth, ambition is the main theme in these two pieces. Both Victor and Macbeth had great dreams of accomplishing certain things that defy a higher order. Ambition drove both of them to strive for what they want and never give up on their dreams. Ambition without doubt help or even single handling brought Macbeth and Victor to their dreams. Ambition is the best quality that a person can have, it allowed Victor and Macbeth to achieve what they always wanted. Whatever can bring you to the top, also has the power to make you fall harder then you fell before, being overly ambitious can also destroy a person and people that surrounds this individual. Victor and Macbeth succeeded in accomplishing their deepest desire but this does not mean they have succeeded in achieving happiness.
Bullying is a huge cause of school violence, traditional school bulling can take place on school play ground, school bus or hall way while as a result of technological advancement, cyber bullying has become ‘borderless cancer’ that sometimes turn the school environment into killing zone. Both cyber and traditional bullying inflicts physical hurt and sometimes physiological suffering on one or more students. Therefore, according to Bartol & Bartol (2014) victims of persistence bullying are more
In analyzing The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer I discovered satirical stories such as “The Pardoner’s Tale” which mock church practices and religion. The Canterbury Tales is a frame story that exemplifies the theme: “looks can be deceiving.” In, “The Pardoner’s Tale,” a religious pardoner brags about various ways he deceives others into paying him money. The pardoner offers relics in exchange for high prices, advertising that these relics will free people from their sins. When telling his story to the group and when giving sermons, he ironically uses the theme,“money is the root of all evil”. He admits to the group that the relics are fraudulent and he preaches solely for the purpose of gaining riches. Although the pardoner is admittedly a sinful man, he swears he can tell a good moral story to the group. He tells a story of the
In John Cloud’s essay “The Myths of Bullying” he talks about the reaction that schools and states have to bullying. Cloud expresses his concerns for bullying and also explains the steps that people are taking to help prevent it. He explains that most of the systems used now are not effective and are making school’s waste money. He then provides his own opinion on how bullying should be approached in school systems. Cloud’s essay not only tries to persuade the reader to his cause but he uses literary elements such as bathos and logos to appeal to and draw in the reader.
Bullying frequently happens in territories escaped grown-up supervision. Cyberspace has turned out to be such a range. In the meantime, youngsters might likewise utilize online networking and new advancements to express self-destructive considerations that they are unwilling to impart to their guardians and different grown-ups. Both bullying counteractive action projects and suicide anticipation projects need to figure out how to explore in this new world.
*Bullying is still prevalent today- Bullying, continues to affect an estimated 50–80% of young people. Approximately 16 children each year in the UK commit suicide as a result of being bullied (Side, & Johnson, 2014). In spite of decades of research and more recent guidance by Government, bullying in schools remains a serious concern to young people and educational Practitioners (Side, & Johnson,