" 'Good health implies the achievement of a dynamic balance between individuals or groups and their environment. '" (Better Health Commission 1986, cited in Carey, D., Perraton, G.; Weston, K. 2000: 3). According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 'health ' can be defined as the absence of illnesses and a state of mental and social well-being (Carey et al. 2000:3). In other words, in order to maintain optimal health, it is imperative to have a well-balanced lifestyle which would include a nutritious diet as well as mental and social well-being. This essay shows that food is one of the many important factors amongst others when striving to maintain good health. This will be demonstrated by examining the three main aspects affecting an …show more content…
cited in King Murdoch 2005: 24). As a result of their late retirements and continuous physical activities, the Okinawans seem to enjoy high rates of longevity and good health as compared to the populations of other countries (Mc Devitt 1999: 59). A further critical element characteristic of a healthy lifestyle is to refrain from smoking and limiting alcohol intake to a minimum to enhance physical well-being (Melton 2001: 32). Hence, it is evident that staying healthy means keeping active. Various simple activities such as dancing, gardening, or brisk walking help to burn kilojoules whilst at the same time providing enjoyment. Such activities can easily be done by everyone to keep healthy.
Finally, social development also plays a fundamental role in promoting and maintaining good health. Perry (1997: 26) notes that the elderly that live with their children and grandchildren gain several positive impacts on their social and mental well-being. These benefits include emotional and physical support from their children along with a close-knit social network, both of which are significant to maintaining good social condition as evidenced by World Health Organisation 's definition of 'health '. Conversely, the elderly are able to give emotional support to
The links to good nutrition in diet and health are scientifically proved from many studies. Good and proper nutrition helps to maintain good health and prevent disease. A diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean and low fat meat, and dairy are essential for a healthy balanced diet. However, a well balanced does not include foods that contain added sugars, high sodium, saturated fat, and high caloric foods. Good nutrition is a valuable asset. Well fed people are more likely to be healthy and productive. Everyone benefits from good nutrition.
For last 50 years many researchers throughout the world have shown that the foods we eat have a profound impact on our health and longevity. A healthy diet
What nutrients are and how they affect our body, malnutrition, deficiency etc. The guidelines which determine nutritional health including dietary reference values (DRV), what a balanced diet is and how to maintain this, what BMI is and how to calculate it, the eat well plate, I will explain possible influences on dietary intake, assess how these influences may affect the nutritional health of individuals and I will also make realistic recommendations for minimising the impact of negative influences on individuals in a specific health and social care setting.
How much should a person truly value his or her health? According to Michael Pollan’s views, people should take what they put into their body serious because diet is the main difference between life and death. Michael Pollan, who has written multiple books about food and eating, focuses on the Western diet in his essay, “Escape from the Western Diet.” In the essay, he argues that people need to stop eating a Western diet because it leads to health complications, such as chronic disease. The standard way of thinking about health has it that the Western diet is an acceptable lifestyle choice; however, Pollan argues that escaping the Western diet is the best lifestyle choice because the diet promotes disease. On one hand, I agree with Pollan; on the other hand, I believe that consuming organic food is key to improving health as well as the environment rather than just escaping the Western diet.
* Explain individuals about the importance of a healthy diet and encourage and support the m to choose healthy options and alternatives.
Scenario: ABC Care Home is situated in London and caters to care needs of vulnerable people. The service users come from diverse ethnic and religious background and have varied physical and medical needs. (You may choose the category of service users you work with).
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I previously
During my three-day food intake I learned about myself. There are many benefits of good nutrition. ”Medical Online” states “besides helping you maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its system to function optimally for a lifetime.” A healthy diet promotes good sleep, gives the body what it needs to stay healthy, and provides energy. According to “Mealtime Memo” Good nutrition means getting the calories that we need for energy and the nutrients we need for proper growth. I’m learning that variety, balance, and moderation are the key to healthy nutrition. As I am learning what I should and should not eat I will like you to invite you to take a look at my food intake. This essay will converse about my
Improving the health conditions of the American population ensures the increased quality of life. People eat for various reasons with the fundamental reason being for survival purposes. However, the issue of eating to live and living to eat affects people in different manners as most people develop poor eating habits that affect the body’s nutritional intake and affects their health. Being healthy involves careful considerations of what one is eating and engaging in activities that contribute to better healthy lives that do not imply daily prescriptions or
According to the World Health Organization, “Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition – an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity – is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity. (World Health Organization, 2012) ”
Humans have been around for many centuries. In this century, we are growing more aware of the negative effects illness and stress have on the human body. We are also becoming aware of the necessary steps needed to be healthy and accomplish a longer life span. With the ever-growing number of diseases around the human population, it is imperative that humans realize the importance of being healthy. People believe health is attained by just eating healthy foods, and exercising but that is not the case. Different components compile a human beings overall health; the components are called six different dimensions. The different dimensions are physical, psychological, spiritual, social, intellectual, and
Proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and living a long life. People deal with food every day, and food has been a part of life since the beginning of civilization. What we eat becomes our diet, and our diet plays a major role in deciding how healthy we are and how well our body functions. Without proper diet, our body cannot carry out the functions it needs to perform. Most people have some common knowledge on what is good and what is bad for the human body to consume. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains are some common items people think of when they think of healthy foods. However, it is not enough just to know what foods are good for your body, it is also important to understand why certain foods are
There are certain benefits and important reasons for eating healthy. Eating healthy allows the body to feel better so that the number of visits to the doctor’s office or far and few between and a better quality of life can be enjoyed. Eating healthy can also prevent certain diseases and illnesses. This paper will discuss the benefits of healthy eating, controlling diabetes and prevention of diseases and illnesses.
Eating healthy is important for many reasons, it will promote intellectual development in children and adolescents prevent major health problems from developing and ensure a long and healthy life style. This research paper will introduce the importance of forming a healthy eating habit from a young age onto the senior years and will also point out some of the negative effects not eating healthy can cause such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, iron deficiency anemia, dental caries, under-nutrition, and eating disorders.
Diet is the basic condition for mankind to maintain life. To make people live happily, energetically and wisely, not only are they satisfied with feeding, they must also consider the rational allocation of diet to ensure the intake of various nutrients required by the human body Balanced and adequate, and can be fully absorbed by the body. This will help prevent the occurrence of the disease, to achieve the purpose of diet and longevity. From the book, "They Say, I Say", there are several essays from authors that go in depth about unhealthy diet. Most if not all of the authors from "They Say, I Say" and other writers in professorial field believe that a healthy diet will influence the quality of human life. Each author shows their opinions on diet based on their rational analysis and reasonable projections. Also, fully demonstrated the important factors that cause bad diet.