
Good Management For Continuous Due Diligence And Clear Communication

Better Essays

Good Management is about accountability and being able to execute, coordinate and implement programs and policies to ensure that the organization runs smoothly. Also it entails one to constantly be aware of the facts and to have the knowledge and ability to follow-up on all matters pertaining to the organization. In any organization good management calls for continuous due diligence and clear communication that is rooted within each task at hand and providing the tools and resources necessary to help move forward people needs, mission and objectives. However, these functions can become very challenging at times, especially when one has to deal with some unions, and administrations over time. Thus, politics become the absolute determining factor as one tries to perform their roles as a manager in the field of the public sector. Rainey chapter 14, states that, “Criticism of government and its components, such as government officials, organizations, and employees, is a thriving industry in the United States.”(p.450) This is true, because the United States being a capitalist country and for which it stands have also created a far different system of government compared to other countries around the world. Moreover, with various components and interconnecting roles of forming various policies when it comes to managing, controlling, making preparations, and directing an organization 's resources to achieve a meaningful purpose for these organization can become challenging if

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