What I mean by having a good work ethic is like me saying that i’m going to the gym or playing basketball anytime i can so i can get better so i can dominate on the court . And by doing that you have to put the work in and that’s by you waking up early going to the gym for extra shooting reps and going to work out on shot form and ball handling. For example when i went to the gym the person at the front desk looked at me and he said man you come to the gym alot and that kind of made me happy .
“Work with your head not your back, stay in school or you’ll end up like me” my father tells me that time and time again. Even to this day I still hear those exact words ringing in my ears. Hard work to me means to putting your all and finishing what you started. My idol Michael Jordan has failed a plethora of times. Jordan was trusted to take the game winning shot and missed 26 times, yet he continued to work and improve. But his hard work on and off the court has paid off with him, winning 6 rings and plenty of MVP awards. I’m not by any means comparing my freshman science class efforts to Michael Jordan’s 1,000 shots a day without missing a single shot, but the effort to make the best and do your best in any situation is there. To work hard is one of the most essential values anyone can have. No one likes a slacker and hard work always pays off in the end.
I was 14 years old when I walked into my first restaurant kitchen as a worker, and over the last 14 years I've been everything from a dishwasher to a kitchen manager. At the beginning of this year I made a goal to become the best version of myself. This goal included taking my already great work ethic and making it amazing. It has become my mission to evolve into the cook that I've always envisioned myself being, and to be the type of cook I would want to have work for me. I understand the hard work everyone has to collectively put in to make day to day operations run smoothly, and how to recognize when things need tweaking for more cost-effective purposes.
I believe in the principle of working hard, and I believe sports are the reason I am who I am today. My whole life my parents pounded into my head the importance of hard work. I had heard this idea so many times, I never really understood what it meant, I just knew it must be important. As I grew up, I realized how many amazing things sports have taught me, and I am thankful for the work ethic I have now, because of sports.
1. Be committed to self preservation and create a goal in which you can set for yourself that is achievable over a certain time period.
I grew up with a strong work ethic. My family was in the farming and dairy business, they worked hard and saved, so I was taught to be frugal. I married young, out of high school. The marriage didn’t work and I was left with three children to support and raise. I did so by starting a cleaning service, eventually it grew to the point I had six employees, however I did not have enough education to know how to expand and make it really successful. Because I had sole responsibility of raising a young family, I had no time to further my education and in those days, there were no online courses. LOL, now I’m telling you my age. After the children were grown and moved away from home, I decided to slow down and not work as hard as it had begun to take
At the age of thirteen, I wondered how to make money, and I found a solution. It all started at 5:30 am in August of 2013 outside of Bridgestone Arena, one year after I had been cured from epilepsy with a double craniotomy, which would make me realize life is short, driving my young work ethic. My love for the sport of hockey attracted me to a used gear sale, where I would be able to get some of the Nashville Predators players’ equipment. I took a thousand dollar loan from my mom, which took a little explaining, but she trusted my work ethic. I bought more hockey gear than one could ever need, buying around twenty sticks and five pairs of hockey gloves. After sorting through the gear at my house, I figured I only needed about a fifth of the gear. I took all the extra gear and found a
While I was in high school I wasn’t fully committed to my studies and believed I didn’t have the potential it took to get into college. I graduated high school early when I first turned 17 through a early graduated program because I followed the wrong crowd and believed I wouldn’t be accepted to a university anyways. After I graduated high school I wanted to move out on my own and get a low paying job and apartment so I could support myself because I was always worried about being a burden to my family. Struggling to make ends meet every month really gave me a good work ethic because this was the first time I experienced having to make ends-meet. I worked until the end of my 6-month lease and eventually ended up moving back in with my parents
I have worked in municipal for the majority of my career. I worked as a consultant in the private sector for almost five years before accepting another position in city government in another state. My career exposed me to ethical behavior, both good and bad, in the workplace, I also was able to view firsthand, deviant workplace behavior. My experience with both concepts came during my previous career in city government. After thirty years in city government, I had the misfortune to have my career be manipulated by the unethical behavior by an executive director in conjunction with deviant workplace behavior by my subordinates.
I have a very good work ethic and i almost always complete a task. That is probably because of my athletic background. Which has built a strong foundation
In the corporate world today, businesses that are enormous and those that are less enormous, must follow some ethical principles. An organization’s ethics matters significantly because standards lean toward the organization’s reputation regarding trust, respect, equality, and fairness” (Society for Human Resource Management, 2015, p. 119). To just put it, having ethical principles in place that are good for the business matter and sometimes they don’t. For example, even though Wall Street had ethical principles in place, it did not matter for some because the organizational behavior led to people losing homes, all their saving and for some their lives. This renowned organization collapsed because of unethical practices in the workplace which affected the community, customers, and the team itself. The consequences were a catastrophe mess. Some of the employees at the top fail to meet their responsibility in regards to making decent choices. They were driven by greed and the ignorance of the public policy. They violated their ethical charge to influence business for their profit and special interest groups. If an organization look at its ethics and values and ignore something that is wrong, it just might end up out of business. I firmly believe that people who manage currency should have a high degree of integrity. As I begin to reflect on the question, what are some of the ethical principles that our organization operates under? What
A few traits that employers seem to be looking for in possible hires is that they have a strong work ethic, are eager to gain knowledge in their field and that they have proper communication skills. Having a strong work ethic will motivate you into being hard worker, arriving on time, and deter you from laziness later. Knowing what to do and how to do it is a favorable quality in the work industry, that would lead you to be confident in your ability to provide for the customer. By getting your point across to the patron in an efficient way, both you and them can smoothly get through a problem in an orderly manner.
There is an ethical belief that housing is a human right and that there is nothing that a person can do that relinquishes his or her rights to deserve safe, stable housing (Chernega and George, 2014). We have homes to go to, homeless people do not; even if they have a roof over their head, they will usually have little privacy and not right of permanent residence (Timms and Borrell, 2014). A code of ethics (COE) displays common values within organizational settings. In addition, the code of ethics (EOC) does not dictate its rules to an organization. The domain stands as a universal outcome for each and everyone in the word setting. The CEO in this setting is intended to offer a better life to some of the homeless in the streets, who dreamed
WORK ETHIC is an importing topic too and it mean to put more work into your work if you put workInto it. It mean you care and if you care about it you'll
I always used to hear people say that you’ll learn from the mistakes that you made when you were younger. I have come to find out how true that statement really is. It has only been a short time since the start of my junior year, but I feel like I have learned so much since then. I often realize the foolishness that I committed last year. There are so many things I would have done differently if I could have seen what was coming for me in the future. I believe that the future holds all answers to the past which of course, cannot be changed. About my personality, the only thing I would want to tell myself is do what makes you happy. About my work ethic, I would tell myself to just get it done and to make sure you know what motivates you.
Having a good work ethic is needed in our day to day culture. Work ethic is important. Donna Devlin, Staff Coordinator for Boston University Center for Career Development explains how being punctual is vital. Your co-workers rely on you to show up for work on time, and can impact others if you are not their. Give your supervisor plenty of notice if there's a change in your schedule (Devlin 1). Also, you must value the importance of hard work. Dr. Michael J. Miller, Chief officer of Ziff Brothers Investment and editor- in-chief of PC magazine and Info world indicate that work ethic is declining both in America as well as other industrialized nations. Concern has been expressed that the decline in work ethic corresponds to lower levels of job performance, higher levels of absenteeism and turnover, and increases in counterproductive behavior ranging from unauthorized to employee theft (Miller 2). Others have argued that work ethic is not in decline, but is different among generations. You need to have professional behavior. If you are working in a public area, be aware of those around you. Be courteous and friendly to all visitors, and put your personal phone away while at work. Frequent phone calls can take time away while at work, and can make you seem unprofessional. Also, follow the dress code. Be sure to know your organization’s dress code and act accordingly (Devlin 1).