
Good and Evil in Robert Frost's Poetry Essay

Decent Essays

Our world is founded on good and evil. Humans have grabbed hold of these abstract principles, interpreted them into foundations of government and religion. But there is still a powerful need to understand good and evil, to know whether our world is controlled by gods and goddess, animals, the sun, every single human on earth or nothing at all. With so many ways to interpret our existence, there are billions of ideas, ranging from the inanely simple to the thoroughly convoluted. But Robert Frost’s theory, published in the early 1900s, remains one of the most compelling. In his poem Design, Frost illustrates the contrast between evil the good in nature, and offers his own commentary as to who is truly in control.
In the first stanza, …show more content…

But many people do not view a spider as harmless and innocent; instead, its many legs appear grotesque and frightening. This view has gained momentum throughout generations of Western culture, and a spider is now seen as a creature of the Devil. “Dimpled”, “fat” and “white” are clearly an inappropriate description of Satan, and the disparity between good and evil only increases in the following lines. As the speaker continues, “On a white heal-all, holding up a moth”, the reader is drawn to the repetition of the color white (2). In questioning the color’s meaning, the negative archetypal definition of coldness and indifference gains significance. And since the spider would be “holding up the moth” in preparation to eat it, its coloring might indicate heartlessness rather than innocence. Similarly, the coloring of the heal-all may show a sense of hostility akin to the spider, or it may represent its purity and beauty. The different meanings, reflecting the theme of good versus evil, can be interpreted differently at each stage of the poem. In the following line, “Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth,” the description of the moth offers more contradictions (3). Satin is a full, flowing fabric, and it would only be described as rigid if it was sewn to something else. Perhaps the simile is describing the satin moth being captured by the spider. The color of the moth would then represent its innocence, while the white

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