If you are a dedicated iPhone consumer you must realize that you have basically bought the same phone over and over again. It is time to trash the iPhone and get a new Android. Although Apple’s tyrannical iPhones took the cake by far in the beginnings of the smartphone revolution, Google Android soon came in to assert its dominance over the now pathetic iPhone, much like an omega-wolf taking down an alpha-wolf to become the new leader of the pack. With Android’s wide variety of smartphones, like the well-known Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One, consumers have more options than ever. Also, the Android phones themselves are unequivocally better when it comes to customizability. On Apple’s part, software features are severely lagging; Whereas, …show more content…
The customizability of Android, in comparison to the iPhone, is like comparing a rich man to a peddler. Android is rich with customizability options like the ability to root, which basically gives you the privilege to do whatever you want to your phone by the way of software customization(Black Dog Media Limited 96). If you are not at all knowledgeable of how to operate a smartphone, most Android smartphones have an available “easy” mode on it, which makes the phone as easy to use as a Jitterbug. However, Apple, the peddler in this circumstance, has few customizability features which are limited to folders, home and lock screen background changes, a favorite’s bar at the bottom and changing the order of the apps, all of which use to set Apple apart; however, now Android devices can do as well.
Android devices have so many available features (refer to list) and more (Kovach, “11 Things Samsung's Galaxy S4 Can Do That The iPhone 5S Can't”). After hearing this how many of you would rush to the Apple Store if it included these features? Probably almost all of you, but the iPhone does not include these features. Instead Apple has only a limited number of features and options, which create a less user friendly interface than that of its Android competitor.
Apple negatively affects its users
When people are deciding to buy a smart phone a lot of questions are raised in their head before choosing one. Should I get an Android or an Iphone? How much do I want to spend on a smart phone? Which phone has features that are beneficial to me? What specifications does each phone have? Some people would say Iphones are better than Androids, while others say that Androids are better than Iphones. When looking at a Galaxy S5 and the Iphone 5s there are major differences between them.
Essentially, Android phones are cheaper and have more options making them more wallet-friendly to the average consumer. The iPhone however, is geared toward a very specific market segment that knows what to expect and they salivate over the future of Apple’s devices. Because the Android market is segmented by the many different devices and device manufacturers, the experience is less unified and users often find applications that may not work with their specific devices. This, combined with Google’s insistence on keeping the Android OS ‘open’, also makes Android phones more susceptible to hackers and various usage issues. These are much less prevalent on iOS devices.
Apple and Google follow very different principles with their mobile platforms. Apple maintains a tightly closed system where they put their software on their own hardware whereas Google has a much more open policy. Google licenses Android to companies like Samsung, HTC and Motorola which manufacture their own hardware and run it on customized versions of Android.
The functionality of the iPhone’s operating system is so smooth and advanced, it out performs Android operated device. Apple’s innovation and creativity has helped it to become the best mobile operating system on the market, “Because Apple makes both the hardware and the operating system for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, everything is designed to work
Apple has been chasing the functionality of Android for the longest time, but ever since Apple released iOS8, Apple finally took over. iPhone software is remotely the same every year, which enables them to be more unique and clean. Even though Apple is a better more updated company, rather than Android, Apple is more user friendly than Android because Apple bring people together with emojis and group chats, something Android can 't promise their users. More people own a Apple device of some sort over Android or Samsung.
New top-end mobile phones such as the Apple Iphone are allowing a new class of mobile to emerge in the world today. Combined with its ease of use, rich design, and well-organized application system through Apple App Store makes the Iphone an appealing platform for development of other smartphones. The Apple IPhone was released on June 29, 2007 by CEO of Apple Steve Jobs (Honan). The IPhone offers many of the innovative features found on competing devices, but it also differs from other smartphones on the market.
The battle for the mobile computing market share between Apple and Google wouldn’t matter much if there wasn’t so much potential money at stake, and the majority of that money will come from advertising. App sales are another important component, especially for Apple. What irritated Steve Jobs about Google OS was that the Android phones offered many features that Apple had created, including the overall look of the devices and the use of multi-touch finger swiping.
As stated prior, iPhone and Android share many of the same applications, and both display similarities in their app stores. However, the systems of apps for both types of phone are almost entirely different. For example, the apps on the iPhone are of higher quality than that of the Android, and there is a much greater selection. However, Android phones allow users to download applications from third party sources, and the Android app store is much
Two operating systems currently dominate the smartphone market, Apple and Android. It all started six years ago when Google launched its android system. However, its approach was much different. Google had made just the software, not the device, giving the software free to phone makers to alter and adjust in anyway they pleased to fit their over 70 different phones. Google believed that by offering it free, in the long run would create more internet friendly phones and more ad views for Google. I think that this strategy was successful due to the fact that Android is the world’s most popular operating system loved by many smartphone users. My point here, that Android is the better operating system, than Apple, should interest those who are
Once again Apple has been the first to the market when it comes to new features such as the touch screen, which has helped to keep its competition at arms length. Like all other Apple products, the smartphone is seen by many consumers in the industry as fashionable and a must have. Also Apple’s online music store support has also been a huge lift to its smartphones, as consumers can download music and thousands of applications.
They are many categories that can be made to explain why did people starting choosing apple products and not android products. The number one category that people requested for the next iphone generation to have and improve in there looks and appearances. The times of India claims “With a few exceptions, like the
Better configurations The innovations within the industries force firms to develop smartphones with better quality and more functions. From screens to cameras, from CPU to storage, everything is improving beyond users’ expectations.
The iPhone is very different from other smart phones because of its third-party development environment. Third-party applications make the iPhone unique, and the iPhone is an
Android and IOS differs in the way of providing security to the devices. The main difference is IOS provides security to the apps in the app-store, by signing it (i.e.) no app can enter the Apple’s app-store without Apple’s approval. This is not in the case of android the
In the market currently, Apple iOS is Androids number one competitor. Both Android OS and Apple iOS have faced many security vulnerabilities. Android is working on the Stagefright vulnerability and Apple has struggled with loopholes that allowed apps to execute standard library code directly by bypassing security restrictions. (Shetty, 2017) Currently these vulnerabilities have been addressed and patched on the latest OS/iOS versions. But studies have shown that far more mobile malware target Android than iOS; which could also be due to the fact that there are way more Android devices in the market than iOS.