Several people just buzz right on by Gopher, an interstate town in northern Kansas. The side closest to the interstate, the north side as it was called, was full of tourist shops, gas stations, and little Ma and Pop inns. No one actually lived anywhere near the interstate, as they all hated how the drivers were allowed to speed and the garbage that frequently came flying out of the passing cars. Therefore, the townsfolk of Gopher lived on what they called the south side. Never had an interstate driver come relatively close to the south side; consequently, it was the citizens’ haven. It was an unspoken agreement between the citizens and the passing tourists that the tourists stayed far away from the homes of the families in Gopher, Kansas. This …show more content…
One spring day, the wind came up, which knocked over some of the signs that said, “Construction ahead, 2 miles.” Clayton Lemmel, a trucker who was from out of state, had brought along his twelve year old daughter, Robyn, for a quick trip to Kansas and back home to Nebraska. Robyn had grown up driving, especially heavy equipment such as a semi, and anything that was attached to it. On that note, occasionally, when Clayton needed to get a little bit of rest from driving, Robyn would take over the truck for awhile Robyn took over driving for her father nearly ten miles ahead of the construction zone. The father-daughter duo was to drive on part of the interstate where the floods had washed part of it away. As the signs were blown over, they had no idea that the construction was going on. Driving along, Robyn was doing fine. She kept her father’s truck square in the lines, and her speed constant. Always loving to different types of landscape, Robyn looked out the driver side window to study the golden fields of wheat, rolling like waves in the ocean. As she looked out the clean, streak-free window, the truck was coming closer to the site of the construction …show more content…
Robyn asked her father, “Well why are you not going already?” Clayton replied, ‘Well my girl, I think you ruined the brakes, by slamming on them.” Clayton looked around for a nearby gas station so he could ask someone to help him. The only thing he could see is the sign to ole Gopher, Kansas. Clayton was looking for the town all around but he could not find it however. Therefore, in that case he had to try to make his truck go on the side of the road the best he could. After he got it off the road a little more, he hopped out, told Robyn to get out and down the little road to Gopher, Kansas, they went. When they got to Gopher, they were very shocked at how little the town was. They thought it would be bigger but were extremely mistaken. After walking around the town for a bit, Clayton saw an old car shop. It was open, so Clayton walked in and said, “Is anybody here.” I little tiny voice replied, “Yes, what can I help y’all with?” Looking around for the voice, they both asked who said that, and out popped a little old lady. The old lady was short, stout and was waddling towards them with a glass of
That night Christopher just got off a double shift at the police station. Before he went back to his apartment, he went by a dinner to get him some coffee and something to eat. When he went back to his police car, he heard the message for the kidnapping of the the kids. He responded and said that he was be looking out for the RV.
The driver of the tow truck responded to Highway 96 about five miles south of Happy Camp after two stranded
Before Billy and Ruff left, Billy realized that it might take hours to walk to Wolf Hollow, so they walked to a gas station first. As they were walking to the gas station, a man pulled over to the side of the road and said.“Where are you two guys going this early in the morning?
By late Saturday afternoon, the roadways in Flat Holler have endured four days of intense rain and another torrential rainstorm is threatening the town. The ominous gray clouds overhead might daunt the townspeople, but not Clemmie Sue, who is hell bent on reaching the home of her dear friend, Estelle Louise Button, before they rip a seam. Her petite foot, therefore, is heavy on the accelerator of her rusty, worn out Chevy pickup, kept mobile with a roll of duct tape, a large bottle of Elmer’s glue and a shout out to God when needed. When she turns onto Millers Way a narrow two-lane country road, on which Estelle Louise’s home is located, instead of reducing her speed she increases, because she knows the road as well as her favorite song, the Star Spangle Banner.
As Logan and I sat at the intersection between Arrowhead Road and Midway, we waited for a text as the cars flashed past us. That was where we sat in the heated truck, waiting for a girl to give us the go ahead to come pick her up. We were jamming out to “Just What I Needed” by the Cars.
Robert and the remaining African American troops lay waiting anxiously for reinforcements to arrive in the darkness behind a large mound of sand. The air reeked of blood, and gunpowder. Only an occasional breeze from the ocean brought a douse of fresh air. Silhouettes of their fallen comrades in the night could be seen sometimes whenever a cannon was fired an lit the sky for a moment. The ominous fate of death was like a fog surrounding the battle at Fort Wagner.
In the words of Christiaan Huygens “I believe that we do not know anything for certain, but everything probably”(Christiaan Huygens > Quotes). Christiaan huygens made many interesting discoveries that change the way we view space and light around us. Christiaan Huygens was widely recognised as one of the leading important scientist of his time. To really understand how he became so influenced we will start by looking at his early life, education, and work our way to his science impact.
It takes a lot to rip apart a town. It takes a lot to ravage a community, particularly one as tightly-knit as Ridgway, Pennsylvania. Nestled snugly at the southeastern edge of Allegheny National Forest, Ridgway’s population has dipped to just below four thousand in recent years, though in its 191 years of settlement, it’s never once been called home by more than roughly six thousand people at once. Its proximity to the forest attracts huntsmen and hikers alike, but unless one were actively looking for the town—the square mileage of which comes in at just over two and a half miles, total—it would be remarkably easy for Ridgway to not make a blip on someone’s radar at all. It’s small, out of the way, and most of all, quiet—a recipe for insignificance.
I have spent much of my childhood growing up in a small town in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina. This town, Garnett, is the physical embodiment of the phrase “the country.” Winding, unpaved dirt roads carved deep into the earth as if they were forged at the beginning of Earth’s creation. There are lush forests with towering pine trees and spruce trees, riddling the ground beneath them with pinecones and pine needles. The only buildings there is a post office, a mini mart, and an AME church. Every fall crisped evening, towards Thanksgiving, ended with wild turkeys weaving through traffic in the hopes of reaching the safety of the forests before the hunters’ dogs catch wind of their scent.
The story starts with the grandmother trying to manipulate her son into changing the destination of the family's road trip. She attempts to use the newspaper article about the Misfit to persuade her son that the destination she has in mind would be much safer for the everyone. This failed attempt sets the stage for the rest of the adventure, by enlightening the readers to
He stood by the post office for hours trying to attract the attention of every pickup that pulled into the lumberyard, but he had no luck at all. He was making his way back to America when he noticed that someone was on the shoulder of the road up ahead. It was Delaney that was off on the side of the road and Candido froze. As he was thinking about the accident all over again he heard Delaney shout “You
Driving through an abandoned desert in Nevada, Eric Salvatore and his family were frustrated of the long 6 hour non stop drive to their camping site in their small motorhome. Finally stopping at a gas station, Eric and his family leaped with joy as they could finally stretch their legs from the long drive. While Eric filled up his tank, the rest of his family were buying a few things to continue their drive. Charles, the owner of the gas station, gave Eric some new directions so Eric and his family could get to their camp site. “ Hey Eric if you continue on the main road and turn left on the first side road, you will get to your destination faster. Consider it a shortcut,” shouted Charles.
Knowing she wouldn’t answer still he said, “Do you remember me telling you a local contractor built several tract homes east of our house, near Sandy Gap? Well, there are only a few families left the others sold their homes. Something about the screams and lights on Putney Mountain but the people in town didn’t believe them, said it was buyer’s remorse. I never bothered getting acquainted with any of them and I don’t know. Now I’m alone except for Claude, and he’s getting old, I might not have him too much longer. Guess I can’t blame anyone for my shortage of friends.”
“They fought together as brothers¬in¬arms. They died together and now they sleep side by side. To them we have a solemn obligation” (Admiral Chester A. Nimitz). The Great War also known as World War 1 began in 1914 and ended in 1918. There were many causes leading up to this war. Some of the causes were: militarism which made sure that there was an army/navy prepared for war. Alliances allowed countries to work together as one. Imperialism was a way that countries seeked to dominate others. Nationalism was a belief that one remained loyal to their country. On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were assassinated. The same day Austria¬Hungary. Shortly after, other countries became a part of the war because there were countries that were in alliance with those who started the war. The main underlying causes of World War 1 were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism.
Jay Gatsby manipulates other characters. Gatsby fails to love Daisy Buchanan; instead, he “seems committed to an idea of Daisy that he has created rather than to the real woman she is” (Hermanson 1). This idea of Daisy represents the American dream. Flaunting his money, Gatsby attempts to seduce the idea of Daisy rather than Daisy herself. Therefore, Gatsby deceives Daisy.