Expectation for Writing 150 Response Throughout these four pieces there is countless things that are evident and seem to be expected that we, as writers, know how to implicate. All of the writings had a story, something personal and meaningful to the writer that they thought was something they needed to share. They all were personal to some level, some more than others, and most of them taught a lesson. That being said, they all flowed smoothly from one topic to another, making it easy to read and enjoyable. They also had exquisite choices in words, they excluded weak verbs and had precise punctuation. The one piece I particularly enjoyed was called “Scarred” by Brianna Steiner (119-127). This is something I could see myself writing and has a lot of emotional appeal throughout. Her story is very personal and something I think most people can relate to, having a younger sister this piece is very prevalent to me. This piece implicated how simple things we do can affect others and gives us a deeper understanding of how we can take something simple in our lives and turn it into a story, full of detail and entertainment for the reader. Steiner also …show more content…
Within this piece the author describes a GoPro and talks about the many ways it is used. She does this with ease, making a piece that could be dry and boring, easy to read. The author uses many quotes from various authors which support her findings, giving the piece more structure. She also utilizes pictures to keep the reader engaged and excited about the product. She then goes into the pricing (bottom of page 114) and how the product has given armature photographers an upper leg. This allows people using the product to not have to worry about it getting harmed or taking care of it while they practice extreme sports. She entertains the reader, sells the product and also informs the audience all in one short
Recently, 4K video has exploded onto the scene of affordable consumer cameras. The GoPro Hero 4 and iPhone 6s are just two examples of consumer level devices that are capable of recording 4K video. At first glance this technological advancement seems like the perfect solution to videographers who need high-resolution video, but cannot afford a cinematic camera. However, this technology is so new, there has yet to be a comparison between the various levels of devices capable of recording 4K-resolution video. Referring back to my problem statement, the goal of this method is to determine if the GoPro Hero 4 and iPhone 6s are a suitable alternative to a 4K video camcorder. The following is a list of steps taken in order to determine the effectiveness of these two devices.
The essay goes into great detail of his relationship with his father. He describes his father as cruel (65), bitter (65), and beautiful (64). He does mention the bad in length. On the flip side, he tells us some of the good as well. Throughout his storytelling, the reader gets a glimpse into his life and the way he feels. His feelings evolve during the extent of the essay.
Although a memory may deteriorate over the span of years or even decades, a photograph will last a lifetime. Images are more than an object to have for safe keeping. In his article, “We Are A Camera,” Nick Paumgarten discusses the uprising of the popular recording device known as the GoPro. This device is used to record events and experiences from different perspectives, whether that is from underwater or zip lining through a forest in a first-person view. Moreover, videos and photography allow people to capture images to reminisce about past experiences, to share these moments with others, and even remember those whom you have lost.
Over the course of the second semester, many important texts were read. Each short story and poem had their own themes and messages to share. Depending on how you personally read each text, some may stick out more than others, but all just as important as the other. Important as in to each author, their message is significant to themselves. We as a class definitely got a lot of reading of different texts this semester so there were many to choose from that should be considered the most important. The three most important texts of the semester were Carry your own Skis by Lian Dolan, Dreams by Langston Hughes, and The Road not Taken by Robert Frost because they all have very important messages.
Anyone that does any type of sports, or really anything outdoors, needs a GoPro. GoPros produce such a high quality image or video, and they are so small! In this speech I will be talking about the pluses of a GoPro, including its size, amazing Image Quality, and what you can do with it! If you listen to what I say, I am sure you will instantly want to buy a GoPro camera.
Every author has their own unique niche that grabs the reader’s attention and pulls them in. They paint a picture with their words and imagination that allows the reader to go on a journey they never have experienced before. Each author is this way, but within his or her own uniqueness they become significantly different. The uniqueness can rage from early 1800s British authors to twenty-first century authors and they can range author to author. For example, Shel Silverstein is not only a unique author but quirky and fun, he paints wild pictures through the words of his story and takes his readers on an adventure of a lifetime. By reading and analyzing the work of an author you can connect with not only the work but the author themselves, you gain a better understanding and through this understanding you can connect the piece to your own life.
During the entire semester, we viewed and discussed many literary works. We have read Tintern Abbey, No Witchcraft for Sale, To a Mouse, and many other pieces of literary texts that were written by great minds and read by many others. Most pieces, and their authors, were way beyond their time and suffered for their different way of thinking. As the last essay of the semester, we were asked to pick three pieces that we have viewed over the course of the first semester that we consider our favorites. My favorite three pieces are “Death of Ivan Ilyich” by Leo Tolstoy, “Lady of Shalott” by Alfred Lord Tennyson, and “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning.
The Bostonians, by Henry James was a very interesting piece. James' underlying tone for the spiritualism and fascination is clearly a picture of the time when the piece was written. I thought that is played an important influence in his writing. Ruth Hall, by Fanny Fern is an unofficial biography of her own life as a women activist. One of the underlying issues that stand out in her novel is the way that she includes the lower-class women right along with the middle-class. This was not a common ideal shared by all women activists at this time. Both of these underlying issues in these books keep the reader interested it their works.
While analyzing any sort of text it is very important to take a look at purpose and form. From purpose and form a message or moral is thrived which provides a life lesson. Many times readers may overlook the purpose and form of a text, which can cause confusion and misunderstanding when expanding the reading to find a theme. Purpose and form are two critical aspects that are the main contributors to a meaning. This can be seen through “To kill a Mockingbird” written by Harper Lee, as she uses purpose and significantly uses form to create meaning. Furthermore this concept is also present in “King Lear” by William Shakespeare, who majorly utilizes purpose and form to illustrate meaning. While taking a look at these two very famous and well-known
Although each author used different techniques to establish their writings, I found that each of them however were still very effective at getting their points across and creating a well written story. Authors may use different formats, tones, and organize the stories differently but these distinctive differences in their writing are what sets them apart from each
If you’re an action sports lover as well as a GoPro owner, the StabCam might just be the next item on your wish list. The innovative invention is an “action camera stabilizer,” which allows users to capture clear footage when skiing, biking, or snowboarding, among other adrenaline inducing sports. You can now say goodbye to shaky GoPro footage.
After I read his article, I felt he was not attempting to engaging his abilities or points, but rather needing to create an impression. When we expound on something, we must have subject clearly. Then again, picking what to compose is a smidgen diverse undertaking. Their battles in their genuine effortlessly pondered their written work. Mary Shelley utilized this system while she was composing Frankenstein. In Mary Shelley's "enormous eve", I would believe that because of her condition or clashes like maternity, society, and sexuality, she got her motivation for her book at the night. These contentions produced an innovative thought and composed a book amid the dim and miserable night served to compose the endlessly acclaimed novel, Frankenstein.
The new GoPro Hero4 Session could be categorized under a couple types of innovations, a technology breakthrough and a radical innovation. The first type of innovation would be a technology breakthrough or a diversification according to Ansoff’s growth matrix. As a technology breakthrough, the GoPro Hero4 Session is a new product developed for the camera’s primary athletic-based uses, but it is also beginning to enter the market for everyday family activities. The GoPro Hero4 Session is a newly designed and formatted camera that is more compact and easier to operate than the previous models. Because of its cubic shape and simple functions, the Session is much more appealing to children as well as the overall aesthetics appeal for adults. It has a waterproof housing as part of the finished product, which is unlike the separate, attachable waterproof housings for previous cameras. These attributes make the Session a more reliable and entertaining camera for the everyday family activities. Because the GoPro Hero4 Session is a new product, working to enter a new market as the most suitable family camera, it is considered a technology breakthrough or a diversification.
“Writing is a process of balancing our goals with the history of similar kinds of communication, particularly others’ arguments that have been made on the same subject.” (Greene, 29) What is important to take away from this concept? The stylistic presentation of the author’s writing is an insight into Greene’s goals as an anonymous subject to enter the “parlor” of writing as argument, just as this piece I now compose will too. In order to be effective and thorough as writers we must not only offer our opinion into the historical writing “stew”, but base its value from the heart of the writer. Only through genuine diversity in writing process can we become better researchers, sources of inquiry, and yes, even
In week four I chose “The Little Red Hen Tells All” by Margaret Atwood. This was a very strong and humorous poem. If an individual understand what point of view the writer was telling her story from. It creates a sort of independency in the hen who narrates the story. I never understood the message of he who plants the seed reaps the benefits of its increase until my adult years. I now recognize this statement to be true. When the hen stated: “Who will help me plant this grain of wheat?”(1219) and the response was “Not me, Not me.”(1219) I knew she was working alone. When in the end everyone wanted to taste her hard work and growth. Although this was a very short story it had many strong points. A point was well regarded when she gives