To me, Masterminds by Gordon Korman was an amazing adventure, filled with mystery and suspense. Of course my favorite thing in the book was the plot twists. Multiple unexpected events occurred. When everyone was most relaxed, that is when a new surprise popped up. Also, I loved the characters. Eli and his group had so many good qualities, but they also had some bad. This made the story feel realistic. Gordon Korman is truly a fantastic mystery and I hope to read more by him. The author, himself, lives in New York City. He was born in Canada and is currently fifty-two. As the writer of over eighty books for teens and children, I can not wait to see how he progresses in the future. I do recommend this book for eighth graders as the vocab and
I read the Adventure book Michigan Chillers Mayhem on Mackinac Island by Johnathan Rand. This book has 170 pages. According to Amazon a customer said “i love this book SO MUCH! it is the best!” I think that the intended audience for this book is 1st-6th graders because a first grader that is smart can read this book, and a 7th grader would not like this book because it is too easy for them.
I recommend, Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick because it was meaningful. The author did an amazing job making you feel like you were there with the characters. I laughed, cried, and fell in love with them. The connections made with the characters was significant and lasting. It was like I was I right next to Steven encouraging him to continue on. He was such a strong, funny, and loving character. The plot keeps your interest the whole time. One of the biggest challenges occurred on October 7th. What Steven, his brother Jeffrey and his parents didn't know was that this would change everything. I enjoyed this book so much that I would sneakily read it in during different classes. For example, when Jeffrey gets sick I prayed
The Cuckoo’s Egg book is well written by Cliff Stoll. It was something like reading a horror story book. It was creepy, suspense, curiosity and scary too. The hacker every time breaks into a military system seemed to be like a ghost entering into the house and not like a thief. We know thief will definitely when he attacks a home he will for sure grab all things possible for him to steal. But this hacker was not doing just that, he was wandering in the system and making some creepy moves and disappeared. Many a times he would just come and go just to show
I never heard of this book until PRIME. Once I started PRIME I told people about the books I had to read and everyone said that they loved reading this book. Once I heard about the book from a few people I was excited to start reading it. This was probably my favorite book to read so far. This book challenged me to rethink how I go about doing things. As I said before it challenged me to be more bold, and rethink what success meant. It also challenged me to be more persistent. I tend to be a person who if I fail at something I like to go back to something that makes me feel comfortable when the same opportunity comes to
I recommend the book Firestarter because the book has so much excitement. The book also has a lot of mystery. you don’t know what will happen next and you don’t know what happened back in the past. The characters always talk about their past and it explain only a little bit about it. There is so much thrill in the book there is some crazy stuff that happens in the book like how the FBI and CIA follow the dad and daughter. The books excitement is when Andy, the dad, and Charlie, the daughter, were walking down New York late at night and they were being followed. Andy kept trying to get a cab in the middle of the city. When Andy finally got a cab the people who were following him got out the car and tried to stop him from leaving they yelled police stop and Andy told the taxi driver to step on it.
The book that I chose to do is Street Pharm by Allison van Diepen, the book has 297 pages, the reason I chose this book is personally I am tired novels taking place years before I am born. This novel pertains to urban problems and one kids' attempt to survive in the pressures of present day Brooklyn. Within the novel, there are several subplots, one being his love interest, Alyse, and Ty's fight to stay in school. As well as, his fight not to lose money or control of his territory. It is interesting to watch this young man, balance these things in his life and not let them interfere with each other.
It captured my attention from the beginning. I like how the Rand was descriptive words to help me have an image of what was happening in the novel. I like the story line. I like the idea of someone breaking way from everyone else and being different from others. That they are able to think for themselves and that it is ok to be different from others. I also liked how the novel had some romance because I do enjoy romance novels. The Language Police written by Diane Ravitch, I did not quit enjoy the book. I do not really like books like that. I do not recommend this book if you are not interested in how the bias panel chooses stories for children. I do recommend the novel, Anthem. It gives the reader a sense of individualism, there is a story behind
The David Pelzter book I choose was “A Child Called It,” I’d never read it before so I was excited to get into it. A quick Google search found me the PDF of the book and I began reading it immediately. The first thing I noticed was the cover, I knew the book was familiar and instantly remembered seeing it all through my primary and secondary educational settings. I use to read books for fun before I started college, but since starting I had absolutely no real free time, so this assignment was a breathe of fresh air.
Five Flavors of Dumb is one of the greatest books I 've read; probably in my top five. It 's interesting to see music through a deaf person. Like for instance, how she has to feel the beat of the music or how she has to read their lips to know what they are saying is quite cool. I liked how John was able to create writing that makes you feel like you are there with the characters experiencing all their problems and success. John made this story not seem like another boring coming of age story but a unique one with an amazing plot and characters with great back stories. After reading Five Flavors of Dumb, it
The cover of this book caught my eye and I wondered what it was. When I saw it I thought to myself and I said I would give this book a chance. I flipped the book over and I started reading a paragraph about the book. It had a lot of details and it was describing the characters very well. A good book for me is one with a
This novel taught me alot. I loved all of the concepts but practice and purpose had the most effect on me. I will continue to use them in life and never forget
I think that The Name Of This Book Is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch is a very interesting, well thought out book. There are so many elements in the story that make it an amazing book, like the story of it, the enthralling and peculiar characters, the villain's plans, and much more! The storyline of the story gave me many unanswered questions, like at the very beginning, where chapter one is classified and you aren’t allowed to read it because the story is very secret, or at least the author thinks so. The villains in the plot are mysterious and dangerous. For example, the main villain whose name is Ms. Mauvais has plans to find an artifact for immortality, which would cause her to have even more power than she already has, which is saying a
I picked the book called “Find Me” by Romily Bernard, because my favorite genre of books are mystery. I liked how the cover had a face in the background of it, you could tell it was a girl face because of the hair. The cover also had “Find Me” written all over it, so it made the book stand out a lot. My first impression on the book was that it was going to be a good mystery book just by the cover of it. After I looked at the cover, I read the summary inside of the book and it just grabbed my attention it was really good, well written, and it didn’t spoil the book. I also liked the quotes on the back of the book, I thought that was a cool idea. This book keeps you engaged and wanting to know more.
“Do you think we’ll be safe in here?” Pep asked her brother. ”Every time we go off without Mom and Dad,something happens.” (163). This book “The genius Files Never Say Genius” by Dan Gutman is a realistic fiction book.This point of view is third person omniscent, because they reveal all of their feelings,but they also describe what´s happening around them. This is action packed with 304 pages that descirbes everything that is happening.
I really enjoyed the book because I love reading very interesting and right at the