Have you ever wondered about gorillas? A gorilla is a very strong built great ape with a large head and short neck. Gorillas are the largest member of the primate family. Gorillas are quiet, shy, peaceful, and live in central Africa and tropical rainforests. Several thousand years ago, gorillas split from its closest relative the chimpanzees. There are four types of gorillas, being Eastern lowland, Western lowland, mountain, and cross river gorillas. Ecology is how organism interact with one another and the environment. It is the study of relationships between two living organisms.
The theory was that gorillas were just one species, but gradually changed as they spread and adapted to different habitats. Gorillas are non-territorial and live in groups called “troops” or “bands” that usually consist of one to four adult males, a few females, and their young. When the young matures, they go off and join or form another troop. The oldest and strongest adult males are called silverbacks, which are dominant in the troop. They were given this name because of the known silver-colored hair on their backs. This silver-colored hair is developed through maturity of the gorilla, you can usually begin to see this when the male is over 12 years of age. Silverbacks are more aggressive than any other group member, since the troops’ safety is their responsibility. Even when resources are limited the male receives the dominant portion of the food. The Silverback makes all the groups
With only two hundred and fifty to three hundred left, the critically endangered Cross River Gorilla roams the African forests while on the brink of extinction (Save Our Species). Africa has many populations of primates that are at the least endangered, and the Cross River Gorilla is the closest to extinction and the least studied due to the rarity of observing them. (Save Our Species). These gorillas are confined to small, mountainous areas that have been separated over and over again by fragmentation, furthermore ruining the needed social aspect of the groups and need for vast land (Imong, I., & Robbins, M.), (Save Our Species) The increased hunting and fragmentation of these Gorilla’s habitats has caused a large problem with how the
-Bonobo’s display a varied degree of sexual dimorphism, which is a characteristic specific to either male or female sex. When comparing the two sexes, males are more muscular and hold an average weight of 95 pounds compared to an average of 82 pounds and a slighter built female, a 15 percent weight difference between them. Sexual dimorphism is also apparent in that males possess a unique dental trait, long canines, a feature that females lack. Both sexes are similar in that neither has a height advantage, averaging 2.3 to 3 feet in height. (Waal 24) Bonobo’s possess long, fine black hair covering most of the body and black colored hands and feet. Their black faces feature wide, thick walled nostrils and long black facial hair that often covers their small ears. Their head hair
There are many wild animals in the world are in danger. The mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) are one of the most threatened species in the world that inherited from monkeys (Macaca Fascicularis) and apes (Hominoidea), which was found in Africa and Arabia about 34-24 millions years ago. Mountain gorillas are Animalia, which phylum is Chordata and class of Mammalia. The mountain gorilla is a subspecies of eastern gorilla, which live in two regions in Africa. There are three countries where mountain gorillas live. They are Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. According to National geographic, there are about 700 mountain gorillas remaining in the earth and half of them live in a Virunga mountains in central Africa. In average, they live about 35 years; the standing height of a mountain gorilla is between 4-6 feet. They’re weight usually between 300-485 pounds and they are bit larger than other type of gorillas. Mountain gorilla usually live in a group and head of their group is called ‘silverback’ that is an adult male who grow a patch of silver hair on their back and hips. However, when dominant silverback die, the whole group face hard time to regroup themselves. Female gorilla usually becomes sexually mature before male gorilla. At the age of 7-8 female gorillas become sexually active, however they started to breed few years later. On the other hand, male gorilla starts
Before I get started on the arguments some information needs to be provided first. Silverback gorillas are protectors of their group. These specific gorillas are extremely affectionate and take care of one another. Almost like humans and the “mama/papa bear” instincts that our parents have. They are also very loving animals and will not make or cause harm if it is not necessary. When silverbacks feel that them or their group is in danger they will try to get rid of the intruder by
The Gorilla beringei beringei or mountain gorilla, was first discovered on October 17th 1902, by a German officer named Captain Robert von Beringe (Berggorilla and Direkthilfe, 2002). Mountain gorillas play a large role in it’s particular ecosystem through consumption the gorillas control and maintain vegetation that is vital for a healthy environment not only for the primate but also other species that live in the environment as well. Since the discovery of the mountain gorilla much fascination has been drawn toward the species. However, the gentle creature’s population has had a sharp decline from Rwanda’s belief in sumu, poaching, human disease, and unregulated tourism. In efforts to revive the species population from extinction, persistent activism through worldly foundations are helping protect the mountain gorilla species.
Gentle, peaceful & shy are the words that describe gorillas. Gorillas in the mountains & eastern lowland areas are totally vegetarian & eat leaves, fruits, & stems like bamboo. On the other hand, gorillas in the Western lowlands eat small invertebrates & insects apart from plants. It’s anticipated that approximately 80% of gorilla population’s extinct, because of the destruction of their habitat, humans hunting them down & diseases as a result of Ebola
The bonobos are also the only group of apes to be led by females. They live in a group of about 100 members. Bonobos are known to be one of the most peaceful animals, for example, if they come into contact with another monkey they will play with it and groom it.
Gorillas are ground dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests in central Africa. They are the largest living primates by physical size. They are highly similar and are the next closest living relatives of humans after the chimpanzees and bonobos. The genus Gorilla is divided into two species: the western and eastern gorillas.
Gorillas are the largest group of primates and although they are known as being bipedal, similar to humans and other primates, they often use knuckle walking to move around. On observation, they have seems to have a more robust front appearance than their hind legs and behind. Their cranium is taller than other primates and lower mandible more protruding than their snout. They also have human-like ears that are parallel to their eyes and are small in size. They have
I observed a type of Ape known as the Western Lowland Gorilla. The scientific name for a Gorilla is the Gorilla gorilla. Gorillas are the largest of all living primates and at native to west central Africa. Gorillas exhibit sexual dimorphism within their species because males are very obviously much larger than females. The size of the gorillas came across very intimating and gave me an off impression of what this specie was actually going to be like. While observing the gorillas I noticed that these creatures are very slow, lethargic primates. Gorillas move quadrupedally by putting weight down on their arms and knuckles as they walk. They have hands and opposable thumbs, like humans, and are able to grasp things with a better grip. When Gorillas need to reach above themselves such as for leaves or branches they are able to stand on both legs while reaching. While resting Gorillas sit on their bottoms, legs to the side in a similar position that humans do. When resting I noticed that sometimes Gorillas like to take advantage of the moment by self grooming, using their hands. Gorillas usually have an herbivore diet but eat occasional insects. Due to their large body structure it is harder for them move around quickly so they do not need to eat foods that contain as much nutrients and proteins as smaller,
The weather of my first visit was 48/41᷾⁰ F, cloudy and there was a lot of wind and humidity. I came around 11:40 am and left at 1:21 pm. My second visit the weather was 37/36⁰ F, it drizzle, was mostly cloudy and there was a lot of humidity but not a lot windy. All of my observations include a 20 minutes observation of each primate as it cohabitated with other primates and with other members of its own species. My findings will support the research of Western Lowland Gorilla and Cotton-Top Tamarin through firsthand
I am now going to tell you what I learned while at the zoo and I will start that with the gorilla’s social behaviors. First off the gorillas were in the back of the park in the Ford African Rain Forest. Ford Company sponsors this area and they actually named one of the gorillas, Henry Ford. The first group I observed was the Bachelor’s and only two were out that you could see but three is apart of the yard. Their names are Stadi, Kekla, and Charlie. The two that were showing any social interest was Kekla and Charlie according to the volunteer but all they did was either sit down or move from branch to branch and sit again. I decided to move on after about ten minutes and that is when I saw Taz’s group. This group was constantly moving around, playing, “being rough”, climbing on rock figures set up for them in the exhibit, eating leaves, or relaxing in the sunshine. Henry Ford is also apart of Taz’s group. Gorillas live in families of two to twenty members, with usually one being male and the rest female and offspring. This is exactly the case with Taz’s group. There is nine altogether and I will list them from oldest to youngest: Kuchi, Taz, Kudzoo, Sukari, Lulu, Kazi, Macy B, Henry, and Merry Leigh (Willie B’s granddaughter). Within that group Taz is the only male other than Henry who is his offspring. Since these gorillas
With the extinction of many animals and the changing environment due to human activities, conservation methods should be put into action to save the earth and its residents. With so many negative things happening to the environment it is possible that the earth and its resources could run out in the next few generations. One species, the mountain gorillas, contribute greatly to the well being of the earth and needs to be saved. Being the destroyers of the earth, I believe that it our duty to find a way repent for our negligence to our neighbors and environment.
Have you ever wondered about gorillas? A gorilla is a very strong built great ape with a large head and short neck. Gorillas are the largest member of the primate family. Gorillas are quiet, shy, peaceful, and live in central Africa and tropical rainforests. Several thousand years ago, gorillas split from its closest relative the chimpanzees. There are four types of gorillas, being Eastern lowland, Western lowland, mountain, and cross river gorillas. Ecology is how organism interact with one another and the environment. It is the study of relationships between two living organisms.
Beginning with the most intelligent of the bunch, the (western lowland) gorillas I observed were quite inactive. This is certainly so because they are known to only be hunted by man leaving no competition outside of their own species. This fact makes it apparent why these kings of the jungle sit around so often. In the wild and even in zoos it may be difficult for a male to find mates because groups of gorillas are POLYGYNOUS. So usually one male is the father of all of the offspring. Being this way, male gorillas must display DOMINANCE over others and even stand their ground against an incoming male that may threaten the family. Going back to how they sit all day, gorillas are able to do this because they don’t even have to move to replenish energy for the reason that they are grass and leaf eaters (vegetarians). Not having to move very much makes gorillas capable of having a low-quality diet.