
Gorillas: Diet and Eating Habits

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Have you ever wondered about gorillas? A gorilla is a very strong built great ape with a large head and short neck. Gorillas are the largest member of the primate family. Gorillas are quiet, shy, peaceful, and live in central Africa and tropical rainforests. Several thousand years ago, gorillas split from its closest relative the chimpanzees. There are four types of gorillas, being Eastern lowland, Western lowland, mountain, and cross river gorillas. Ecology is how organism interact with one another and the environment. It is the study of relationships between two living organisms.
The theory was that gorillas were just one species, but gradually changed as they spread and adapted to different habitats. Gorillas are non-territorial and live in groups called “troops” or “bands” that usually consist of one to four adult males, a few females, and their young. When the young matures, they go off and join or form another troop. The oldest and strongest adult males are called silverbacks, which are dominant in the troop. They were given this name because of the known silver-colored hair on their backs. This silver-colored hair is developed through maturity of the gorilla, you can usually begin to see this when the male is over 12 years of age. Silverbacks are more aggressive than any other group member, since the troops’ safety is their responsibility. Even when resources are limited the male receives the dominant portion of the food. The Silverback makes all the groups

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