
Gospel Of Mark Reason

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The Gospel of Mark – Three Reasons to Study The Gospel of Mark written by John Mark around mid to late 60’s is the shortest yet possibly the most interesting of all four Gospels. It contains the narrative history, sermons, and parables of Jesus Christ in just sixteen quick chapters. And according to some instructors and authors it also has the most miracles of Christ within its pages.
Three reasons for a student of the Bible to consider studying, not just reading the Gospel of Mark is one, the key word in Mark is “Immediately” which is used frequently causing the reader to move from one account to the next rapidly.
Two, unlike Luke and Matthew who begin their accounts of the Gospel with the events surrounding the birth of the Jesus, Mark …show more content…

We read in Mark 1:22 that “They were astonished at his teachings,” “they were all amazed,” Mark 1:27; “they were utterly astounded” Mark 6:51; “the disciples were amazed at his words,” Mark 10:24. The Bible student can take the example from our Lord who came here with purpose, to save the lost.
The purpose of the Gospel of Mark is to show that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God who was sent to suffer and to serve in order to rescue and restore mankind. It is widely recognized that the theme of this Gospel comes out chapter ten and verse forty-five, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
In the third point we answer the question, why would these short writings be so well noted and recognized? And this is answered with the theme verse as it paints a picture of how Mark describes our Lord. Mark displays both Jesus’ divinity and his humanity. For example, Mark tells us that Jesus is “the carpenter” Mark 6:3. Matthew softens it a bit by saying that Jesus is the “carpenter’s son” Matthew 13:55. Mark even tells us about Jesus’ emotions. Jesus was moved with “compassion” Mark 6:34; he “sighed” Mark 7:34; 8:12; he “marveled” at the unbelief of his own people Mark 6:6; “he looked”

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